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Thread: oral v. needle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    oral v. needle

    Looking to start my first cycle now im starting my research and i'm looking to just get some information of what is safer so-to-speak. needle or oral. I have a small fear of needle but i have a friend who says that after the first few times you actually start to like it. But, is the results or dangers any different between oral and needle?

    thanks, sorry if its a newbie question, could use all the help i can get at this point.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Oral steroids are going to be more liver toxic than inject. There are many different types of both and each type has it's own set of dangers or benefits. Go to the steroid profile section and read through all the profiles. This will make you more familiar with each type, pros, cons, common dosages, length of cycle and what they should be used for. As far as needles go everybody has there own feeling about them. Personally I love injecting!

    What are your goals? How is your diet? How do you train?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by tag37 View Post
    Looking to start my first cycle now im starting my research and i'm looking to just get some information of what is safer so-to-speak. needle or oral. I have a small fear of needle but i have a friend who says that after the first few times you actually start to like it. But, is the results or dangers any different between oral and needle?

    thanks, sorry if its a newbie question, could use all the help i can get at this point.
    pinning is by far safer.

  4. #4
    If you plan on using steroids you will have to get used to needles.

    You could get away with a dbol only cycle your first time round but it is not recommended as you loose a lot of the gains.

    What are your stats? age, weight, bodyfat, training experience etc.

    The more info you give the more we can help you.

  5. #5
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    Squating at the Curl Rack
    In my honest opinion, you should NEVER run an oral only cycle. It will shut down your natural testosterone production and you will have a very sh*tty cycle, not to mention your penis wont work. Test only comes in injections (well unless you can fork out $1000 a week for the tablet form, which is very rare too) and i would HIGHLY recommend you use at lease 100mg of any test ester a week and then run what ever compound you want on-top of that. Injections are relatively safer as they dont necesarily have to endure that first pass through the liver and hence wont damage your liver too much.

    All steroids will be dangerous if you don't use them properly with proper research!
    What steroids where you after using? What are your full stats, age, height, weight, training exp, diet macros, calories, goals, etc etc.

  6. #6
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by CaliPhotog View Post
    Oral steroids are going to be more liver toxic than inject. There are many different types of both and each type has it's own set of dangers or benefits. Go to the steroid profile section and read through all the profiles. This will make you more familiar with each type, pros, cons, common dosages, length of cycle and what they should be used for. As far as needles go everybody has there own feeling about them. Personally I love injecting!

    What are your goals? How is your diet? How do you train?
    well put

    IMO if you have no desire to put on any size and just want some strength and some lean gains then anavar might be good which is an oral...other than that there arnt many orals id recommend running solo with out test

    now if your looking to put on some size either a lot or a little test is the king and your diet will be the main factor on how you want your cycle to go. pinning really isnt that bad at all

  7. #7
    IMO....Test injects are the basis for any cycle that I've been happy with. Orals are harder on the liver due to the process required (digestion and passage) but can be a nice compliment to a cycle. If you're really trying to ease into it, to relieve any apprehensions, you could go with Andriol. It's expensive to dose correctly but it is Test.

    Whatever you use remember to have PCT lined up before you do anything. THE most important part of any cycle to not only retain some gains but also to try to maintain your body's health and return it (hopefully) to normal.


  8. #8
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    I'm turning 20 in may, im 6ft, 201-205 it really changes like every day, i've been lifting since jr high now, so makes it around 7 years or so that i've been in the gym constantly, i've tried all of the different BS products that any nutrition store would be happy to sell me etc. with mediocre gains and never really anything that i feel like feel like my money was worth spending on. Which is why im turning to this website to get more information etc.

    my diet, i would guess probably around 2500 calories? im not really sure i have added it up butit differs sometimes. I have been living on my own now for about a year so i can actually control my diet, and i have been eating generally oats for breakfast, anytime i can snack some kind of powerbar, lunch/or/dinner would be grilled tilapia / or grilled chicken thats really all i buy. other than that i always have protein shake about twice a day.

    body fat.... i'd say maybe 15%-20% i really can't guess to be honest i can see my abs but my thighs aren't as muscular as they should be so i feel i have alot of fat there. so on that subject i can't really give a good estimate.

