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Thread: Someone that knows what they are talking about please read this.....

  1. #1

    Someone that knows what they are talking about please read this.....

    So heres the deal...
    I started taking EQ about 3 weeks ago.. I took 3 shots probably around 500 mgs total... THIS DID NOT WORK OUT... my heart was racing constantly, I couldn't sleep.. my blood flow was just too much, in the gym i could barely work out my biceps, my muscles would stay constantly flexed and filled up with blood to the point where I could barely bend my arm... and this is only after being on for a week and a half. Needless to say I stopped taking the EQ. I waited one week and all of the above mentioned side effects stopped and i was back to normal...

    I decided to take TEST E alone. I shot 1 cc of test E 250 last Saturday and 1 cc last wednesday.. First thing i noticed was in the gym I was getting awful headache type pains running through the back of my neck and pulsing through my head any time the work out became intense. I checked my blood pressure thinking it was because of that and my BP was fine... Motrin helped the pain go away but it is always reoccurring. The pain was bad enough that I would have to stop working out.
    NOW HERES WHERE I REALLY NEED ADVICE... The next thing I noticed since I have been on the Test is a Pinching Pain right at the top of my balls. Also I can barely keep a hard on, it takes FOREVER for me to bust, and when I do bust there is barely anything there.. my Libido is pretty much gone... Now remember I have only been on since last saturday and only took two shots of TEST E a total of 2ccs. so I have been on for 1 week.

    NOW... what should i do to get back to normal??
    Tribulus has always worked wonders for me and I took a couple tribulus pills which did bring back some of my libido BUT did not fix the problem by any means... Should I try taking Novladex? should I just wait it out and just try to boost my test the natural way by taking tribulus and zma and other testosterone supporting supplements? What do I do?? I need my balls back ASAP. Please let me know the best way to go about recovering from this...Thanks a lot!

  2. #2
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    First off Teste takes about 2 weeks or so to kick in but it shuts you down in a couple days. You can keep taking the test and wait it out and your libido and everything should go thru the roof in a couple weeks. Are you sure your gear is legit? You can take hcg to get your nuts going again while on cycle reasearch that. Drop the eq it sucks anyways. gl

  3. #3
    1.) EQ raises your RBC count significantly. So that increased your BP. That particular compound is also often attributed to anxiety problems in some users (which could explain the heart-rate, etc.)

    2.) That's really weird about libido being decreased. That shouldn't happen. Are you sure you've got test? and it aint like nanadrole just mislabeled? lol.

    3.) Your balls are getting 'sharp pains' because thats a sign that your testes are shutting down their production. Unfortunately this is inevitable on cycle; however, it doesn't last long IMO.

    4.) If you want to discontinue the cycle just wait 2 weeks after your last injection and begin taking nolvadex + clomid. (IE) nolva @ 20mg/ed for 3 weeks; and clomid @ 50mg for 3 weeks. You will recover 100% from that.

    5.) Tribulus won't do sh*t. Maybe help a bit w/ sex drive... but nothing else. Get viagra/cialis in the meantime to help w/ the erectile dysfunction problems.

    Hope that helps,


  4. #4
    Thanks for the quick reply.. The gear is definitely legit. I got it from a reputable source and a couple of my friends are on the same stuff and its working for them. Do the symptoms I'm experiencing sound normal?? What about the pain that I'm having in my balls does that make any sense? If I take tribulus while I'm on cycle is that bad in any way because right now its the only thing keeping my balls alive.

  5. #5
    Yes symptoms are fine, and sound normal (besides the decrease in sex drive.)

    You may just get bad reactions/sides from AAS usage. Drugs interactions w/ the human body are very individualistic. So it could be a number of things. Do a PCT and things will bounce back to normal.

    BTW, I've already answered the questions about your balls in my previous post. Re-read plz.


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaGenetics View Post
    First off Teste takes about 2 weeks or so to kick in but it shuts you down in a couple days. You can keep taking the test and wait it out and your libido and everything should go thru the roof in a couple weeks. Are you sure your gear is legit? You can take hcg to get your nuts going again while on cycle reasearch that. Drop the eq it sucks anyways. gl
    what does hcg stand for?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by rc_p90 View Post
    what does hcg stand for?

  8. #8
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  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    1.) EQ raises your RBC count significantly. So that increased your BP. That particular compound is also often attributed to anxiety problems in some users (which could explain the heart-rate, etc.)

    2.) That's really weird about libido being decreased. That shouldn't happen. Are you sure you've got test? and it aint like nanadrole just mislabeled? lol.

    3.) Your balls are getting 'sharp pains' because thats a sign that your testes are shutting down their production. Unfortunately this is inevitable on cycle; however, it doesn't last long IMO.

    4.) If you want to discontinue the cycle just wait 2 weeks after your last injection and begin taking nolvadex + clomid. (IE) nolva @ 20mg/ed for 3 weeks; and clomid @ 50mg for 3 weeks. You will recover 100% from that.

