I have done 2 test cycles and now, with summer coming up, I'd like to shed some weight.
My cardio has been good and my diet has been doing well but I am just maintaining, not really losing.
I have only done 2 cycles where my intention was to put mass on, and I put on a total of 35 lbs that I have kept with the cycles.
This is what I have been considering doing and would like the opinons of others... yays or nays...
Trenbolone Anavar Clenbuterol Winstrol
1 75mgs/day 40mgs/day 40mcg /day 50mgs/day
2 75mgs/day 40mgs/day 40mcg /day 50mgs/day
3 75mgs/day 40mgs/day 40mcg /day 50mgs/day
4 75mgs/day 40mgs/day 40mcg /day 50mgs/day
5 75mgs/day 40mgs/day 40mcg /day 50mgs/day
6 75mgs/day 40mgs/day 40mcg /day 50mgs/day
7 75mgs/day 40mgs/day 40mcg /day 50mgs/day
8 75mgs/day 40mgs/day 40mcg /day 50mgs/day