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Thread: Trenbolone question for the pro's

  1. #1

    Trenbolone question for the pro's

    Whats goin on guys I have a question for all you tren users.. here is the deal...I know im going to get bashed for this but basically im 6 ft 1, 195 lbs, and 20 years old... i started working out 9 months ago.. after 3 months working out I did a testosterone cycle and after a break a dbol cycle(both with properly done as well post treatment with help from pros)....

    The reason im doing this at a young age is that i have been fat all my life until recently when I became really interested in cage fighting... being 20 years old.... fat...and no prior mma training has motivated me to extreme measures. I cut the fat quickly but the strength lacked severly and I got some minor but rather quick results from the two previous cycles..

    im now looking for something that will give me the best results im trying to stay away from things that have high estrogenic effects causing gyno and other stuff.

    tren has been recomended as the best steroid with obvious side effects.. the most severe mentioned is the sweating 24/7 especially at night where you almost cant sleep due to the night sweats. i was also told that gyno is not a worry but a minor outbreak of acne is common as well as aggressive behavior and high blood pressure...

    my question is... did any of you experience good results or side effects such as the one's explained and what can be done to minimize the "suffering" from tren... thanks guys.
    Last edited by apocalypsex5; 03-11-2010 at 08:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    You can't minimize it...Tren will also ruin your endurance and make you very sluggish when doing high-intensity training.

    You definitely CAN get gyne from progesterone when taking tren.

    Please think of a better solution to your long-term goals...This short-term thinking at your age will never pay off.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    your 20 way to young for aas , go to the diet section those are the pros you want advice from with the right diet and training you can get into great shape.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    trens buddy was doing test and tren e and i snagged a pull off his jug at the gymm totally got psychoo so in my opinion ya it adds aggression but hey he weighed about 205 thick as **** with a 6 pack soo shit bomb

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    quick question you said you did your first cycle at 3 months of training and now your at 6 months training and you already did a test cycle and a dbol cycle as well and pct on both in 3 months...

    the pros that are giving you advice might have just seriously screwed you over...correct me if im wrong and no disrespect...just trying to figure out what u said

  6. #6
    I meant 9 months, spelling mistake.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    At such a young age, I would recommend you go get some bloodwork done, make sure your body is still at where it needs to naturally be.

    After that, throw out all the 'Pros' advice you are getting and never listen to another thing they tell you.

    You need a proper diet and training regimen right now, not AAS

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    WOW, too many things wrong.
    You are interesting in "cage fighting" and you have never done MMA? Funny, I fought for numerous years and I remember new guys showing up wanting to training we always treated them with respected but they came to realize that it's a ball buster and most dont return.
    You are way too young.
    What is your bf%? You need to go to the diet section, stay away from tren and all gear!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    The Gates Of Valhalla
    Fina is amazing but as far as the sides go they get pretty bad depending on each person I noticed severe aggression bad enough to the point I broke my good friends ribs because he knocked my cell phone out of my hands. I never had sleep issues but like I said each person is different I also got horrible acne but it could have also been from the 750mg of test E I was taking each week. If u want advice I will give u the best possible advice go to a Dr an get your testosterone tested to make sure you haven't screwed yourself up to bad and then I would sit down and draw up a very good diet and stick to it. Then I would start pulling double days at the gym and after a year or two if you haven't noticed the results u want then start thinking about juicin again. But for insight on tren A(fina) I would have to say it is tied with testosterone E for my favorite steroid I personally will never do a cycle without fina being part of it I get massive strength gains and deccent size gains I was 205lbs benching 410lbs ten times untill I ripped my back muscles so be careful to not hurt yourself on it I just now am about to start back on cycle after a year of physical therapy for my back. Oh and the worst side of tren A/fina is fina dick it sucks lol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    so to make up for lost time your going to abuse steroids? your not going to change over night no mater what steroids you use...not to mention its cage fighting! you dont need steroids to start off cage fighting.

  11. #11
    Just remember aas is against the law in sports.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    agree with what the others have said. but for you let me tell you something. if you truly want to fight, NO TREN period!!! you WILL be out of breath walking to the cage. trust me read up on cardio and tren. love the shhhiitt but cant even get up a flight of stairs without loosing your breath and normally running 7 or 8 miles ed is no prob

  13. #13
    my last cycle was 600mg a wk of test en for 1-12 wks and 400 tren en for 1-8 wks. of course kicked it off with 50mg of dbol a day for 4 wks. agree with smiler. just doing one set of squats brutally wore me out.

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