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Thread: Test E & Winstrol(oral)

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    i feel ya man on the legs. Keep going i am running a sim cycle starting feb 1st except prop and winni tabs. Keep it up.

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    australia, melbourne
    keep at it and make that gym your bitch

  3. #43
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    Ok I pinned for the 7th time yesterday in my left shoulder. Feel a discomfort in the shoulder today, but nothing to write home about. Weight is up 4lbs, as of now no bloat, acne or gyno. Arms are definelty bigger by 1/4 inch. I did triceps yesterday and my strength was up in skullcrushers by 15lbs. I'm very excited about this week since everyone says the feel it at this point(week4) although I've been feeling some effects since week 2. That's it for now.

  4. #44
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    Quick update. Looks like the itchyness went away, good ridance. On another note, libido is crazy high. I'm in a relationship and the level of restraint I have to exercise in order not to hump everything on site requires lots of meditation and This is one of the hardest things to do and should be included as a side effect. The smallest thing triggers sex into your brain.

  5. #45
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    Pinned in my left glute today in the morning, no pain. That's my 8th injection now. My chest workout was awesome. I was able to do 6 reps with 100lbs dumbells which has never happened before. Not only that but I was moving weight around like it was nothing. I look very different already. Will put up some pics in 2 weeks.

  6. #46
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    Aug 2009
    How about your sex life?
    I mean, are you always horny or not?
    My wife wants to know!!!... since I am next on test.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    How about your sex life?
    I mean, are you always horny or not?
    My wife wants to know!!!... since I am next on test.
    I'm horny 24/7. Went on holiday for new years, I found out that test makes you into a **** machine. I've never really had the stamina, energy, or lust to keep banging a women for 2 hours, but it was easily done and I could also go for longer, not to mention how many times I could ejaculate during the day.

    Your wife will be a happy woman, count on it. You should pray that your gear is real though haha, you'll know though. If you ain't horny after the test should have kicked in then you know your gear is bunk.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    How about your sex life?
    I mean, are you always horny or not?
    My wife wants to know!!!... since I am next on test.
    BJJ let me tell you. Have some sort of outlet( aka girlfriend, wife, sex friend) when you get on. It started gradually from week 2 and increased all the way to week 4. I find myself constantly looking for porn. The smallest of things will trigger sex in your head. All my dreams are sexual and they feel very real. My gf is 9 months pregnant about to give birth in a couple of weeks so I'm screwed for a little while. I will not cycle again till she's back in shape and willing because it's too much My libido is pretty high normally you could ask her but this is too much. Again if you have outlets great if not then it should be considered a side effect.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiki View Post
    I'm horny 24/7. Went on holiday for new years, I found out that test makes you into a **** machine. I've never really had the stamina, energy, or lust to keep banging a women for 2 hours, but it was easily done and I could also go for longer, not to mention how many times I could ejaculate during the day.

    Your wife will be a happy woman, count on it. You should pray that your gear is real though haha, you'll know though. If you ain't horny after the test should have kicked in then you know your gear is bunk.
    Well, good to know, you gave me the answer I was waiting for.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aizen Sosuke View Post
    BJJ let me tell you. Have some sort of outlet( aka girlfriend, wife, sex friend) when you get on. It started gradually from week 2 and increased all the way to week 4. I find myself constantly looking for porn. The smallest of things will trigger sex in your head. All my dreams are sexual and they feel very real. My gf is 9 months pregnant about to give birth in a couple of weeks so I'm screwed for a little while. I will not cycle again till she's back in shape and willing because it's too much My libido is pretty high normally you could ask her but this is too much. Again if you have outlets great if not then it should be considered a side effect.
    Unless one's wife is a sex machine!

  11. #51
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    5 weeks have gone now and I'm exactly at 180lbs. That's 5lbs since the start so 1lb a week. I've never been at this weight with the current level of definition. No bloat, acne, gyno or any other sides whatsoever. Strength is still climbing progressively. I was doing 8 reps of dumbell shoulder press with 75lbs dumbells. My previous best on that one was 65lbs for 6 reps. Injections are painless and uneventful so I didn't feel any need to update everytime I pinned. My arms are 3/8 of an inch bigger, so I'm almost at 16 1/2 ; waist is still same at 32 inches; quads are at 24 inches that's a 1/2 inch increase. I've noted minor shrinkage in the testicles and had to adjust diet a little because I was getting a little hungry. Nothing else to add.

    Hey BJJ when are you gonna jump on yours and have you decided what to do yet?