    5.) Tribulus won't do sh*t. Maybe help a bit w/ sex drive... but nothing else. Get viagra/cialis in the meantime to help w/ the erectile dysfunction problems.

    Hope that helps,

    1) take 100mg of clomid, 50 is useless
    2) i would start taking pregnyl immediately
    3) i would start taking HCGenerate immediately (it's full of trib, long jack and all other herbal natural shit)
    4) noobs need to start to learn to take TESTOSTERONE ONLY for their first cycle...

  11. #11
    lmao at this!!!

  12. #12
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    lol im not telling :D
    sounds like its almost all in your head

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by tim399 View Post
    1) take 100mg of clomid, 50 is useless
    2) i would start taking pregnyl immediately
    3) i would start taking HCGenerate immediately (it's full of trib, long jack and all other herbal natural shit)
    ^^ Disregard all this advice OP. This person clearly has no clue what they are talking about.

    You don't need HCG. The standard combination of 2 SERMS will more then suffice at restoring your HPTA.


  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    ^^ Disregard all this advice OP. This person clearly has no clue what they are talking about.

    You don't need HCG. The standard combination of 2 SERMS will more then suffice at restoring your HPTA.

    wwwhhaaaaaaattt??? serms are anti estrogens.. they dont not have anything to do with preserving the leydig cells.. look into it...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by tim399 View Post
    wwwhhaaaaaaattt??? serms are anti estrogens.. they dont not have anything to do with preserving the leydig cells.. look into it...

    you might wanna do some reading there kid. cause it seems like you have no idea about anything, judging by the advice you keep giving.

  16. #16
    marcus300's Avatar
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    This doesnt make sense, you took eq 3 shots around 500mgs in total and you got those sides!!! and then you took one shot of test e of 250mgs and still you experienced more sides!

    I would bet its got nothing to do with the gear and its some kind of mental issue you have going on with gear, if it is gear and one shot does these things to you then i would stop AAS straight away and never use them again.

    I also dont know who designs your cycles and pct but I wouldn't speak to them again for advice.

  17. #17
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    the reply from vm was spot on mate, its hormones....

  18. #18
    Non of these things were in my head that I can assure you. Right after I posted this on saturday I shot another cc of test E and since then everything seems to be improving. The pain in my balls is almost totally gone, my balls are coming back to life and my libido is definitely increasing. I guess I was just experiencing my bodys natural test shutting down. I still have the headache problem but if I take motrin it gets rid of it.

    I now know that I definitely should not of taken EQ but the reason I did it by its self for the first week was so I could see the side effects it would produce and be able to know for sure that it was from EQ. And good thing I did that because otherwise I would have never known if it was the test or the EQ causing certain sides.

    Thanks for all the help I will keep you posted if anything else develops

  19. #19
    Good to hear youre getting back to normal

  20. #20
    okay so today will be 3 weeks on Test E... I am still experiencing errection problems. I can barely get hard, and my balls are definitely shrinking. Does it make sense that the test has still not kicked in and my natural test is just basically gone?? everything that I read on here usually states that the first thing to be noticed is increased sex drive increased errections increased libido. Why am I experiencing the exact opposite? Should I consider taking HCG while on cycle? Will that help any considering my balls are shrinking? Should I just wait it out and see what happens? I do have 10 ccs of proponate that I originally planned on using as a kick starter from the beggining, but i guess its too late to take that especially because then I wont know when the enanthate is kicking in on its own. Any advise? because not being able to keep an errection is really staring to freak me out..

  21. #21
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    You need to cool out. That's the bottom line.
    1. Test E is not going to take effect, generally speaking, until after 4-5 weeks of use. This is the major reason that any cycle less than 12 weeks with it is not advised. Try to lower your expectations for its positive effects to set in. The more that you look for it to kick in, the greater your anxiety is becoming. Just lift, eat, and let the gear pleasantly surprise you.
    2. Your balls are going to shrink. That's the way it is. You can dig in to this board for an in-depth explanation of why, if you like. PCT will correct it.
    3. The same as you are over-analyzing whether or not the Test is working, you are over-thinking the function, or dysfunction for that matter, of your wee-wee. Your inability to keep it up is, almost certainly, a psychological problem that you have created. To put it simply, you are mind-****ing yourself. Quit wondering if its gonna fold on you, when you're trying to use it, and just do it like they do on The Discovery Channel.

    Listen man, I'm not trying to make fun of you. Seriously, though, you have got to chill out and let the shit work it's magic. Enjoy the ride.

  22. #22
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    i agree with Implement, we are not here to mess with you bro. you are thinking waaaay too hard about this stuff, focus on your diet and training first off and ease your mind of the other crap (hard ons, libido, etc...) and youll see that being relaxed about it all will actually help you

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