cant wait man.
cant wait man.
Here you go
Last edited by Aizen Sosuke; 06-14-2010 at 08:33 PM.
A couple more
There's a 16 and 3/4 gun
Last edited by Aizen Sosuke; 06-14-2010 at 08:34 PM.
wow the extra muscle suits you man. You look great.
Dude looks like you got excellent results. ..congrats!!
Whats going on with the winny?? Any updaes. It seems like I missed your winny input.
Like I said man I've been very busy and would rather put my free time for dieting, resting and training than talking to you suckersAnyways cycle will be over in a week and then pct will start. As far as winstrol I loved it. It will be included in my next cycle at a higher dose, probably 60mg/day. It gave me incredible pumps on top of the already impressive pump from test. I certainly felt stronger a week after I started taking it. Muscles are tighter and I think I owed 1/4 increase to winny in my arms. Also I was able to put on 7-8 lbs on test e with winny while taking liquidex and still keep the same level of body fat as in the before pic. I think I owed that to winny and my diet. The original goal wasn't met entirely. I wasn't able to cut while eating at my tdee. Next cutting cycle I'll try eating 300cal under my tdee. I'll update you guys on pct since I feel like we don't get enough of that here.
Last edited by Aizen Sosuke; 03-03-2010 at 05:28 AM.
It's been almost 2 weeks since pct started and my testicles are back to normal size. I took that as a sign and reduced the nolvadex and clomid doses to 20mg & 50mg respectively. Still have the same level of strength and size. Weight came down to 180lbs imediately upon starting the serms. I guess it was 2lbs of water weight even though I used arimidex since the start. Libido is still crazy high but that's normal for me even prior to cycle. Keep in mind it's been almost 4 weeks since the last shot of test e. Diet and training are still up. I'll get bloodwork done in about 2 months and compare with my base at the start to see if everything is back to normal. As far as visual negative sides I didn't experience any. I'll update again in 2 weeks at the end of pct.
I have decided to hold off on cycling again until December of this year because I wanna try and cut some more till then. For those intrested I'll be using test prop at 75mg/day along with npp at 50mg/day and winny at 60mg/day.
glad to hear your doing great and are still able to keep the power up!!
i know you put in somewhere in your log but cant seem to find it, when did you start feeling the slightest effects of the test?
im on a similar cycle now, started march 1st. i know its only been a full week but im impenitent as a kid in a candy store.
im doing test e 400 mgs 10weeks
winny tabs 40mgs weeks 9-12
same pct as your just no clomid, just nolva
Great job man an i gotta say its pretty sick your gf injected you haha. I was wonderin tho did you take ur oral winny ed or eod or only days u worked out?
cool thx, this is my second week so im extreamly eager as you can amagin!!!
i increased my cal comsumtion a good amt (still clean thou) but started to feel "heavy" and my abs are slowly losing visability... i'm starting to think i upped my cals abit early, i might have to make some adjustments.
hey mate good thread man u seem like u will reach that goal do u know ur stats if can u put up ur stats like sizes of arms legs chest and that be cool
Here you go
Waist 32"
Hips 33"
Quads 24.5"
Chest 45.5"
Arms 16.75"
Neck 15"
whats ur weight now?
As of yesterday 180lbs.
Did you ever notice any joint issues from the winny?
gj bro
Prior to taking the winstrol I hurt my left brachiali tendon a little bit. It didn't get worse or better for that particular area. Now my triceps tendons did hurt a little due to winstrol. It was manageable but I have a high tolerance for pain. Since coming off the triceps have been feeling better to the point it's almost dissapeared so it was definetly the winny.
Ok this will be my last update of the cycle. I finished PCT a week ago. These are my current stats
still 5'9"
and the body fat you are welcome to estimate from the pics, according to calipers it reads at 10% but I believe it to be a little higher.
The strength is still here so is the size. Libido does take a hit, I'm not walking around with a boner constantly and don't feel the need to bang every female anatomy. A little bit of acne came this past week on my face, about 3 or 4 pimples but I've got it under control. I miss being on cycle but will have to endure. Over all I feel very good about the cycle however I will not use winny again as it is too tough on my joints; I will always cycle with arimidex since the start, the gains may not be as big but it's all lean tissue and much easier to keep 100% post cycle, not to mention I did not experience any estrogen sides. I'll be getting bloodwork done in exactly a month, hopefully everyhing is back within range. See ya
Which pics?
What about testicular shrinkage?
Any update?
very proportional (spelling ??) great job
:sorry dude haven't had much time to catch up on all post lately. what that word means and what i mean is that your body is very even. all muscle groups look the same size and very in tune with your body type. in other words you are put together well and have done a great job in the gym. thanks for the pics and log good luck in the future![]()
good journal. Glad you made it because I was thinking about running a cycle very similar.
Looks like you had some good gains. Never really thought about adding hcg, perhaps I will research it a bit.
Nice cycle man. Good job
i choose Winny over Var as well. just into week 9 of test e/dbol cycle and on winny weeks 9-12. but, i may be dosing to high. started this past monday at 80mg per day. i take 2/10mg 4x a day evenly split up.
only been 4 days so still to soon i guess but i do feel harder. i dont know if its me or the test e or the winny kicking in already.
Holy shit 80 mgs a day...isn't that high? I'm at 60 but if the pros says that 80 is ok then ill jump on it...
nah, 80 aint alot. all the experts tell me chicks run up to 40mg per day so I went with the 80mg approach. no side effects so far other than hot all the time but with the humidity on the eastcoast im use to it.
to clarify my previous post. i def. felt the test e weeks ago. i meant to say im def. harder already and i assume its from the 80mg of winny a day. i just wasnt sure how quickly the winny would kick in cause the dbol took forever.
well day 7 on winny and feeling pretty good. its def. starting to kick in. feeling stronger as workout goes on. did chest and tri's today and coulda kept going. felt like i wasnt getting tired at all.
word life
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