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Thread: Fat Loss help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Carrollton, TX

    Fat Loss help

    I'm looking for an easy and cheap way to lose some weight while being on creatine mono. I'm a little weary of doing an ECA stack and don't feel like paying the big bucks for diet pills. Also, another reason why the ECA scares me is because I work outside, and in the summertime here in Dallas, I don't think taking caffeine and ephedra, upping my heart rate, would be good since I stress my body out every day at work.

    Also, I love the extra reps creatine mono has been giving me, and don't want to have to give that up to lose my last ~15 lbs before I start really bulking up.

  2. #2
    Lipoflame is phenomenal stuff.

  3. #3
    How old are you, stats?

    I've been taking EC stack, and I really don't notice anything except better energy throughout the day and I'm losing fat of course, no jitters, no anxiety, no elevated heart rate. Then again working hard outside could have some effect on this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Carrollton, TX
    Age: 24
    Height: ~6-2
    Weight: ~205

    I've never been a skinny guy or someone who can add on muscle easily. Just kinda average body, played basketball competitively for 10 years straight which kept me in the 180-190 up to 215 after not playing for a couple of years, and now just don't have the time available to go out and play like I used to. I'm getting married in 5 weeks, and have been on a high protein diet and lifting/cardio for the last month and a half to try and drop a few pounds before the wedding...just trying to get a quick fix, so to speak, before I start bulking after the honeymoon.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I'm on an eca stack mixed with boilin point cuts and testosterone booster, it's quite expensive altogeather bug I find another vein busting out my arms everyday cuz I'm burning so much fattys

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    im waiting on some1 to say diet and cardio, so i might as well say it :P
    i know every1 hates to hear it but its prity true. Though usualy thats all they say, going a bit further into it, your 2 best kinds of cardio; 1 treadmill for about 30mins+ working at the fat burning range of 60%-70% of your max heart rate (220-age x 0.65 would be subtible) 2. my fave, interval taining in the ratio of 8:12 sowork for 8 rest for 12, could b as much as work for 40secs rest for 60secs, aslong as its in that ratio ull get the best benefit. and interval training keeps ur metabolism ticking over at a higher rate for the next4-6 hours after a work out, which is like free burning
    but if ur looking for pills best i took was Clenburexin, if thats what your looking for :P
    also as silly as it sounds, glass of water 1st thing in the morning when you wake up, raises metabolism by 24% till lunch :P
    just wee cheats iv picked up along the way
    hope some of that helps

  7. #7
    Try something, like CocoPure, which is a chocolate tea. It contains green tea, pure cocoa and resveratrol, which enhances physical endurance and stamina. It’s just 30 calories, sweetened with stevia.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    new york
    [QUOTE=RyanM923;5147148]I'm looking for an easy and cheap way to lose some weight while being on creatine mono. I'm a little weary of doing an ECA stack and don't feel like paying the big bucks for diet pills. Also, another reason why the ECA scares me is because I work outside, and in the summertime here in Dallas, I don't think taking caffeine and ephedra, upping my heart rate, would be good since I stress my body out every day at work.

    Also, I love the extra reps creatine mono has been giving me, and don't want to have to give that up to lose my last ~15 lbs before I start really bulking up.[/QUOT

    I did alot of research on this subject & if you did you would know most of the members on here will tell you get your diet in check & lots of cardio.This combo will help you lose weight!!!!! Good luck!!!!

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