So heres the deal...
I started taking EQ about 3 weeks ago.. I took 3 shots probably around 500 mgs total... THIS DID NOT WORK OUT... my heart was racing constantly, I couldn't sleep.. my blood flow was just too much, in the gym i could barely work out my biceps, my muscles would stay constantly flexed and filled up with blood to the point where I could barely bend my arm... and this is only after being on for a week and a half. Needless to say I stopped taking the EQ. I waited one week and all of the above mentioned side effects stopped and i was back to normal...
I decided to take TEST E alone. I shot 1 cc of test E 250 last Saturday and 1 cc last wednesday.. First thing i noticed was in the gym I was getting awful headache type pains running through the back of my neck and pulsing through my head any time the work out became intense. I checked my blood pressure thinking it was because of that and my BP was fine... Motrin helped the pain go away but it is always reoccurring. The pain was bad enough that I would have to stop working out.
NOW HERES WHERE I REALLY NEED ADVICE... The next thing I noticed since I have been on the Test is a Pinching Pain right at the top of my balls. Also I can barely keep a hard on, it takes FOREVER for me to bust, and when I do bust there is barely anything there.. my Libido is pretty much gone... Now remember I have only been on since last saturday and only took two shots of TEST E a total of 2ccs. so I have been on for 1 week.
NOW... what should i do to get back to normal??
Tribulus has always worked wonders for me and I took a couple tribulus pills which did bring back some of my libido BUT did not fix the problem by any means... Should I try taking Novladex? should I just wait it out and just try to boost my test the natural way by taking tribulus and zma and other testosterone supporting supplements? What do I do?? I need my balls back ASAP. Please let me know the best way to go about recovering from this...Thanks a lot!