hey everyone im 235 been lifting for years done test and deca in past ran a few cycles this is what I would like to do.
week 1-8 deca 400 mg weekly
week 1-8 test 750 mg weekly
week 1-4 dianabol 30 mg
week 8-14 injectable winstrol 50 mg eod
week 8-14 tren A 75 mg eod
week 8-14 switch to test p at 125 mg eod
I also thought about puttin eq in maybe just around 400 from week 4 till the end.
Does this look alright I just wanted to run tren winny and go to test p at the end so I can lean out at the end for the summer.
Thanks for all your help
I also have aromisin on hand using a half tab e3d