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Thread: AAS diet check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    somewhere in ny

    AAS diet check

    27 5'9 199lbs 10.3% bf

    my diet virtually is the same every day but any help that i maybe overdoing something or not timing right
    cal fat carb sugar fiber prot
    7am 1c oatmeal 280 5 52 0 8 10
    8am 3egg wh 1 who 120 3 0 0 0 15
    8 oz chxn 260 3 0 0 0 56
    11am 5eggwh 1 whole 155 5 0 0 0 21
    sweet potatoe 200 0 45 10 7 4
    poult saus 130 6 1 1 0 19
    1230 prot shake PRE 150 1 3 0 0 30
    2pm post prot shake 240 2 6 2 0 48
    4pm lasagna(homemade) 545 16 40 14 16 34
    8pm 9 oz sirloin 420 15 0 0 0 69
    sweet potatoe 200 0 45 10 7 4

    totals: 2700 56 185 37 38 310

    this is a higher protein day: i fluctuate where i do a high ccarb, higher prot, high fat days. most is covered on cheat days but if i dont cheat i increase certain numbers. my goal is to drop my bf% down to 6 but i want to keep my weight no lower that 190-195. any more info that you may need to answer me please as.k as for the long break 4pm to 8pm i am in class and i am usually not hungry til this point anyways.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    somewhere in ny

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I think your diet looks awful bro. I hope you haven't started your cycle. Anyway, read through this and watch the videos. Your life will be much improved. Also, don't credit me for this info, it's copied from other posts.

    need to know ur tdee---use the info below to figure it---

    make sure u watch the videos at the bottom---imo theyre a must for everyone wanting to learn how to eat

    if you have not already done so, post up your stats

    goals.. be specific

    please take the time to follow these directions, they will better prepair the both of us for the critique and tweaking of your diet..

    you need to figure our your BMR (this is the basal metabolic rate of your body... which means if you were to do nothing all day, ur body would burn these many calories)

    once u'v figured out your BMR, u need your TDEE (this is your total daily energy expenditure, it's based upon your activity level)

    But first things first, please post up your current diet.. you have to be brutally honest about what you've been eating on average for the last few weeks so i know where your metabolism is at..
    please include macros

    MACROS = pro/fat/cal/carb of every meal and a daily total on the bottom
    you can use fitday . com to help you our with this... be as detailed and specific as possible

    please include the time of when u eat and the time of your workout


    6am pro/carb/fat/cal
    10 egg whites 50/0/0/200
    1/2 cup oats- 3/50/2/218


    1g protien - 4cal
    1g carb - 4cal
    1g fat - 9cal
    1g alcohol - 8cal (some would argue 7)

    also tell me what your workout reg is...

    BMR formula #1 (if you bf is high, use this one... you need an accurate bf reading)

    BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X lean mass in kg)

    in order to figure out your bmr, you need to know what your lean body mass is.. so, in turn, u need to know what your body fat percentage is...

    if you dont know your bodyfat percentage, go to your gym and get tested (please dont use electronic scales to get your bf checked, they're horrible)

    if you cannot find a gym to get tested at, please post up a picture for estimates, we're pretty good at it (you also have the option of pming it to me if you have more then 25 posts)

    Total weight x bf in decimel form = total bf weight

    Total weight - total bf weight = total lean body mass

    if your total lean body mass is in lbs, u can divide it by 2.2 to get it in kilograms..

    for example..

    i am 6'4 275lbs at 14% bf... so i would multiply 275 by .14 (converted from percent to decimal)= 38.5lbs

    275 - 38.5 = 236.5lbs lean body weight

    236.5 / 2.2 = 107.5 lean mass in kg

    370 + (21.6 x 107.5) = 2692 BMR (this is high for the average person, im a big guy)

    BMR formula #2 (only to be used if your bf is low)

    Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )

    female BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )


    Once u have you bmr, u need to calculate your TDEE, this is simply done with some multiplication...

    you can multiply it by an activity number to figure out your daily caloric expenditure, be honest here as this is the very cornerstone of your diet, if you are between two of the below activity levels then just multiply by a number in between them

    To determine your total daily calorie needs, multiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

    If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2
    If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375
    If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55
    If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725
    If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9

    I should also give you an idea of what dieting should look like... you need to make sure every last calorie you take in isn't an empty calorie... every time you eat you should be eating with a purpose which is to fuel your body for growth and fat loss (predicated on your goals)...

