Looks like youre going fine... it a pity you have to slow down the kcals so earlier
I liked your next cicle and also the PCT, and about the HGH theres 2 kinds of them, with different half-lives, if you use the fast one then yes, is nice if you shot 2x/day
rootsnatty where you at bro?
Sorry Everyone!!!! This competition has had me preoccupied. It's my first one and I'm spending a lot of time getting all the details fleshed out. Anyway, check out these pictures. These are two weeks out. How's this for a transformation!
Here's some more:
I feel the need to state, after looking at these pictures again, especially the lat spread, that this camera really does not show how wide my back is and makes my waist look even wider than it is. Maybe it's just the angle, but I thought y'all should know. If I get any professional pictures at my show I'll post those. The important part is that you can see the transformation, which is apparent regardless of the camera angle.
My current weight is 230, cut all the way down for the show. I can't wait to get back on my bulking diet and really see what the eight or so weeks left in this cycle can do. Also, I thought I should mention strength. Even with severely restricted calories, my lifts all continued to improve, albeit slower. For instance, I squatted 550 to parallel for sets of 8 the other day, and for my light pre-contest leg day a few days ago I was dropping 425 DEEP into the bucket for sets of 15. I am benching 375 for sets of 8 or 10 and I can bent-over row more than 300 pounds for reps. Essentially I've seen between 50 and 100 pounds of improvement on all my lifts. Not too shabby for like 8ish weeks.
good to see ya back bro been wondering where you was at. results are fu--ing great!! i can tell a big difference forget the camera angle. good job man let us know how the contest goes again congrats!!
looking good man !!! damn nice size on you
The show was an amazing experience! I'm definitely gonna take up this bodybuilding thing seriously. I was able to just make the heavyweight class after cutting water. The cutoff was 225 and I weighed at 223.5 at showtime. Apparently practicing your posing is important because although I was arguably the second or third biggest guy with the absolute biggest legs in the class, I was not able to present myself well, especially in my quarter turns, and had a lot of trouble holding my relaxed poses. I was all nerves on stage and didn't smile, ever. That hurt me big according to the judges after the show. Also, I needed to be leaner to really bring out my seperation and definition.
The night show was fun and just being around all the other athletes was a blast. I got a lot of comments about potential that usually started with: "This is your first show!?" That part was very flattering. Also, just seeing how big and vascular I looked after getting pumped up backstage and going through my precontest protocol was amazing. Definitely a good learning experience and something I will be doing again soon.
So now I'm bulking hard again. Since saturday I have gone from that precontest weight of 223.5 to 232.5, all water, I know, but it's reassuring. I have come up with my bulking diet which involves me eating like 6500 calories and lots of red meat, something I am craving at this point! Ah what the hell, here it is, I'll write it out:
Meal 1: 1 cup of oatmeal with 1 cup of milk, 5 eggs, banana
Meal 2: 1 chicken breast, 1 tuna fish sandwich with 1 can of tuna, 2 yams or sweet potatoes
Meal 3: 60g whey protein shake, 8oz. ground beef w/ 1oz. pepperjack cheese, 1 cup refried beans and maybe some salsa, 1 cup cooked jasmin rice
Meal 4: 1 chicken breast, 1 cup cooked jasmin rice, 1 cup steamed broccoli
Meal 5: 8oz. ground beef w/ 1oz. pepperjack cheese, 1 cup refried beans and optional salsa, 1 yam or sweet potato
Meal 6: 60g whey protein, 8oz. sirloin, tri tip, or salmon, 1 cup cooked jasmin rice, 1 cup kidney beans
Meal 7: 8oz. sirloin, tri tip, or salmon, 1 cup cooked jasmin rice, 1 cup steamed mixed vegetables, 1 cup cottage cheese
So a ton of calories and a 30/40/30 carbs/protein/fat ratio which I didn't plan but came out with almost perfectly those numbers. Also a ton of fiber to keep things moving and keep my belly from getting too stretched out. Tryin to put on maximum size now, gonna start the anadrol again too for some extra. Anyway, I'll keep everyone posted.
