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Thread: Sus 250 ALONE Good enought for 1st user?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Thumbs up Sus 250 ALONE Good enought for 1st user?

    Hello u big rock hard anabolic freeks

    I wanted to know if Sustanon 250 ALONE would give me result, planing to take 500/week for 8 weeks maby 10 ..
    but this is the first cycle ever , i never taken steroids befor, I did gain 30 pounds in 3 months last year with just CELL TECH and NITRO TECH
    and Hella good Food!
    Now , well i want more strenth more muscle i wana be like Incredible ulk but without the green skin know what I mean?
    hehe no but seriously.. i been reding alot, and havent found someone just using sus and liked it..
    also could anyone plz refer me to a nice Bulking Diet .. i did some resurch but havent found anything i could understand.. im just starting to understand the bobybuilding language ..
    thanks alot ya big boogers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    I did sustanon my very first cycle alone by itself, got good results, and kept gains. If this is your first cycle, I would however have plent of Anti E's around, sustanon gave me serious gyno first time around.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Be best to use a single ester test. Sust needs to be shot EOD. Not 2x a week, not 3x a week, but EOD. Otherwise, you'll get dips in blood consistancy.

    I'd suggest Enan or Cyp.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    omg guys plz dont use those terms yet, let me get use to it plz..
    example... Sust needs to be shot EOD. Not 2x a week, not 3x a week, but EOD."
    yikes what u mean by that exacly?
    and also
    "would however have plent of Anti E's around, sustanon gave me serious gyno first time around."
    Anti E's ?
    anti e are Anti Estrogen ?
    plz get back to me on this thanks


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    Sust needs to be shot EOD (every other day). Not 2x (two times) a week, not 3x (three times) a week, but EOD (every other day).

    Anti E's are anti estrogens. A lot of steroids cause estrogen to be formed. You need anti e's to prevent a lot of estrogen to build up because this could cause bad side effects like gyno (you can start to form breasts [bitch tits], some warning signs are bumps on the nipple and or sore nipples.)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    TxOxXxIxC- Just dont rush into anything. Stick around here for awhile, read others cycle critiques, and study up in the educational threads.
    Good luck bro

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Thanks Fat mike, I have one bottle of that, and 956Vette, I understand that but, I bought it already, and i have to use the cycle befor Work start, Im a construction working I rake Asphalt, 16 hours a Day.. so Summer for me is time to get CUT.. So i need to do This ASAP
    But Good lord if i will have TITS I swear Im gonna kill myself heh..
    Ok so is it good to Mix Creatine with this ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Originally posted by Pheedno
    Be best to use a single ester test. Sust needs to be shot EOD. Not 2x a week, not 3x a week, but EOD. Otherwise, you'll get dips in blood consistancy.

    I'd suggest Enan or Cyp.
    Jesus people told me to take it Twice a week, Monday and Thursday
    250/day 500/week

    I've readed that Sustanon last up to 2 weeks ...
    Last edited by TxOxXxIxC; 05-26-2003 at 02:19 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by TxOxXxIxC

    Jesus people told me to take it Twice a week, Monday and Thursday
    250/day 500/week

    I've readed that Sustanon last up to 2 weeks ...
    The reason for the EOD administration is to effeciently use the Test Prop in the Sust. A single ester test like Cyp or Enan, you can shoot 2x a week with no problem. YOu can shoot the Sust 2x a week, you'll just get dips in blood consistancy and possibly increase chances for estrogenic sides early in the cycle before the other Tests hav a chance to stabilize.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    SOuthern Cali
    i did a cycle last year of sus 250 twice a week ... and gained about 25 pnds of muscle..used for 10 weeks and winny from weeks 8 to 12..but winny didnt give me much muscle the sus worked well for me and i got hella strong in the process too.....JUST MY EXPERIENCE........

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Dude IMOP you dont know enough about the stuff you are taking to be juiicing just yet. The most fundamental things you had no idea about. I suggest you do major research or you might wind up seriously fucking your shit up.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Originally posted by That Kid
    Dude IMOP you dont know enough about the stuff you are taking to be juiicing just yet. The most fundamental things you had no idea about. I suggest you do major research or you might wind up seriously fucking your shit up.
    Ive already told this guy that, it doesnt seem like he's going to listen. He is probably in high school (or has that level of maturity) and is either very impulsive and/or stubborn. Hopefully Toxic will do more homework before he fucks himself up, but whatever.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    High School ? Im prob older then your Mom , but dispite that, It dont take fucking Grade 50 or a Sientice to take Sus 250.. i asked a simple Question u awnser it or u dont, U dont need to Spit your Brain out about what u think witch dont awnser my Question at all...
    Im not a steroid freek and I'll never be.. I readed all i hade to read about Sus 250 now so im all set, Like i said in previous treads im just loking for a "not more then 10 - 12 week cycle " then that's it, Just to get bulk, the rest ill do *NATURALY* and naturaly is maby a word u should look into.

    u said here "Toxic will do more homework before he fucks himself up, but whatever."
    how ya want me to Fuck myself up ? im not drinking Javex dude , im just using Sus 250 Alone 500mg/week with some Anti estrogen .. dont see here what's the killer in that ..
    Last edited by TxOxXxIxC; 05-30-2003 at 05:10 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    High Schoolers respond with insults to comments they do not understand.
    Mature adults accept the critical reviews and try to figure out why people would say what they said.

    In other words, dude, they're trying to help you out, and chances are that some of the articles/posts were written by one or two of the people you are now insulting. I'm not ripping on you, I'm not making any judgements about your character, and I'm not commenting on age here.
    However, if you are older then Vette's mom, you definately don't post like it, just an observation, not a flame.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Denver CO
    They're just saying you should have done more research before starting, and that you shouldn't have rushed into anything. Bro there's no need to start getting edgy they were just giving you help.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2003
    hehe rexboy :P
    well ok , i just took it as a pure fu*** insult, but what u typed made sence, I mean the reason why i rushed in it a bit.. " i did read about it somewhat " but reason is , work is starting soon, so it was now or i'd have to wait till nex year, Becuse summer time for me it's time to get CUT , I do road construction " asphalt raker " etc, I do loose fat summer time, so is the reason why I rushed in sus250 witch is my first cycle ever, but im not abusing it, My friend who sold it to me explained alot to me about diff product, but i know there point they were trying to make out, but hey, dunno seamed to me more like insults then anything esle , sorry if it wasent, and the mom part, well i was just kidding..
    so anyhow cant do any cycle wile im working, cuse i hardly eat, to hot to eat, and well work is 6 months at a time.... but now that i know what i know i dont feel i rushed in for sus250, hopfully im right..

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    I had no intention to straight out flame you bro. Sorry. But you know, youll only have 1 first cycle. And before putting any drugs into your body, i believe one should have a certain base of knowledge. And training/dieting applies yearlong. You might unfortunately lose your gains if you do do that type of hard work. Well i wish you the best of luck, and hope you are able to safely bulk up, and maintain it with your schedule.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2003
    otto be a dickhead man but ur the ype of person who gives gear a bad rep with the "mainstream" society.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I've been researching sust and all AS for about 6 months now, seems good to pyramid it as the sust only cycle found on the homepage(14 amps) and Im set on my first cycle being just that, but I want all my needles, nolvadex(however us spell it) clomid before I even dream of this. but before all of that my diet has fallen apart with jobs changing.
    some advice from a newbie,"get your money right, your diet right, and your mind right, before shooting ANYTHING into your body, if youve worked hard to maintain it, you SHOULD be skeptikal
    research research research

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