    Good meats/protien to eat..

    Chicken Breast
    Turkey Breast
    Eggs/Egg Whites
    Bison/Deer Meat
    93% and up lean beef (ground beef, roast beef, london broil are just a few examples)
    Fish (tuna, salmon, talipa etc..)
    Whey (PWO ONLY)
    Casien (BEDTIME ONLY)

    Good Complex Carbs

    Oats (not that instant crap, all natural steel cut/rolled oats)
    Sweet potatos
    Wheat Bread (no, not the enriched type)
    Ezekiel Bread
    Glutin Free Bread

    Good Essential Fatty Acids

    Avocado (my fav)
    EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
    Fish Oil

    You can google endless more where that came from.. get creative..

    Also, try to seperate your pro/carb and pro/fat meals, usually leaving your pro/fat meals for bedtime... Beefs should be eaten closer to bed time and usually falls between the last and second to last meal


    Below are links to a great series of diet/nutritional vidoes that will give you a better idea as to what dieting is. Please remember that Milos only gives you a standard diet while we are trying to CUSTOMIZE one with you. This is why we need your BMR/TDEE and MACROS

    Milos Sarcev "Secret of the Pro's" on Nutrition

    You can run a great many types of diets.. low carb, high carb, carb cycle, keto, etc.... there is no ONE right way.. the best thing you can do is pick one and stick to it while paying attention to how your body is reacting to it... some people are carb sensetive, some are not... you'll have to find out yourself

    MICROCALIBRATION - Microcalibration is a must for dieting.. usually based upon your goals you will be set either 500 calories above or below your TDEE. This is a starting point and you need to be checking yourself by weight or measurment every week to scale how your body reacts..

    try to remember that dieting is not an overnight thing.. it takes time and patience....

  4. #4
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Might I also suggest leaving the fibre and sugar numbers out of it. It looks like a Sudoku board.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    somewhere in ny
    well my bmr is 1718 and tdee is 2964

    my workout reg is 5 days a week
    mon chest
    tues legs
    wed delts
    thurs back
    fri arms

    i do abs 2-3x a week and cardio 1-2x a wk for 15 min
    workouts are 1hour maybe 80 minutes and very intensive. lift mod heavy weight for reps of 12-30

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    somewhere in ny
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Might I also suggest leaving the fibre and sugar numbers out of it. It looks like a Sudoku board.
    sorry if confusing

    now why is my diet horrible according to damien

  7. #7
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by arejay View Post
    sorry if confusing

    now why is my diet horrible according to damien
    Many reasons. I could fix it up for you if you re-posted with a better format (just look at some other posts).

    For now, here's my feedback as to why it sucks without actually scrutinizing it.

    1- Some meals have no protein or no carbs/fats. A good bodybuilding meal, should contain protein/carb, protein/fat, or all 3. You're eating only oats in the AM, when your body needs protein most. You're catabolic all throughout the night because your last meal is at 9:00 PM and then you're waiting over an hour to finally eat egg whites/chicken when you do wake up. At which point, you're not consuming either with an energy source (carbs/fats) and you're eating more protein than your body can likely process in one sitting.

    2- You don't seem to have a PPWO meal. And your shakes are likely protein powder only.

    3- Your dinner is Lasagna. If I was eating Lasagna still, I wouldn't be here to critique your diet. It's cheese (saturated fat), pasta (high HI carb), and not a llean protein-based meal. Even if you made it with lean ground turkey, it still isn't gonna hold up. Next to delivery pizza and fast food, it's probably the worst meal you could do.

    4- You're waiting 4-hours after your Lasagna to eat again. You should get in 2 clean meals during this time since you're still in a PWO state.

    5- You don't have veggies

    6- You're eating carbs in your last meal before bed, which is a recipe for getting fat, not cutting.

