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Thread: DNP and cardio

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Arrow DNP and cardio

    This is for all the people who've done DNP before. Personally i ran DNP twice, but those cycles are alot different than what i'm planning so i wanted to get some more input. My last 2 cycles of DNP were 500mgs ed. Needless to say it worked very well. Now with it being spring i want to start running. Also want to cut down some BF and get ready for summer. I don't have much time, as i'm moving in a month. Basically i'm wondering if anybody has ran 200mgs ed of DNP and was still able to do cardio? Please reply with any experiences that you may have, this will be very helpful. Thanks brothers!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    This is for all the people who've done DNP before. Personally i ran DNP twice, but those cycles are alot different than what i'm planning so i wanted to get some more input. My last 2 cycles of DNP were 500mgs ed. Needless to say it worked very well. Now with it being spring i want to start running. Also want to cut down some BF and get ready for summer. I don't have much time, as i'm moving in a month. Basically i'm wondering if anybody has ran 200mgs ed of DNP and was still able to do cardio? Please reply with any experiences that you may have, this will be very helpful. Thanks brothers!
    I would be very carefull about that, hopefully phate will chime in he knows way more on the subject than I do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    well if you ran it before you know how it makes you feel. me personally....done it once and it works extremely well but man i felt like i was sick the whole time. like a bad flu. don't know if it does that to you but i sure couldn't run on it. hard just climbing stairs. but it works so well i don't think you will need to run, just let it do it's thing

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    why wouldnt you do cardio if your using dnp.. you take dnp to lean out.. and cardio is essential for dropping body fat.
    so are you saying that when you take dnp you shouldnt do cardio or train?

    i have ran dnp multiple times at doses for hippos n' every time i did utilize dnp in my dieting regiment i would keep my training consistent as always.. cardio in the am, lift in the PM and keep my diet in check as well.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2008
    Nothing is going to change besides the cardio. I'll still train but i'm just worried about running while on DNP. How did you guys feel with 200mgs ed? What were your results like with that dose?

  6. #6
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    why wouldnt you do cardio if your using dnp.. you take dnp to lean out.. and cardio is essential for dropping body fat.
    so are you saying that when you take dnp you shouldnt do cardio or train?

    i have ran dnp multiple times at doses for hippos n' every time i did utilize dnp in my dieting regiment i would keep my training consistent as always.. cardio in the am, lift in the PM and keep my diet in check as well.
    i agree. IF you can. like i said just walking up stairs is tough when i was on. kinda like a high tren dose but worse

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Thanks for the input so far. Has anybody actually tried to do cardio while on DNP tho?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    Thanks for the input so far. Has anybody actually tried to do cardio while on DNP tho?
    yep, all the way up to dosages i won't discuss on the open board, in fact i'm about to do cardio now while on dnp

    here are the things that i personally do while on a cycle of dnp+cardio:

    Keep cardio lower intensity(low intensity on dnp is like HIIT, trust me lol)

    Drink 12-16oz of water every 5-10min

    Supplement Thermotabs(can be picked up cheap OTC, they are Na+ and K+ electrolyte tabs) and 500-1000mg of Taurine will help keep water levels balanced

    Don't overdue the cardio, if you want to lose weight more quickly, then focus on your diet(yes, you can gain weight on DNP if you eat horribly, so keep a good cutting diet mentality and you will reap the benefits)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Long time no see brother. i thought you were against DNP?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    what is the recommended dose of dnp and how long should one take it.

    lets say for a first time, second time, and 3rd time user.

    thank you.

  11. #11
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    Long time no see brother. i thought you were against DNP?
    i was before i used it, but that was my own ignorance and acceptance of exaggerated myths perpetrated by the board parrots

    IMO, it's actually one of the safer compounds to use due to it's ability to bypass the negative feedback loop, which is also why it's considered dangerous

    but if used properly by an experienced user who has taken the time(and by that i mean weeks to months at a minimum) to research it, it can be an extremely helpful and versatile compound

  12. #12
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    Feb 2008
    I never thought you'd say that phate, lol. A beginner dose would probably be 200mgs ed. I've read that pro-bodybuilding go up to 600mgs ed. i personally ran 500mgs and it was kinda dangerous. keep cardio very low at a dose like that. Futhermore make sure your taking enough vitamin E. Do alot of reading on DNP, like phate said this stuff is very dangerous when used incorrectly.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by dock holliday View Post
    what is the recommended dose of dnp and how long should one take it.

    lets say for a first time, second time, and 3rd time user.

    thank you.
    this is very dependent on factors such as weight, age, gender, whether the dnp is crystalline(in which case 250mg=187mg of actual dnp due to the salt it's attached too) or powder(250mg=~250mg)

    i would say for a first time user, 200mg/day for AT LEAST 1.5-2.0 weeks before considering ramping up

    you CANNOT build up a tolerance to this drug, so take that into consideration

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    this is very dependent on factors such as weight, age, gender, whether the dnp is crystalline(in which case 250mg=187mg of actual dnp due to the salt it's attached too) or powder(250mg=~250mg)

    i would say for a first time user, 200mg/day for AT LEAST 1.5-2.0 weeks before considering ramping up

    you CANNOT build up a tolerance to this drug, so take that into consideration
    so 2 weeks is the longest time period anyone should run or just beginners? if not, how long would run dnp if they have experience with it?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by dock holliday View Post
    so 2 weeks is the longest time period anyone should run or just beginners? if not, how long would run dnp if they have experience with it?
    i said to wait 2 weeks before increasing the dosage, dnp can be run longer than that

  16. #16
    I just want to throw my 0.02 in here...

    200mg/ed of DNP for prolonged periods of time would be a nightmare for me! Honestly, staying on the stuff isn't fun for me. lol. I would much rather use short bursts of higher dosages for 5 - 9 days max.

    I got definite sides off 200mg/ed... albeit, 600mg/ed was way rougher. I still wouldn't have wanted to stay on 200mg for 14 - 21+ days.


  17. #17
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    the longest i've ran it was about 20 days. Not because it was dangerous but i hit my goals in 20days, lol.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    wow, lets say someone had 17% body fat at 200lbs., what could one expect if they ran 200mg/ed for 14 days and had a very strict high protein/low carb diet? sorry for all the questions.

  19. #19
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    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by dock holliday View Post
    wow, lets say someone had 17% body fat at 200lbs., what could one expect if they ran 200mg/ed for 14 days and had a very strict high protein/low carb diet? sorry for all the questions.
    beats me 200mg/ED never did much that ephedra couldnt do ..
    usually its the 400+range you start to really see the results

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    beats me 200mg/ED never did much that ephedra couldnt do ..
    usually its the 400+range you start to really see the results


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