hey guys havent been around in afew months, but getting ready for my summer cutting cycle. i know alot of you dont like eq, but i personally like it so im gonna add it in to my cut for its lean mass and vascularity.
stats again:
bodyfat:13% now
cycle:4th cycle
test prop w1-12 100mgs/day 700mg/week
equipose w1-12 300/2xweek 600/week
anavar w1-8 60/day
i got all the gear im thinking about running, but i def gotta clean this up a bit. if i run eq for 12 weeks itll be in my system almost 3 weeks longer than the prop. i want to start pct 3 days after the prop so should i start eq earlier or stop it 2 weeks before the prop? also should i keep anavar at 60mg/day or can i up it to 80mg?
pct is clomid 100/50/50/50, nolva 40/40/20/20 i unfortunately need to run adex throughout since im really gyno prone