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Thread: Customs stories...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Tampa Bay

    Customs stories...

    Anyone out there have a customs story? I am a bit new to the mail order world. I have always used my UGL bud for a source until he made two bad batches in a row. He said he got bad powder from China. I say whatever bro, I just cant use you any more. I have had one successfull delivery, and placed another order a few days after the delivery. That order is taking longer than the first one did. Just wana know other peoples experience and this seems to be the only place anyone would possibly talk about it! Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    U.S customs arent always the brightest. My source rarely ever makes the gear camoflauged. I'm just glad there not like Australia and Canada.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I'm just glad there not like Australia and Canada.
    While I have had something stopped at customs coming in to Canada I also have had several come through. The funiest one was when they opened the package and re-sealed it and sent it through to me anyways even though it had a good amount of Letro and about 125 Nolva pills. They did however open an hcg amp and re-package everything up with the empty hcg vile and send it through. Strange... I don`t order internationally anymore though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I hope US is stupid I'm about to place my order and prefer to not lose my money

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Tampa Bay
    Do you think sticking it in something to disguise it would help, or is it simply a xray?

  6. #6
    The last couple orders I have gotten haven't been disguised at all. Simply done up like if I were to mail something a few cities away. And it still comes through.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Yay area, Cali
    Its good that you asked this question cause I am going to be ordering soon and was wondering the same thing!! Any other stories?? or do you they ship it with your real name??

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