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Thread: test and var

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    test and var

    hi guys new to this forum
    18 (19 in augest) 6.1' 83kg
    i have signed up to this sight for help on my cycle not to be told im stupid etc as i wld be asking my parents if i wanted that answer.
    sereously training 3-4 days each week for around 1 and half years, tried alot of supplements but find its all crap or just doesnt work for me so decided to take it to next level.have been advised by alot of people at my gym that if i do run a cycle to use testosterone enanthate at 250mg per week and maybe anavar for the last or first few weeks? what would be the best choises for the cycle as i will go ahead with it?how long to cycle the test and the var for best results ? i have nolvadex for my pct.
    please no lecturing
    cheers dudes

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by benbean77 View Post
    hi guys new to this forum
    18 (19 in augest) 6.1' 83kg
    i have signed up to this sight for help on my cycle not to be told im stupid etc as i wld be asking my parents if i wanted that answer.
    sereously training 3-4 days each week for around 1 and half years, tried alot of supplements but find its all crap or just doesnt work for me so decided to take it to next level.have been advised by alot of people at my gym that if i do run a cycle to use testosterone enanthate at 250mg per week and maybe anavar for the last or first few weeks? what would be the best choises for the cycle as i will go ahead with it?how long to cycle the test and the var for best results ? i have nolvadex for my pct.
    please no lecturing
    cheers dudes
    No disrespect but I would not run a cycle just yet.
    You're too young and I suggest you lean everything out there before you do.
    Do you know the side effects for this cycle?
    Do you know how to run PCT?
    Do you know when to start PCT?
    Do you know what PCT is?
    If you don't know how long to run test for I doubt you know all the questions above. I'm 31yo and began cycling at the age of 27 and belive me I was chewed when asking questions like this but I thank all those people that made me feel dumb because tha just motivated me some more to do some more research on my cycles.. Not telling you what to do but just an advise.. Good luck bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    side effect are similar to most cycles on this one maybe even milder because of the anavar and low dose of test, i could run arimidex to prevent gyno etc at 0.25mg ed.
    pct ( post cycle theropy) run nolvadex for 4 weeks first 2 weeks 40mged last 2 weeks 20mg ed, run once cycle finished.
    i was just wondering what would be best

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    You need to stop listening to people in the gym.... That cycle is awful Your Too Young You have not hit your maximum genetic potential at your age Your Diet Is Off i guarantee it Instead of AAS why dont you go over to the diet section and learn a thing or two.... Your not even fully developed yet... why take the chance of hrt for life or limp dick ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Why are you interested in steroids at 18 years old?

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
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    You dont need steroids, you need food.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Come on man, you can grow very quickly naturally right now. Don't be impatient, you may do more bad then good at this age.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Starbucks in Canada
    I think you should go with the option of asking your parents.... that sounded good to me, because you're too young, you probably live under their roof and what they say goes, so..... if they're ok with it..... split it, lick it and hit it!

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