Wanted to say whats up to everyone on this site.
I've read alot of your threads and most all of you seem to be pretty cool and this place doesn't seem to be a cluster **** of idiots.
Anyways heres my stats since I know its a must
Age 29
Height 6'
Weight 207
BF 17%
cycle experience (PH, Havoc) Worked great on me except gave me dry knees they just didnt feel lubed up enough when doing presses LOL
Experience off and on for 10 years but been solid for 3 years now
Drugs back in my early 20s made me quit and always go back. I do have a history of using just about everything except for H.
if you could edit out the name as i have done that would be great, we don't condone rec drug references
I really havent seen much on anything saying if steroids was safe to take if you are a past user of heavy drugs.
safe is a relative term, but they won't cause physical dependence like most rec drugs will, though they can cause psychological dependence but i know alot of people that used to/still use rec drugs and have used AAS and the discipline that comes with bodybuilding to ween off the drugs or to get them under control
I've had blood work done on just about anything you can have blood work done and everything has come back normal. (test, cholesterol, sugar levels, white/red blood counts) the works
great, i like that you come prepared
So this is the cycle Im thinking about running
Test E 1-10wks 500mg a week split into 2 shots of 250mg
Novla 12-14wks 40/40/20/20 Should I stack with Clomid and if I do how should I make the dosing look?
Read through this, it will provide answers to alot of your questions
Ill have arimidex on hand in case of gyno. I know I can use nolvadex but from the reading I've done on here it looks like arimidex would be the better choice for an on cycle estrogen blocker.
I also have a post cycle mix that I plan on using and cycle support for liver support
I have yet to put together what I think would be a solid diet. I have read a few of the diets on here but still undecided. I can eat just about anything except for eggs.
If anyone could provide a link to some diet ideas I would appreciate it.
post your diet and we'll critique it for ya bro, no problem there
Lastly, I'm just looking for advice, or changes that any of you think I should do to help make this cycle better and safer.
BTW, Im 207 now and do not plan starting til I hit 195 would should put me around 13% BF