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Thread: does drinking beer hurt your cycle????

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    where the hell do you fit a shaker to carry it

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i didnt call you a d-bag. But if won of my friends did it yes i would laugh at them.

    Its great you dont care what people think and do what you want,

    like i said i dont see the point since your only at a club for a few hours.

    what are your stats? im curious
    I'm sorry I must have misread your post.

    Obviously my friends like to make fun of me which is part of the fun on a night out.

    Stats: 5,11 273lbs bf said 12% but I think it's a bit higher.

    265lbs had been my previous max weight, I'm currently on a test, tren, EQ cycle. 2 more weeks of bulking then going into a cut. I'll be using the same gear to cut but at a lower dose

  3. #43
    If you cannot refrain from drinking alcohol for an extended period of time (during your cycle, especially), then you're not dedicated enough to even bother with AAS in the first place. You not only have to be on point with your training, but nutrition and sleep are just as important. You are going to try to eat properly so why screw it up with booze? Plus you're putting your liver through the mill with gear as it is. Why make it worse by using alcohol?

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleCommand View Post
    If you cannot refrain from drinking alcohol for an extended period of time (during your cycle, especially), then you're not dedicated enough to even bother with AAS in the first place. You not only have to be on point with your training, but nutrition and sleep are just as important. You are going to try to eat properly so why screw it up with booze? Plus you're putting your liver through the mill with gear as it is. Why make it worse by using alcohol?
    most people on here arent pro or going to compete. yes you shouldn't be getting drunk all the time. But a few drinks on the weekend arent going to hurt. People need to have a life to. BB doesn't pay the bill so im not giving up my social life and fun for it

  5. #45
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    May 2010

    I didnt want to say anything at first but yeah thats pretty funny to take it in a club. Though on the Gold Coast in Australia (where I live) unless youre a regular generally you wont get in with any sort of container (unless the bouncer is having a great night). Even if they can see its empty.

    But thanks for more info that drinking can be ok on injectables but obviously its not recommended like chicken breast.

    PS I know this is a diet question but Im here and posting.. so *blows a raspberry*.. Im not a fan of chicken breast (too dry). I prefer to buy drumsticks, thighs, etc.
    I believe Id be eating the same amount as if it were breast, perhaps a bit more because its so succulent (and yes I remove skin and that white stringy shit in the thighs).
    Is there any benefit to eating chicken breast as opposed to thighs/drumsticks? Only benefit I can see is theyre larger so you perhaps dont look like a pig.

  6. #46
    if that is a consideration of yours than you shouldnt take juice, but like they said before liver main concern, also ur de-hydrating ur self by drinking which is also not good for your muscles when ur working hard and putting on good amounts of size that your natural body is not used to, also it eats at ur muscle and kills ur work out, sure one here and there is fine but whats the point, cus we all know one or two easily leads to 10 or 20 lol!!!

  7. #47
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    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    most people on here arent pro or going to compete. yes you shouldn't be getting drunk all the time. But a few drinks on the weekend arent going to hurt. People need to have a life to. BB doesn't pay the bill so im not giving up my social life and fun for it

    Ive personally trained seriously for the last 2yrs (10 all up, some seriously but not consistently). obviously my diet could use MAJOR improvement if I wanted to go pro, but I am still smashing 5-6 meals a day plus snacks. I dont think ive hit my full potential but am close.
    But Id like to see results a bit quicker (over the last 2 years of reading this site VETS and others tell people to wait until theyre 25, research the hell out of everything, and then once theyve done that they tell them to train harder and eat properly for at least a year. I did this.
    Now youre telling us that we cant even have alcohol in your eyes otherwise we are not serious enough for AAS? No one will take you seriously in future if you have that attitude.
    Whats next, no sex because you dont think people who f*** are not dedicated enough?
    Everything in moderation. This includes drinking, eating greasy takeaway, steroids, working out in the gym etc.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by J_SHOCK89 View Post
    if that is a consideration of yours than you shouldnt take juice, but like they said before liver main concern, also ur de-hydrating ur self by drinking which is also not good for your muscles when ur working hard and putting on good amounts of size that your natural body is not used to, also it eats at ur muscle and kills ur work out, sure one here and there is fine but whats the point, cus we all know one or two easily leads to 10 or 20 lol!!!
    10 or 20? I'd be a coma!

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    Killing Zombies
    I can think of a way to get protien shots while at the club...

    It rhymes with slowtobs.

    I fear that bodybuilding magazines have made some of us insane

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by wharton View Post
    you take a protein shake out with you~? LoL

    Imagine getting stopped at the door by the heavys and they found you with some unusual brown powder tied up in a small bag lol

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by graeme87 View Post
    I'm sorry I must have misread your post.

    Obviously my friends like to make fun of me which is part of the fun on a night out.

    Stats: 5,11 273lbs bf said 12% but I think it's a bit higher.

    265lbs had been my previous max weight, I'm currently on a test, tren, EQ cycle. 2 more weeks of bulking then going into a cut. I'll be using the same gear to cut but at a lower dose
    Really???? 273 and only 12%? If you diet is in question are you sure it's not 22% I would love to see a picture.

