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Thread: Any motorcycle enthusiasts?

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    Listen to Nc600 he knows his shit

  2. #42
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    my first bike was a KZ440Ltd,,, cruiser, did its job and after 3 months i tought i was good and strted showing off with it,, after dumping it from lack of experiece a few times i realized ego wasnt my best friend, most new riders will experience it the first year or 2, best advice i can give u is get something youre confortable with, i agree in staying around 600 youll have a better handle on the bike, and give yourself a few years to really get half way decent before upgrading,,, and yes buy used as chances are it will get dumped at least once LOL

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post

    Also...even if you ride don't know and can't know sh*t about riding in a month.
    Are you fvcking joking? If you can't ride well (not advanced, but well) in a months time you should not be on a bike. Keep in mind when I say that, I don't screw around on bikes, never have.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abominator View Post
    lol, a lot of anger in this thread.

    I'm probably going to take DSM's advice. One reason I want a small bike is because speed is just not something I'm interested in right now. All I want is a stylish looking bike that will get me from A to B without any problems. Maybe once I actually have a bike I'll develop a more need for speed (maybe that's what some of you are getting at, who knows?) but speed and power are the last things I'm considering right now in terms of my bike search.

    Thanks again to everyone for their input. Feel free to keep posting your opinions--I'd like to hear everything you all have to say.
    It is nice to have a bike that's got enough balls to pass on the highway. I wouldn't try that with a 250 without lots of experience.

  5. #45
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  6. #46
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  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    Listen to Nc600 he knows his shit
    You leave my Ralph out of this alex.

  8. #48
    Get a used bike to practice on. Being this is your first time riding you will likely drop it several times. If this doesn't concern you then by all means buy them brand new. For the DMV stuff im not sure how things work at your state but here in Cali we have two ways to get a M1 license. One way is to go thru DMV, which is really hard to pass IMHO and the other way is to take a CC rider class. The actual riding test is a lot easier with the class compare to the DMV's. So find out if you have other options beside DMV.
    Last edited by dosXX; 05-17-2010 at 06:02 PM.

  9. #49
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Cool story.
    not a story, it was a statement

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    Are you fvcking joking? If you can't ride well (not advanced, but well) in a months time you should not be on a bike. Keep in mind when I say that, I don't screw around on bikes, never have.
    difference of opinion i guess...because to me..."well" is not knowing shit.

  11. #51
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    RIP Brother...
    I'm sick of guys who ride bikes coming onto a steroid board and forcing their pro-bike opinions on me!

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    difference of opinion i guess...because to me..."well" is not knowing shit.
    You had better have some capability right off the fvcking bat, you're riding on the street.

    I don't "stunt" ride. Excluding that, if you can't ride with competence within a couple of days, you don't have the balance and coordination to ride a bike. Within a month, you had better have your shit together. It's not brain surgery.

    Maybe not everyone is coordinated as me....

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    difference of opinion i guess...because to me..."well" is not knowing shit.
    So what cant you do properly in 30 days time on a bike? Are you seriously saying that in a months time you arent competent enough to ride a bike?

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    You had better have some capability right off the fvcking bat, you're riding on the street.

    I don't "stunt" ride. Excluding that, if you can't ride with competence within a couple of days, you don't have the balance and coordination to ride a bike. Within a month, you had better have your shit together. It's not brain surgery.

    Maybe not everyone is coordinated as me....
    I didnt even see this. x10...

    Its the same thing over and over with hobbyists. No matter what the sport or craft, you cant possibly know what youre doing unless you have been doing it for years according to these guys.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    I didnt even see this. x10...

    Its the same thing over and over with hobbyists. No matter what the sport or craft, you cant possibly know what youre doing unless you have been doing it for years according to these guys.
    I can understand stunt or racing may take years. I don't do either so I can't comment. But just riding on the road obeying the law?

    I taught my neighbor how to ride and within a couple of days he was out on the open road. He had never been taught to drive a stick shift car and had never been on a bike.

    This is another good one
    " Being this is your first time riding you will likely drop it several times."

    I've never dropped a bike in the 30 years I've been riding. Is this mandatory? Once again, I don't show off or stunt. I leave that to those that have more time to heal then I do.

  16. #56
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  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    So what cant you do properly in 30 days time on a bike? Are you seriously saying that in a months time you arent competent enough to ride a bike?
    It's the skill required to see ways out of possible accidents and see when they might come. That first month most people just ride along not checking people's heads and stuff like that. There is a reason why more than half of motorcycle accidents happen within the first YEAR.