Oh, I forgot to tell everyone, a bit ago when I blasted I knicked/hit a vein or artery in my leg and it caused a massive coughing fit for like ten minutes during which I felt like I was going to die. My chest was tight and hurting, I couldn't breathe because my throat was burning and feeling swollen, and the coughing took me to the ground and I couldn't get up for a while. It made my usual tren cough seem like heaven. It was wierd too: the needle didn't hurt going in at all, like my leg was numb. I may asperate from now on.
lol you should always aspirate man
nice results on the pics, and congrats for your debut on the stages
Thank you for the compliment! Since my competition, because of rehydration and eating a shit load coupled with an extremely anabolic state, I am up to 242. I've really upped the lifting and I'm excited to see the new size. Check back everyone.
good job man u really leaned out well for a big guy. i'm about the same size around that 240-245lbs and 6'3. in about 4 weeks i'm planning on running test prop 600-700 mgs/week along with tren ac. 3ml/week. do think with a good clean diet muscle groups will be noticeably harder and fuller. this is the first time running tren your results along with others has made be say fu-- this sh-- i'm getting some tren with my test. what compounds are u going to run for your bulking.
Ya oldschoolfitness, I would definitely recommend tren for cutting. It was like even though I leaned up so much my weight stayed nearly constant. So after trying tren I'm saying there is, at least to my knowledge, no better body recomposition AAS. After trying a low carb diet, a keto diet and carb cycling, I believe carb cycling is the way to go. You lean out quick and high carb days keep you looking full and pumped, keep your energy up, and make you a lot less likely to cheat. Ketogenic works but is VERY hard to get into at first and effected my performance over the long haul when I tried it. Low carb is garbage in my opinion, even on gear I lost a bit of muscle, had no energy, and constantly looked flat. And for the next few weeks of bulking I'll keep using the test and tren, but up the dose of test to 1000 I'm thinking. After taking a short off-cycle recovery (too short maybe...) I'll be starting a cycle of test, eq, anadrol, and maybe more tren to get even bigger. I'm still deciding about the tren. Also, I will be using HGH at low doses if I can afford it - it costs more than my rent!
Oh and I think my weight has stabilized at around 236 and gains will be coming soon. Stay tuned.
yeah i noticed that your weight was not all that different it was how lean and solid you were. my buddy is doing the homebrew and what he had b4 was all clean and strong as hell. so i can't wait he did tell me that once i got on tren that i would always want it for a cycle which proves true in your case also lol. thanks man for the response, also i have enjoyed this thread. good luck with the upcoming bulk.
Yes, I'm inclined to say that homebrew is absolutely my favorite way to obtain AAS. Doing it myself, I know it's clean and dosed properly and the price just can't be beat! Also, I can use the highest quality oil and be extra careful about keeping it all sterile. I recently brewed for a couple close friends as well and they have both gained twenty plus pounds in like four weeks off a simple test and dbol cycle, so I know the gear is quality, USP grade stuff.
One other unrelated development too: I told my girlfriend about my gear usage and how much I wanted to succeed at bodybuilding and she was (surprisingly) completely supportive. Got the old, "Be smart about it, but if it's something you want to do then I support you." Couldn't be happier.
Be talkin to everyone soon. One.
i tryed tren a bunch of times and it worked, i mean i got strong on it, but i couldnt play sports cuz i felt like i couldnt breath. did you find this happened to you too?
Absolutely! My cardiovascular capacity is crap currently. Doing cardio in the gym was fine but I play in two seperate flag football leagues at my college and I feel like I'm gonna die often. I routinely collapse chasing down quarterbacks and playing pass coverage. So that is a definite drawback of the tren. I have a cough infrequently too, but that's not so bad.
Ok, so I've decided to change up my next mass cycle a bit. I'm probably gonna make a new thread for it, but I'll run it by everyone that reads this one first as I've really enjoyed everyone's feedback.