    I could go on but just re-post and you'll get some good help.

  8. #8
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    somewhere in ny
    cal fat prot carb
    7am 1c oatmeal 280 5 10 52
    8am 3eggwh 1 whl 120 3 15 0
    8oz chicken 260 3 56 0
    11am 5eggwh 1whl 155 5 21 0
    poultry saus 130 6 19 1
    sw potatoe 200 0 4 45
    230 post shake 240 2 48 6
    banana 110 0 1 30
    4pm lasagna 545 16 34 40
    8pm 9oz sirloin 420 15 69 0
    sw potatoe 200 0 4 45
    totals 2700cal 56 fat 215 carb 280 prot

    hopefully this much more legible

  9. #9
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    A few things, first and foremost your diet is completely void of fibrous carbs and healthy fats. Your protein intake still fluctuates wildy throughout the day;
    7am-10 grams
    8am-71 grams (why not just combine these meals at 7 am and drop the protein and carbs to around 50 grams
    11am-44 grams
    230pm-49 grams
    4pm-34 grams
    8pm-73 grams

    Not to call into question your stats but at 5'9 if you plan on hitting 190-190 @6% BF you should be able walk into any local or state level bodybuilding show and go top 3 in the lightheavyweight class. Maybe you look that good maybe you dont. My experience has been people throw out weight and BF% numbers without really understanding what it takes to achieve them.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    A few things, first and foremost your diet is completely void of fibrous carbs and healthy fats. Your protein intake still fluctuates wildy throughout the day;
    7am-10 grams
    8am-71 grams (why not just combine these meals at 7 am and drop the protein and carbs to around 50 grams
    11am-44 grams
    230pm-49 grams
    4pm-34 grams
    8pm-73 grams

    Not to call into question your stats but at 5'9 if you plan on hitting 190-190 @6% BF you should be able walk into any local or state level bodybuilding show and go top 3 in the lightheavyweight class. Maybe you look that good maybe you dont. My experience has been people throw out weight and BF% numbers without really understanding what it takes to achieve them.
    i know the work it takes to get where i want. i dont start adding cardio i'll never get their. so for my diet i just need to control my intake to a continuous flow instead of my spontaneity. ok as for fibrous carbs i get usually 35g a day and healthy fats usually a cashew, almond,brazil nut mix or 1/2 an avocado. i guess this was one those days i didnt have either. what other changes would you advise with the diet i posted?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by arejay View Post
    cal fat prot carb
    7am 1c oatmeal 280 5 10 52
    8am 3eggwh 1 whl 120 3 15 0
    8oz chicken 260 3 56 0
    Combine these 2 meals above as Fireguy suggested. Drop one of the protein sources and just have either 8 oz. of chicken or 8 egg whites and a yolk or 2 - that should be plenty of protein.

    11am 5eggwh 1whl 155 5 21 0 Make it 8 whites, 1-2 whole
    poultry saus 130 6 19 1 Cut this.
    sw potatoe 200 0 4 45 Good carb choice

    230 post shake 240 2 48 6
    banana 110 0 1 30 cut this, add 1/2 cup oats or complex carb for cutting

    4pm lasagna 545 16 34 40 Try to eat a meal within an hour of your post shake. No lasagna. 40g Complex carb, 40g lean protein, and 20g healthy fat is ideal for PPWO. Example: 8 oz. chicken breast, large sweet potato, 22 almond kernels.

    8pm 9oz sirloin 420 15 69 0
    sw potatoe 200 0 4 45 Have this meal sooner. add 1 cup fibrous veggies 5:30-6 PM.

    8:30-9 PM - add a meal - protein/fat only. Maybe a lean steak, and 1 cup fibrous veggies with 1 tbspn. evoo

    totals 2700cal 56 fat 215 carb 280 prot

    hopefully this much more legible
    I'd recommend making those changes to your diet asap.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    somewhere in ny
    for that pre bedtime meal could i just use a casein shake or would you still recommend to eat this meal?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    casein would be ideal if that's when you go to sleep.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    somewhere in ny
    i'll be updating my diet starting tomorow so we see how this goes. thank you damien and fire guy

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