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aizen Sosuke View Post
    5 weeks have gone now and I'm exactly at 180lbs. That's 5lbs since the start so 1lb a week. I've never been at this weight with the current level of definition. No bloat, acne, gyno or any other sides whatsoever. Strength is still climbing progressively. I was doing 8 reps of dumbell shoulder press with 75lbs dumbells. My previous best on that one was 65lbs for 6 reps. Injections are painless and uneventful so I didn't feel any need to update everytime I pinned. My arms are 3/8 of an inch bigger, so I'm almost at 16 1/2 ; waist is still same at 32 inches; quads are at 24 inches that's a 1/2 inch increase. I've noted minor shrinkage in the testicles and had to adjust diet a little because I was getting a little hungry. Nothing else to add.

    Hey BJJ when are you gonna jump on yours and have you decided what to do yet?
    Happy for you to see you are doing fine and obtaining good results without sides.

    Regarding my next cycle, the choice is between one of these two:

    Week 1-10 Testosterone Propionate (Propiobolic) 70 mg ed (490 ew)
    Week 1-10 Mesterolone (Proviron) 75 mg ed
    Week 3-10 HCG 125 iu e3d
    Week 5-10 Oxandrolone (Oxanabolic) 60 mg ed
    Week 11-14 Clomid 100/100/50/50
    Week 11-14 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

    Arimidex on hand.

    Week 1-8 Oxandrolone (Oxanabolic) 80 mg ed
    Week 1-8 Testosterone Enanthate 250 mg ew (125x2)
    Week 1-10 Mesterolone (Proviron) 75 mg ed
    Week 11-13 Clomid 100/50/50
    Week 11-14 Nolvadex 40/20/20/20

    It depends how busy I will be in the following weeks and accordingly I choose the cycle.
    Last edited by BJJ; 01-20-2010 at 04:40 AM.

  13. #53
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    I like the first one and I think you will too. I'd just change the prop to 50mg/day or 100mg/eod since you've never used test before. That's the equivalent of test e at 500 a week which most begginers start with. Either way I'll stay posted because I'm very intrested in your thoughts specially in regards to mesterolone.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aizen Sosuke View Post
    I like the first one and I think you will too. I'd just change the prop to 50mg/day or 100mg/eod since you've never used test before. That's the equivalent of test e at 500 a week which most begginers start with. Either way I'll stay posted because I'm very intrested in your thoughts specially in regards to mesterolone.
    I will take your suggestions into account, thanks.

  15. #55
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    Pinned myself today but decided to rest from the gym because girlfriend went into labor. Our baby David came with no problems and the mother is in great shape. As far as I'm concerned I'm at 181lbs so I keep gaining a pound a week, which is weird because it's happening like clockwork. I also just found out I have to buy more test e since I only have enough for 9 weeks. No biggy I'll go ahead and buy the next cycle while I'm at it. Oh well I'll be back in the gym tomorrow. Go Jets

  16. #56
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    ...and welcome David.

  17. #57
    Join Date
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    congratulations on the new edition to your family!

    keep up the great log, keen to see how your progressing mate. im on week 3 of my cycle and experiencing similar gains to you (im on test e & deca).

  18. #58
    Join Date
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    the log is great. im excited for ya and your new max's, its a great feeling to be able to do more then you ever have. keep it up

  19. #59
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    Thanks guys, the baby is good. So much for the Jets though. So back to the cycle. I'm in the middle of week 7, weight is hovering around 181-182lbs, but arms grew to 16.5 . I ordered more test e to finish this cycle to 10 weeks and went ahead and got the next cycle as well. It'll be awhile since i use it but it's good to have it on hand. BJJ you are gonna like my second cycle it'll be test prop , npp and anavar or winstrol depending on my current experience with winstrol, which btw starts next week. I'll have to adjust diet a bit since I don't feel like growing more but rather cut down on body fat more. And maybe increase cardio. We'll see how the rest of this week goes before making decisions. Here are some of my lifts improvements to give you an idea of the strength increase
    Dumbell Shoulder Press 65lbs/6reps to 80lbs/8reps
    Bench Press 225lbs/6reps to 245lbs/8reps
    Dumbell Bench Press 85lbs/6reps to 100lbs/6reps

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aizen Sosuke View Post
    Thanks guys, the baby is good. So much for the Jets though. So back to the cycle. I'm in the middle of week 7, weight is hovering around 181-182lbs, but arms grew to 16.5 . I ordered more test e to finish this cycle to 10 weeks and went ahead and got the next cycle as well. It'll be awhile since i use it but it's good to have it on hand. BJJ you are gonna like my second cycle it'll be test prop , npp and anavar or winstrol depending on my current experience with winstrol, which btw starts next week. I'll have to adjust diet a bit since I don't feel like growing more but rather cut down on body fat more. And maybe increase cardio. We'll see how the rest of this week goes before making decisions. Here are some of my lifts improvements to give you an idea of the strength increase
    Dumbell Shoulder Press 65lbs/6reps to 80lbs/8reps
    Bench Press 225lbs/6reps to 245lbs/8reps
    Dumbell Bench Press 85lbs/6reps to 100lbs/6reps


  21. #61
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    regarding your cycle.. why not take stanozolol week1-12? is week9-12 the right thing? or it depends?

