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Thread: Help for a new young guy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Help for a new young guy

    Hey fellas I am seeking some very basic knowledge. Hopefully I wont be one of the ones that gets a bunch of shit talked. Heres the deal. I am a 24 yr old military guy that is just trying to bulk a little. I work out religously, but obviously possess genetics that prevent me from having that stocky build. My buddy hooked me up with a 6 week cycle of DBOL and some other test. pill. So I started doing the internet research thing to help understand the risks and prevention and stuff. I have some liquid letro from ar-r for antiestrogen. I am not looking to do some kind of extreme super mass building cycle. Just need to kick up about 5-10 lbs. So do I really need to do all these crazy things like PCT and blood test and all that. Or can I just start poppin the DBOL and the antiestrogen and be fine? Also my buddy has some supertest 250. Should I throw that in this cycle?

    I know I probably sound sooooo nieve and am gonna get slammed on this post but I really want to know what you guys think before I go to extreme lengths when I dont have too.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Canada Eh
    Can we get ur age? bf? Weight?

    PCT is a must, bloodwork an such is for yourself to find out if your normal test levels are back to where they should be

    ps.. classy user name
    Last edited by B1gDaddy; 04-02-2010 at 10:23 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    PCT is easy- should be no big hassle. a little novladex and hcg after your injected test stops working. also really important for keeping as much of your gains as possible.

    I have never had a blood test, but would recommend you do if you have access. thats more of a pain in the ass and would not fault you for not doing this. PCT is easy.

    I say this to every guy who dose not want to mess with the PCT and it normally gets the point across. your sex drive and function are related to the test in your system. once you get off cycle you have almost no nat. test. read sexual disfunction. PCT brings the nat. test back and bring you back to functioning sexually. the junk has to work or the GF/Wife/boyfriend(whatever floats your boat) will think you are messing around on them. while I am here if you do have an significant other tell them about what you are doing. your sex drive will have abnormally high ups and downs and explaining this is hard if you have not been truthful. plus you will wont have to go to great lengths to hide the stuff.
    my 2 cc's anyway

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    your risking a lot using gear in the military. my company would single out the "bigger" guys and test them for steroids, you can lose A LOT. if thats your kid on your avatar think about the fact that your putting your familys life on the line too, it's not worth it. i remember most of the guys that would workout while i was in the army, 90% of them half ass it, gaing 10lbs naturally could be done very easily, you don't need gear. Don't blame your genetics, I'm your typical ectomorph and I can put on weight so I feel anyone that wants to can. DIET is more important than you're training thats where most people fail.

  5. #5
    test pills?

    post your diet

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Haha thanks for the user name comment B1gdaddy....

    I am 5' 10" 155LBS around..virtually no body fat...
    bench 210lbs
    deadlift 425lbs
    squat 335lbs

    I eat alot!
    If I listed my diet it would take forever. Probably around 125-160 grams of protein a day. Low fat diet Low calorie. I want to maintain my six pack and waist along with the upper body bulk thats why Im not on a high cal diet (beach season).

    Its not my kid in the picture. Just a funny pic I found...Damn I was hoping you guys would just say to start poppin pills and Ill get big! haha! pipe dream I guess...

    Well with my stats what do you guys think???

    Ill post a pic too...
    Last edited by bigdaddy101485; 04-03-2010 at 11:08 AM.

  7. #7
    ^^^ can't find the six pack in that pic lol

    if you want to gain weight, you have to eat more, you can't eat less and magically gain weight. you don't need aas for what you're trying to accomplish, you need a lean bulk.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    I don't mean to flame you dude, but yes virtually you have bodyfat. Maintain what six pack? You don't eat alot, try doubling your protein intake and you'll start making some gains. You're pretty light, I find it hard to believe that body is lifting that high a deadlift and you're squat if that weight is right probably isn't the BEST squat ever, but if that's what you say..... Get on some good training and diet and I promise you, you will get the gains you want. To be brutally honest you body's looking weak dude you could accomplish SO much naturally!! If your confident your training is intense I garuantee you it's your diet dude, that's not enough protein. Save the juice for a few years later, when you're out of the military especially and you have put some SERIOUS time into training and dieting. So I wish you luck dude, doubling your protein will seem like your on steroids dude you've got a lot of gains coming to you, good luck...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    your mom's vagina
    that is pretty slim to be starting a cycle.. your build doesn't appear to be ectomorph really and I don't think your genetics will prevent you from gaining mass at all.. 125-160 grams isn't enough to really put muscle on either - especially if you are doing a lot of cardio in your unit.. You can have a nice lean diet while still getting 250g of protien which would help you out a lot...
    what they have told you rings true - you need to straighten out your diet and maybe lift a little differently and you shouldn't have too much trouble putting on lean muscle mass.. diet is the key... and PCT is an absolute must if you are going to cycle.. without it you are at risk of screwing with your natural T levels..

  10. #10
    Well for starters... if your trying to keep this a secret from anyone in your command I would change out of your CNTs there sailor.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Well for starters... if your trying to keep this a secret from anyone in your command I would change out of your CNTs there sailor.
    haha! you are funny. Im nieve to the steroid thing...but damn squirrel...CNT's? sailor? Stick to the advice on steroids and stuff....leave it at that....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    okinawa, texas
    not to flame but im alot bigger than you and work out on a regular basis and your dead lift is pretty crazy for your weight.. not saying your a liar.. but thats your dead lift.. thats pretty beast..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    okinawa, texas

    and mind you i look like that. on the right of course

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdaddy101485 View Post
    haha! you are funny. Im nieve to the steroid thing...but damn squirrel...CNT's? sailor? Stick to the advice on steroids and stuff....leave it at that....
    All branches have CNTs buddy. If Im wrong im wrong. But theres no way to prove it unless you have a picture of yourself in your branches uniform. So like you said, lets leave it at that.
    Either youre in the Navy, or you just got off of the set of Miami Vice.
    Last edited by RoadToRecovery; 04-02-2010 at 07:35 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    LOL, I was wondering what you were talking about RTR, but yeah those do look like working whites. Not sure what CNT stands for though. Certified Navy Twill, or something like that? Used to be in the navy myself.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Arian View Post
    LOL, I was wondering what you were talking about RTR, but yeah those do look like working whites. Not sure what CNT stands for though. Certified Navy Twill, or something like that? Used to be in the navy myself.
    Thats exactly right. Its a nicer thicker material.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I have to agree with the masses. I dont see any signs of a six pack.... for your height, weight you have a lot of body fat considering.... You really need to work on diet and working out, toning up. AAS should not be in your future for at least 1+ year of HEAVY lifting and dieting/gaining,.

    5'10" you should be 180+ naturally.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    You really need to work on diet and working out, toning up. AAS should not be in your future for at least 1+ year of HEAVY lifting and dieting/gaining,.
    All of this. Your going to see this over and over again. Come over to the diet section and ask for some help there first. Once you have that down, shoot over to the workout question section and get help with a good muscle building program. Then after a year or 2 start shopping around. Some of us including myself have wasted our money by not doing the proper research and you end up with what you started out with pretty much.

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