I have been prescribed suboxone for 3 years now for opioid addiction. Suboxone is just a opiate itself which doesnt attach to the receptor as well as other full opiates. Anyways since i have been taking it i have noticed i have been having a harder time building muscle then before i was taking them. I had been using anabolics for a couple years before so i have something to compare to. Right now i take 8mg of suboxone per day and i do notice some other sides such as decreased sex drive, tiredness and also having trouble bulking and gaining muscle even with anabolics. I also notice that it kinda dehydrates me no matter how much fluid i drink. I read an article about opiates lowering test levels but i think maybe there are other things influencing the trouble gaining weight. I was gonna try to decrease my daily dosage as low as possible and see if that helps. I was wondering if anyone else had a take on this or knows anything useful? thanks