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by mysixpackabs View Post
    regarding your cycle.. why not take stanozolol week1-12? is week9-12 the right thing? or it depends?
    you only get one liver

  23. #63
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    so test kicked in week four OP you recon?

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    so test kicked in week four OP you recon?
    I felt stamina and libido increase in week 3 but strength and size started coming around weeks 4 or 5. I love your avatar dude

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aizen Sosuke View Post
    you only get one liver
    3wks is enough? i've read that winstrol will kick in 6wks

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by mysixpackabs View Post
    3wks is enough? i've read that winstrol will kick in 6wks
    9-12 will make it 4 weeks but either way winstrol both oral and injectable are active within 24hrs. 6 weeks is the maximum amount of time you should run it given its hepatoxic level. Stay posted though. I've never used it.

  27. #67
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    sounds like your doing great, keep it up. Im w/ you on the gf, not up for debate.

  28. #68
    dude, keep it up. i am on my 3rd week of my Test E only cycle. i have a shit ton of Winstrol (oral). i have the same goal as you (clean bulk; lose bf%). maybe i should go ahead and run it at week 9-12 as well?

    i am definitely noticing the strength gains! bench is up to 215x5 reps, deads 255x5 reps, just started squatting again this week (was recovering from ankle injury). chest, traps, and back definitely look better too. can't wait for this stuff to hit full steam after week 4!

  29. #69
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    Ok I pinned for the 16th time today and jumped on winstrol. Weight is at a solid 183lbs, so 8lbs in 8 weeks of test e with arimidex so far. I'm close to my goal for the last 4 weeks, just 2 more pounds to go and trim down some on body fat%. Still no sides but then again I've been using an AI since week 2. BJJ I've been looking for var for my next on but it's just way too expensive man. I had never looked into it before. I guess it'll be winny again

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aizen Sosuke View Post
    Ok I pinned for the 16th time today and jumped on winstrol. Weight is at a solid 183lbs, so 8lbs in 8 weeks of test e with arimidex so far. I'm close to my goal for the last 4 weeks, just 2 more pounds to go and trim down some on body fat%. Still no sides but then again I've been using an AI since week 2. BJJ I've been looking for var for my next on but it's just way too expensive man. I had never looked into it before. I guess it'll be winny again
    Watch out for your tendons!

  31. #71
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    have you experienced any bloat or water retention you feel? or is the arimidex doing the job?

  32. #72
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    No bloat or water retention as of yet.

  33. #73
    Join Date
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    dude great log, and congrats on David!!!
    i will be following. im jumping on test e and winny in few weeks so, im eager to see how your body responds to the winwin..
    good luck bro keep the logs coming!!

  34. #74
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    Thanks dude. Today I was able to put up the 110lbs dumbells for 6 reps in the bench press, TWICE. Everyone was looking around like Keep in mind I'm a small guy by your standards(5'9" and 183lbs) and that's quite a lot of weight. I guess there's no hiding it anymore.

  35. #75
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    Im 5'7 and only 151 lbs...and i can put up the 80's with almost never training on them :> But do have state record in Bench from High School at 122lbs. did 245.

    Just bustin balls here...nice post!

    Ive gained 8lbs just on diet my first week....i think i should have had this diet and lifting regiment for a while before i started...i think i could have gotten really big. I started at 143 on monday!

    Do you like the winstrol (injectible) or primo better?
    I've got both and would like to run one or the other next time last 6 weeks.

  36. #76
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    any pics

  37. #77
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    Yeah BJpenn. I removed my starting pic but I'll repost it next week along with a current one. Not much to update except I feel a little oily and stronger. Muscles are getting pumped rather easy from daily stuff. Weight is still the same, I was able to shoulder press 205lbs for 7 reps yesterday with a barbell which is quite a lot in my book. Nothing else for now.

  38. #78
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    i saw the starting pic just want to see your progress.

  39. #79
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    pic pls

  40. #80
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    Pics will be up tomorrow guys. With the baby, and a new job I haven't had nearly as much time to post here, however training and diet are still at a high level.

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