    As for what i was considering using, im not entirely sure, i've been told that just some simple test e, and dbol for 8 weeks would be good as a starter cycle, i think i can get over the needle thing its just i wanted to know if it was generally safer and by the previous posts it seems like it is.

    so thanks, and anymore help would be greatly appreciated.

  9. #9
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    forgot to mention how i train, i usually work out about 5 times a week sometimes 4 depending on how work goes, i start off with a little cardio for maybe like 20mins wether basketball or tredmill/bike etc, then depending on what day i workout my upper body/ lower for about an hour to an hour and a half

  10. #10
    I’m not confident your diet and train are spot on. And if they are not in check then steroids are not going to do you any good.

    I recommend going to the diet section and pick up everything you can there, you should know how many grams of protein, carbs and fat you are taking in each day.
    Get that sorted first then we can help you with a cycle

  11. #11
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    I understand i need to work on my diet that is something i can fix. I just started this post to get a kickstart on some basic info so i can maybe get headed into a direction where i can look deeper into it.

    Im not sure my training schedule can change, wether i need to workout for a longer period of time or not i doubt that can change, obviously the types of lifts will change, but about my training, are you saying that its insufficient in how often / duration?

    My daily protein intake is probably around 350g of protein, with about 40g of fat maybe a tad more. i didn't mean to sound like i didn't have a diet plan at all, but i just don't count it to the minicule point because i can't always eat the exact same amount day to day.

  12. #12
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    and sitting around 3000 calories a day give or take

  13. #13
    My apologies from your last post it sounded like your diet was a bit sloppy and I assumed perhaps your train is too.
    350g of protein is good for a 200-205lbs guy, it seems your diet is in check.
    If you need advice on training feel free to post it and we’ll help you out with that too.
    As far as steroids go a test only cycle is recommended.
    10-12 weeks of test e 500mg a week (2*250mg shot one on Monday one on Thursday for example)

  14. #14
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    now about 10-12 weeks, i've read that 8 week cycles are the preferred because 8weeks+ and your gains start to slow down signifcantly?

    as for a training routine, im not going to say i have any idea on how to target each muscle group like a professional. but i work upperbody chest/traps monday. bicep/tricep lats, on tuesday, wednesday i do squats, a calf machine we have at the gym. thursday off, then either friday or saturday sometimes both i can workout, if i get the chance i do back / lowerback. and i always throw in other things if im feeling energetic after my workouts. I also do 3 sets of abs everyday and pushups between stations ( kinda a habit coming out of football doing pushups for like 6 years solid)

  15. #15
    An 8 week cycle would be fine with a short ester like test prop which kicks in much faster than test e but test prop requires every day or every other day injections and test prop also has a little sting to it.

    Stick with test e for your first cycle, only 2 injections a week and no pain. It takes about 4-5 weeks to really kickin so running for 8 weeks does not give you the full benefit of the long ester. 10 weeks minimum for test e i'd say.

  16. #16
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    thanks for the help, that was the basic cycle i assumed beginners would take, any tips about my workout routine or if i should change it up any

  17. #17
    You should really move over to the workout section to discuss this, if you start a thread in there you’ll get a lot better info but to give you a quick reply you should stick to heavy compound movements to bulk up.

    Squats, deadlifts, bench press, shoulder press, pull-ups etc.

  18. #18
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    thanks a ton, i appreciate you giving me a hand.

  19. #19
    No prob mate, that's why we have the forum. Keep reading and pic up all the info you can on diet, training then for your cycle make sure you have AI's on hand and a good PCT planned.

  20. #20
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    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by tag37 View Post
    Looking to start my first cycle now im starting my research and i'm looking to just get some information of what is safer so-to-speak. needle or oral. I have a small fear of needle but i have a friend who says that after the first few times you actually start to like it. But, is the results or dangers any different between oral and needle?

    thanks, sorry if its a newbie question, could use all the help i can get at this point.
    Seriously, relax about needles. NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE had more issues with them than I did.

    It's different when you are the one holding the needle, I promise.

  21. #21
    Big's Avatar
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    19 years old and 15-20%bf?
    you should not use any steroids yet.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Big, I was just giving a range considering I have never checked my BF% ... I could possibly upload a picture later so maybe someone could guess on it?

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