  12. #52
    You ever heard of a cheat day matey?.... lol

    All sounds a little too Anal to me.
    When I competed I was ordered to go out by nutritionist and have a night out, obviously not getting trolleyed out of my brains but have a good drink.

    It's called keeping you sane!!!

    I ate like a trojan on my cheat day and drank alcohol with no problems at all (obviously not training the next day).

    Even the Pro's go out drinking and theyDO know how to party believe me, I have mates who are world champions who guzzle Guinness like water. And they smoke like troopers too! lol

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by graeme87 View Post
    I'm not quite going pro but I'm defo trying to take things to the next level and including travel I'd be about 6 hours without food if I ate before I left and not again until I got home.

    I'm not saying it's essential by any means, it's become a bit of a gimmick between my friends and I. And of course I see the funny side of it but it only takes 10 minutes to drink a shake so its a quick and easy meal with no hassle except the odd funny look.
    wtf, it takes me 10 seconds.

    and LOL at bringing protein to the club. I just eat before and then have my pre-bed shake when i get home (unless I end up in a girl's place instead, which would be a worthy trade-off IMO despite losing the extra 500 cals or whatever it is)

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    exactly. I wish these guys could step into any ny club and see how many guys who are in great shape can have a drink too
    you're from NY too? where in manhattan?

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Really???? 273 and only 12%? If you diet is in question are you sure it's not 22% I would love to see a picture.
    if he was really 5'11 and 272 at 12% he would be an ifbb pro. He needs to post a pic
    Last edited by AlphaMaleDawg; 05-27-2010 at 10:26 AM.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    you're from NY too? where in manhattan?
    i'm in dallas now. I used to live 10 mins from the tunnel in NJ, wife was from brooklyn

  16. #56
    Join Date
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    my parents basement, AZ
    it takes you 10 minutes to drink a shake?? lol
    do u have a bad swallowing reflex or something

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Wow it took awhile for you all to notice those stats....


  18. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    hell no

    Hell no! I keep a keg by my squat rack.

  19. #59
    i always keep my protein powder in the cloakroom

  20. #60
    Join Date
    May 2010
    thank you guys for all the info i prbly drink 2 3 beers a night not counting the weekends.....and this is my 4th week on the sustanon 270 and i still have not gained much but my strength has sky rocketed....when i began i weight between 170 and iam at 176 all the time.....and being on a bulking steriod anything i put in my body should be good for me cuz iam trying to get bigger not cut up.....even though beer is a lot of empty cal...i drink light beer...any info will be help realy think that if i drink a couple of beers a night everyday it will totaly fck up any gains could this be the reasson why this is my 4th week on sustanon and still no big weight gain please let me know thank you

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by matty boy View Post
    thank you guys for all the info i prbly drink 2 3 beers a night not counting the weekends.....and this is my 4th week on the sustanon 270 and i still have not gained much but my strength has sky rocketed....when i began i weight between 170 and iam at 176 all the time.....and being on a bulking steriod anything i put in my body should be good for me cuz iam trying to get bigger not cut up.....even though beer is a lot of empty cal...i drink light beer...any info will be help realy think that if i drink a couple of beers a night everyday it will totaly fck up any gains could this be the reasson why this is my 4th week on sustanon and still no big weight gain please let me know thank you
    whats ur diet like

    u probably need to eat more

  22. #62
    Join Date
    May 2010
    iam at a 2800 to 3000 cal a day never miss a meal and lots of protein....would u think beer is a big way of putting weight on???

  23. #63
    Join Date
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    would you think by my 4th week i would have seen more gains then this????or should i wait to see week 5 they said by week 3or4 i would see steady gains

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    As you can tell im not a you cant drink on cycle kinda guy. But drinking 7 days a week isnt helping you.

  25. #65
    This may be useful to the discussion.

    This is more detailed.

  26. #66
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicdrifter View Post
    This may be useful to the discussion.

    This is more detailed.
    wow apparently i could have went pro if i wasn't partying like i used too

    Its amazing when i was at my biggest and strongest was when i was also partying my hardest.

  27. #67
    Join Date
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    i think the sustanon 270 working!!!!!!!!LOLOLOLOLOl yea boy!!!!!

  28. #68
    Join Date
    May 2010
    lolololol....that funny it always works like that....and at that time u prbly didnt even realize how big u sum pic of ur self???

  29. #69
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicdrifter View Post
    This may be useful to the discussion.

    This is more detailed.
    Thank you for those links.

  30. #70
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    you're from NY too? where in manhattan?

    if he was really 5'11 and 272 at 12% he would be an ifbb pro. He needs to post a pic
    Obvious typo, he meant 172, makes more sense now.

    As for the sust kicking in for you now, it's still a waste IMHO because of your beer drinking.

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcarn01 View Post
    you should be embarrassed for yourself if you do that. No chick at a club wants to talk about some d-bag drinking protein at the club.. wtf.....

    Check this link....

  32. #72
    Join Date
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    UK West yorkshire
    Yager Bombs, Yager Bombs, Fvkin Yager Bombs.....

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