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Thread: First Cycle Advice

  1. #1

    Arrow First Cycle Advice

    I know this is the place to be asking questions if I have any.

    I am 18 years old and I have been lifting weights for around 2 years now.

    I am interested in starting my first cycle of steroids. I do not know all that I need to know to safely do this. I really have done research, but all of the threads that I see have people telling the person in need of advice to do a little research... When I am trying to research I am lead to these forums where people are telling them to do more research, and it is really no help to me. :P

    I have a rough idea of what I would like to do, but I need some fine tuning to make sure I have everything thought out.

    I would like to do a cycle of Dianabol for 4 weeks and then move into a cycle of Winstrol for a few weeks to finish. I would be taking Nolvadex during the Dianabol cycle and taking Milk Thistle for both the Dianabol cycle and the Winstrol Cycle.

    I am not sure about what PCT I should use, please recommend.

    My goal is to bulk up using the Dianabol during the first 4 weeks, helping me to gain some extra strength and gain some extra muscle mass.

    During the few weeks of Winstrol I would be on a diet, running, and still working out just as hard, in order to burn the fat off of my muscles and create dry a toned physique.

    I would really appreciate some advice on this type of cycle and if it is a good idea.

    Would I take time for my body to recover in between the two steroids use?

    How much mg of each would I use daily?

    What type of PCT would be best for me?

    If I am using Dianabol and finish my 4 week cycle and need to let my body recover, would I go onto my PCT and then use the Winstrol, and then use another PCT?

    I am 6 foot.
    Body Fat 10%

    I am planning on doing this about 3 months from now at the end of June. In that time I will correct my diet to what you guys think it should be in order to be best prepared for this.

    I have been working out solid 7 days a week for the past month now with protein shakes everyday. I have been working out very hard to make sure I will reach my peak before I use these supplements. I will continue to do that up to the day I do my first cycle. (I will obviously workout just as hard when I am on the orals)

    Please help me out here, I have been researching and I am trying to figure out in advance what I should be doing before I even buy anything.

  2. #2
    DO NOT TAKE ANY AAS. you are way to young and know absolutely nothing about steroids at all. if you have done any research, which you have not, you would know that starting this young could cause many future problems for you. ED and stunted growth being two of the major ones.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Gotham City
    You also have not been lifting enough... 2 years does not give you much of a foundation. Come back in 5 or 6 years and then we'll talk

    The cycle you proposed is horrible and will do nothing. Read up before you make ridiculous posts

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkFendo View Post
    I have been working out very hard to make sure I will reach my peak before I use these supplements.
    I am curious if you actually believe you will hit your natural peak at 18. Is that really what you meant? I am sure you could work your ass off and eat right for the next 5 years and barely get to your natural peak. And 6' 165lbs at 10% BF? Sounds like you've got a good start, but nowhere where you should be to start AAS, much less your age.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    Forget about steroids. Very simply- You don't need them.

  6. #6
    arian u mongoloid!

  7. #7
    no matter how far you reach you will never touch the bottom of the acid bucket

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Im going to jump on this post to look for some advice and hofully it help darkfendo out as well. Im 26 220lbs and not sure about body fat if i had to guess between 18 to 22%. I just completed 4 months of dieting and lost 80lbs. I used to be 310lbs, and lost it taking Clen. So know i want to gain mass and get as strong as i can. So i am going to do a cycle of Dianabol with nolvadex. My quiestion is what kind of diet do i take in order to get to my goal. If you have any sugestion please post.

    Also on my cycle my buddy that took this already told me to do 50mg a day from start to finsh i decided to start first week with 25mg and the last week with 25mg is that a good idea or do what my friend said?

    nolvadex 20mg each Dianabol 5mg each
    1 1 tabs/day 5 tabs/day
    2 1 tabs/day 10 tabs/day
    3 1 tabs/day 10 tabs/day
    4 1 tabs/day 10 tabs/day
    5 1 tabs/day 10 tabs/day
    6 1 tabs/day 5 tabs/day
    7 1 tabs/day
    8 1 tabs/day

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