Here it is:
Weeks 1-12: Test Deconoate @ 1000/week
Weeks 1-12: Equipoise @ 500/week
Weeks 1-3: Dbol @ 40 ED (split in four doses)
Weeks 1-3: Anadrol @ 100 ED (split in two doses)
Weeks 4-6: Dbol @ 80 ED (split in four doses)
Weeks 4-6: Anadrol @ 200 ED (split in two doses)
Went a little shorter on total cycle length and decided to go with no tren in favor of combinig the two ridiculously powerful mass orals at moderate and then pretty high doses. Hopefully the EQ will harden me up enough to retain all the gains. Will probably still include growth hormone at 2iu ED. An aggressive PCT will be included, of course. What does everyone think?
I know all those orals aren't recommended, but I've found a lot of information about people who have run them together and discovered they had a great degree of synergy and gave some incredible gains. Two such individuals even got their liver values checked throughout and had no increase. That was without any liver protection either, and I will surely be using liver protection. More of concern to me is the issue with the EQ, because test deconoate is nearly just as long an ester. You think I should run them longer?
this is how it should be done! 1000mg test and then add the less estrogenic stuff. seems like nobody knows that. but you can take the pills for six weeks no problem. i just wouldnt split the dbol becuase i found that it works way better by taking a high dose once a day beore i work out. and with the injectables you picked your blood levels will be stay high. the drol should be split up cuase 200mg cause idont think its good to take more than 100mg at once, but id defenatly take the pills before working out even i had to work out twice a day cuase the increase in energy is too much to waste.
sounds great, best lucck![]()
That's what I was thinking, but do you think I'd be better off running those long estered injectibles for 12 or 16 weeks? I want to squeeze every ounce of size I can out of this cycle without getting too far into the land of diminishing returns. Thanks for the feedback.
its up to you man, the longer you stay on the stronger/bigger youll get. but the longer you stay on the more it shuts your HTPA system down. either way your gonna get results. with long esters its good to front load, meaning the first dose is double the normal dose to get the levels high imediately. and remember with long esters is going to still work for like 2 to 3 weeks after the last shot.
i prefer short cycles for bulking because i can get off with out any pct, my body takes back over easily and i keep most of my gains. for cutting a long low dose EQ cycle works well for me with some pct at the end.
You're a very articulate writer. Your posts felt like I was reading a book! Nice transformation aswell, leaned out nicely! I skimmed through most of this page but what position did you place in your contest?
Did you experience tren cough often? Any night sweats/restless nights/etc?
Contemplating tren e for my next cycle, but will probably start out with acetate since it will be my first time using it. Just a pain in the ass shooting ED..
Well thank you for the compliment on my writing, I've worked hard to develop my writing abilities and it's always good to hear some good feedback. Regarding the contest, I didn't do too hot because of my lack of confidence and posing ability. I think I was seven of ten. All things considered, it was a good learning experience and I am definitely going to do another competition soon.
I did get a bit of tren cough. I thought it was initially because I had quit smoking cigarettes, but it has continued so long that I'm sure it's the tren. It really isn't too bad though, and it's very infrequent. It's not like I'm doubled over coughing all the time. I haven't got any night sweats, headaches (accept when I discontinued my ECA stack), or anything like that. My cardiovascular capacity is, however, greatly reduced. I feel like I can't breathe when I'm playing sports but not while I'm doing cardio, surprisingly.
I would definitely recommend tren. Every day injections aren't bad, but then again I have absolutely no problems with needles and actually enjoy sticking myself. I'm sorry if it is a bit harder for you. Tren is probably the best AAS I have tried and nothing will compare to the hardness and aggression you will get using tren.
Good luck on your cycle!
Thought I'd give everyone a quick update. My weight is up to 244 which was taken in the morning, naked, on an empty stomach and with empty bowels and bladder, not the way I usually weigh, but that means my mid-day weigh should be a lot more! I've smoothed out a bit from a little water retention, but I'm still pretty cut and vascular. I don't think I've really put on any appreciable amount of fat either.
