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Thread: Help with test switching from c to e

  1. #1

    Question Help with test switching from c to e

    Hello first I'll say thanks for lookin i'm on a cellphone so sorry if writing sucks and well on with it then i can't seem to find a thread on my prob. I am goin to switch from cyp to enth mid cycle do to source ran out of cyp so I'll do 5 weeks of cyp (coming up on 3rd week) and 5 of enth and a 2 wk downgrade for a total of a 12 wk cycle will that be bad or what will happen not really any other choice its the only source i have my intro has why i'm using gear in the new member area or just look at my post i thank you very much for your advice

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    You will be ok switching they have almost the same timed esters/half life.

    But what do you mean two week downgrade? Not two weeks off in the middle right? Or do you mean two weeks at the end with a smaller dose?

    Good luck,

    "dirty d"

  3. #3

    Lightbulb Good question sanchez

    Quote Originally Posted by "DIRTY D" SANCHEZ View Post
    You will be ok switching they have almost the same timed esters/half life.

    But what do you mean two week downgrade? Not two weeks off in the middle right? Or do you mean two weeks at the end with a smaller dose?

    Good luck,

    "dirty d"
    No not 2 wks off in the middle i should've been more clear sorry yeah i meant lower dosages i will cut it in half each week

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    There is no need to do that. You can run 14 weeks of test at 500mg's with proper precaution on your first cycle. So if you have say... 11 weeks worth of 500mg's a week, then just do that and pct with the reg

    "dirty d"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    This is why we tell everyone to make sure you have everything before you ever start. While yes, you will be fine going from C to E, you gotta make sure you are prepared from the begining.

    You do have all of your PCT supplies on you right? You are not waiting until its time to get them are you?

  6. #6

    Unhappy Does anyone else agree with sanchez

    Quote Originally Posted by "DIRTY D" SANCHEZ View Post
    There is no need to do that. You can run 14 weeks of test at 500mg's with proper precaution on your first cycle. So if you have say... 11 weeks worth of 500mg's a week, then just do that and pct with the reg

    "dirty d"
    Thats sounds awesome but every where i read it says you should never stop cold turkey its best to downgrade its on this site on the how to come off link and since its only my first cycle i am following what this site says for a beginners cycle 12 wks at 4oo mgs do you think i should change that

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Its synthetic test, so you don't "wean" yourself off test. You will be shutdown either way, so if you just come off and start pct you will be ok. If it makes you feel better to slowly come off i guess that would be fine, but its just going to cause the gains to slow down, while still keeping you shutdown from the test...

    Do you have all of your pct on you already or is that part of the reason that you are going to go two more weeks at a lower dose?

    If you do have it, i personally think that you will be fine running even 12 weeks at 500mg's... Thats my .02 but whatever makes you more comfortable

    good luck,

    "dirty d"

  8. #8

    Unhappy To ripped

    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    This is why we tell everyone to make sure you have everything before you ever start. While yes, you will be fine going from C to E, you gotta make sure you are prepared from the begining.

    You do have all of your PCT supplies on you right? You are not waiting until its time to get them are you?
    yes i have the nolva already and already ordered clomid and l-dex just incase i see signs of gyno they should be here in the next day or two

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R.I.P T-MOS
    Yes you will be fine switching,i would just run 500mg for 12 weeks and start your pct 2 weeks after last shot.

  10. #10

    Smile Sanchez

    Quote Originally Posted by "DIRTY D" SANCHEZ View Post
    Its synthetic test, so you don't "wean" yourself off test. You will be shutdown either way, so if you just come off and start pct you will be ok. If it makes you feel better to slowly come off i guess that would be fine, but its just going to cause the gains to slow down, while still keeping you shutdown from the test...

    Do you have all of your pct on you already or is that part of the reason that you are going to go two more weeks at a lower dose?

    If you do have it, i personally think that you will be fine running even 12 weeks at 500mg's... Thats my .02 but whatever makes you more comfortable

    good luck,

    "dirty d"
    Thanks sanchez thats why i'm here to learn i appreciate it yeah i was just following what the site said but that makes sense if i'm gonna shut down anyway then why do that I'll look into it more and prob. do the 12 wks whole

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Good idea,

    good luck,

    "dirty d"

  12. #12

    Thumbs up To sigman

    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    Yes you will be fine switching,i would just run 500mg for 12 weeks and start your pct 2 weeks after last shot.
    Ok sounds good thanks man i think I'll stay at 4oo mgs just to see how i react to it i thank you for the advice

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R.I.P T-MOS
    No problem, 400mg is good to.

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