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Thread: HGH for recovery

  1. #1

    HGH for recovery

    I am 28 yrs old and i am considering taking a 4 month cycle of HGH for injury purposes. I blew out my knee about 1.5 yrs ago, had ACL, MCL and meniscus reconstruction. I did an agressive rehab and about 6 months ago developed minor arthiritis in the knee. It constantly hurts and am constantly applying joint medicines and taking joint supplements but doesnt get any better. My question is will HGH help in this matter and if so is a 4 month supply enough to make worth my while? I am in great shape, 215 lbs, 6' tall and 12% bodyfat, well muscle toned, so any "side benefits" i may get would be welcomed as well, but my main reason is for recovery purposes. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    i think HG will generally help you on recovery and 4 months sounds good.
    You should not exceed 5IU per day (for your 215lbs) and you should NOT have a day off.
    Also split your dose 2,5IU morning + 2,5 evening.
    This is my personal opinion

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I broke my wrist a few months ago and had surgery on it, but the pain is still there. Not where I broke the bone, but everywhere else around my wrist. I'm guessing it is the ligaments and tendons though, would HGH help this at all?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I think 4 months too short. It took me about 6 months before I started noticing the lack of joint pains. I've had the same knee construction 34 years ago so I've been bone to bone in my knee for a long time. About 6 months into my HGH usage I noticed that my knee didn't hurt anymore and that I got better range of motion. Then a month ago I got so cocky that I did a HARD speed and agility workout. Now my darn knee's back to being sore. Moral of the story? HGH will help but you will never be the same again.

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