  18. #58
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    Bro heres my input....

    Your best bet is to FIRST go take a motorcycle driving course. They usually range somewhere around $200 and are 2-3 days long. Then go purchase a 600cc bike, NOTHING MORE! 600cc's is alot to handle for a first bike and it takes months and months of consistent riding to become a DECENT RIDER. Yes I said decent because I can guarantee in the first 3-6 months you will not be proficient in:

    holding your line in long to winding turns
    throttle control
    shifting w/o the clutch
    unexpected swerving
    locking up the rear
    always surveying your surroundings
    proper body position in turns

    These abilities come with time. You can always buy a new bike, never a new body. Also FYI about 90% of cars on the street cant even keep up with a 600cc sport bike.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    Thats funny - but dear god, I bet the aftermath of that is not pretty.

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Sauced_Up View Post
    Bro heres my input....

    Your best bet is to FIRST go take a motorcycle driving course. They usually range somewhere around $200 and are 2-3 days long. Then go purchase a 600cc bike, NOTHING MORE! 600cc's is alot to handle for a first bike and it takes months and months of consistent riding to become a DECENT RIDER. Yes I said decent because I can guarantee in the first 3-6 months you will not be proficient in:

    holding your line in long to winding turns
    throttle control
    shifting w/o the clutch
    unexpected swerving
    locking up the rear
    always surveying your surroundings
    proper body position in turns
    I was certainly proficient in all of these categories with in 4 weeks. And there is absolutely no need to shift with out the clutch nor does it make you a better rider. You might as well add power-sliding to the list. If you arent able to control your throttle or brake properly, you shouldnt be on the road at all.

    These abilities come with time. You can always buy a new bike, never a new body. Also FYI about 90% of cars on the street cant even keep up with a 600cc sport bike. If you read that post again, he is talking about a 250 not a 600
    Its the same shit over and over - "Dont buy anything above a 600" In all seriousness, according to you guys, your first bike shouldnt be a crotch rocket at all. It should be a vespa.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Its the same shit over and over - "Dont buy anything above a 600" In all seriousness, according to you guys, your first bike shouldnt be a crotch rocket at all. It should be a vespa.
    Bunch of experienced riders saying the same thing...wonder what that means?

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by NC600cbr View Post
    Thats funny - but dear god, I bet the aftermath of that is not pretty.

    Heres a pic of her arm, im sure she was pissed.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    It's the skill required to see ways out of possible accidents and see when they might come. That first month most people just ride along not checking people's heads and stuff like that. There is a reason why more than half of motorcycle accidents happen within the first YEAR.
    X2 Well said.

  24. #64
    dude first time i bought bike i didn't have coordination, 2 minute's later there wasn't problem i bought r1, believe me go big and practice in parking lot, haha

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    Heres a pic of her arm, im sure she was pissed.
    Thats not as bad as I would have thought to be honest. She just had on that tank top.

    I always feel real stupid when i'm tooling around in just a tshirt and no jacket.

    On a side note I just sent that video to my girl and told her the house better be clean by this weekend.

  26. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    Bunch of experienced riders saying the same thing...wonder what that means?
    Ive been riding for 4 yrs. and I am disagreeing with you. Its just something passed down over and over because in the world of riding, older riders despise seeing newer riders on liter bikes. 9 times out of 10 the same people bitching actually did it themselves.

    Like I said, all the stats I posted clearly shows that in most circumstances, the difference between these bikes are marginal and in some cases non-existent. The 600 is fast. The 750 is just faster in the sense that in 3rd it starts to pull away from the 600.

    The 600 is not safer then a 750 or a 1000. It is just as dangerous if you do not respect it. I went down on my 600. And yet never had any issues with my 750.
    Inexperience wasnt the reason why I went down, it was stupidity and chance. Its not the size of the bike that matters.

    I will agree that inexperience causes accidents, but dont tell me that being on a 750 will increase the risk of an accident because it has 20 more horsepower.

    gsxr 600- 0-60 in 3.0 sec, 1/4 mile- 10.56sec. top speed 155mph

    gsxr 750- 0-60 in 2.9 sec, 1/4 mile- 10.27sec. top speed 168mph

    GSXR 1000 0-60 in 2.9 sec, 1/4 mile - 9.77sec top speed 178mph

    Here is a thread of an individual on a bike forum asking the same thing. 600 or 750 and every single person says 750.
    Last edited by RoadToRecovery; 04-07-2010 at 01:00 PM.