Also, I got talked into doing a powerlifting competition at my university's gym. I decided to participate in the bench press and squat since I need more practice deadlifting. Since I never max, I thought I probably should see where I was at. I went for my one rep bench press max yesterday and I did 455 pretty easily! I will be doing my squat max today and will let everyone know what it is. My goals were 400 on bench and 550 on squat, but if that bench number says anything, then my squat should be much higher too.
So I did a bench pressing competition yesterday and put up 435. By far the most I've ever done. They judged it by percent body weight though, so a couple little dudes edged me out with like 280 pound benches and 150 body weight. Weak sauce!
So I'm at the 250 mark currently. I am have been really concentrating on getting caught up in school recently, so I've only been hitting the gym 3-4 times a week instead of 6. I'm kinda disgusted with my lack of dedication, but I'm still growing like crazy. I'm about ready to start going all the time again though as I'm nearly caught up. I really want to start doing some MAJOR weak point training.
As another note I squatted 650 in my squat competition this week, a definite win.
As you are bulking now you really dont need to train everyday, thats contraproductive, 4 days per week is enought, also the boring rest days will increase you dedication on traning days
650lbs squats are brute :S
wouldn't worry about those extra days off. you're still growing and getting stronger all that hard work needs time to rest.
I agree with you oldschoolfitness. Even when I'm not on cycle I lift 6 days a week and get great results. I train every muscle twice a week also while not on cycle and recovery has never been a problem. I lift as heavy as I can with good form and the next day I'm rarely all that sore and NEVER for two days in a row, even when I mix up my workout. That's just what I've found my body responds the best to, but I've had training partners who had to pursue different workouts because it was just too much for their particular genetics. So, I see the other side of the argument too.
When I come off I am going to switch to hitting the muscles once a week on a five day workout schedule just to mix things up and give them a relative break from the constant heavy lifting they are getting currently while on cycle. Only for a few weeks though, then its back to hitting them twice a week and working out six days a week. Thanks for the feedback all. Keep it coming!
6 days a week each bodypart 2x week would probaly be too much for me. i could recover with good supps, test, and plenty of food. the problem for me is i can't get enough sleep 6 hours a night at the most and if lucky i can get a nap sometimes(about 30-45min). did you decide to do 12 or 16 weeks with the long esters. from personel experience i have always felt 10-12 weeks was plenty. but my best gains have always come around 8 weeks.
I'm gonna do a few rapid 10 week cycles and see how that works. 1000 test enanthate a week, lots of orals for the first 6 weeks and no EQ. Follow this with PCT and repeat. Trying to get BIG with the quickness, and I want to try something new.
Also, I noticed a bit of gyno! I caught it early though, just a hard lump the size of a big pea or small marble at this point, so I think it will be relatively unnoticable and treatable. I instantly started taking daily nolvadex and I think it has stopped growing for now, and it is still so small that once the inflammation goes away post cycle I imagine it will be almost non-existent. At the worst my nipples are frowning at me a little bit.
yeah bro don't think those orals will hurt a thing. over 5 years yeah maybe, but not a cycle here and there. some people don't realize to get the best out of your cycle u need a good dose of mgs.
My nipples are doing better. I'm pretty excited about that.
If anyone reading this post homebrews, I have a question. I tried to brew some test decanoate last night and it turned into this milky goo when I added the oil. My first sign that there was gonna be trouble was when I added benzyl alcohol to the powder and none of it dissolved. I brewed it just like cypionate (5% benzyl alcohol) and even added some benzyl benzoate just encase. I filtered out so much shit that I don't have any idea what the dosage of the finished product is. Any ideas what went wrong? Is there a different brewing protocol for test decanoate than test cypionate?
man that sucks!! try the lab section there is some knowledge brewing in there.
Thanks for the heads-up oldschoolfitness. I will certainly check it out. I'll probably be sticking to cypionate and enanthate in the future now though. They are tried and true, bread and butter gear.
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