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Thread: Alcohol after cycle

  1. #1

    Alcohol after cycle

    Hey guys, I'm thinking of jumping on an all test cycle for 8 weeks, however, I'll be going to mexico in 9 weeks for a 7 day all inclusive vacation, which will involve quite a bit of heavy drinking. Do you guys think the test cycle will just be a waste and to just put it off or should I go on with the cycle and just make sure I work out every morning during my vacation and somewhat limit the drinking? I know this will effect my PCT so I'm thinking I should just put off the cycle for now...what do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    im in the same predicament. i decided to hold off on the cycle till after. but im still gonna limit my drinking.... and I dont drink when im on. but i know plenty who do

  3. #3
    ya, I don't think I would ever drink when I'm on...for those of you who do drink while on a cycle, how often do you guys do it? What do others think about me taking the cycle and drinking the week after (week 9). I would still hit the gym in the morning, but the workouts wouldn't be as great and I'd be drinking quite heavy at night (vodka + water though)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Ya, it's not a good idea to drink while on cycle. But, if you inject some tequila or some vodka, thats okay. You'll get drunk and friggin HUGE!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    simple answer, no. I am guessing you will be taking pc while on vaca?

  6. #6
    well, as of right now, its either I take the cycle or go on vacation....I wont be doing both...leaning more towards the cycle tho

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