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Its the same shit over and over - "Dont buy anything above a 600" In all seriousness, according to you guys, your first bike shouldnt be a crotch rocket at all. It should be a vespa.

    I know he was talking about getting a 250. I was saying to go with a 600cc and if hes worrying about speed or power I was stating that barely anything on the road can keep up. Also I never said a sport bike was a bad choice for a first bike. My first bike was a crotch rocket. IMO there the best way to go since they are quicker handling/more responsive/ brake fast/ lighter/ and cheaper to repair.

    Ive been riding since I was 16 and im about to turn 21 in july. IDK how you became proficient in all of that in a month, Ive been riding for 5 years and im not even at the best level I can be. If your ever in FL, id like to see you at homestead speadway or Jennings. There you can really test these skills you became "proficient" at.

  28. #68
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    I am glad that you didn't have any regrets for going too big...I was just stating my opinion from experience. I do agree that 250 is too small. I had alot of people tell me to not go to big and here I am ...been riding for alot more than 5 years and I have yet to have an accident. HAD A SH*T LOAD of really close calls but thanks to this "over cautiousness" got out of em. That's all I'm saying.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    It's the skill required to see ways out of possible accidents and see when they might come. That first month most people just ride along not checking people's heads and stuff like that. There is a reason why more than half of motorcycle accidents happen within the first YEAR.
    Good point. I've been driving for so long I probably take a lot of this for granted.

    "Ive been riding for 5 years and im not even at the best level I can be. If your ever in FL, id like to see you at homestead speadway or Jennings. There you can really test these skills you became "proficient" at."

    I don't think you need the skills of a racer to be proficient riding on the road at legal speeds though. I'll never be proficient at the level you're shooting for. That doesn't mean Im not damn safe on the road.

  30. #70
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    This WILL happen if you buy anything bigger than a 100 for your first bike.

  31. #71
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    Having owned numerous I will attest to this, there are only two types of riders, those who have been down, and those who will go down.
    All I got to say about it in advance is "WELCOME TO THE BELT SANDER OF LIFE"

  32. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    This WILL happen if you buy anything bigger than a 100 for your first bike.
    This is just an example nothing but what being a show off can lead to.

    Ive been riding for 5 years and im not even at the best level I can be. If your ever in FL, id like to see you at homestead speadway or Jennings. There you can really test these skills you became "proficient" at.
    See this is where the topic gets off base. We are not talking about racing on a track. Riding around the highway and using your bike as a means of transportation is completely different from racing on the track. I dont understand why the track is even being brought into the conversation.

  33. #73
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    I was joking man

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    This WILL happen if you buy anything bigger than a 100 for your first bike.
    What about this?

  35. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    I was joking man
    I know you were, I was just making a statement.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by sarasotafloridabrian View Post
    Having owned numerous I will attest to this, there are only two types of riders, those who have been down, and those who will go down.
    All I got to say about it in advance is "WELCOME TO THE BELT SANDER OF LIFE"
    Nah, that's bullshit. My 73 yr old dad has been riding all of his life (harleys, BMW's, jap bikes, choppers), and he's never been down. Once again, no stunt rider or show off.

  37. #77
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    You either have the capability or you don't. This kid has it.

    This guy doesn't

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    Nah, that's bullshit. My 73 yr old dad has been riding all of his life (harleys, BMW's, jap bikes, choppers), and he's never been down. Once again, no stunt rider or show off.
    Well I'm sure at 73 he's a lot more mature than the youngsters on here. Moreover, they did not make the beasts they do today, they just beg you to show off. I also think it likely you father is the exception rather than the rule. Besides that, many of us (as was I) went out on 2 wheels daily for years, so the odds increase. And lastly, not everyone lives in a rural area.

    Damn right I showed off! Fast bikes, fast women, etc. back in the day. Part of what it's all about bro. Nothing like the thrill sometimes. Same when I skydive, SCUBA, whatever.

    Now please do not tell me you have never done anyhting to be a show off, and that you've been so mature and reserved your whole life. Shit bro, half or better of the folks here and in the AAS lifestyle are show off's. It's what we do for the Badunkadunk.

  39. #79
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    BTW, "SHOWING OFF" some of my old bike pics tomorrow.
    I say old cause I'm 41 now, lol.

  40. #80
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    I started with a suzuki GS500F and it was a very fun bike to learn on and it was forgiving when I made mistakes. I was very glad I got it instead of an R1 which likely would have killed me. The nice thing about the GS500F is it has decent styling and is very nimble and easy to learn on. Its around 50hp but it still goes pretty good.

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