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Thread: Fibromyalgia help please.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Fibromyalgia help please.

    Hi all, (hope this in the right section)

    My uncle has been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, something I know nothing about other than its making his life hell.

    He has no engery and says his body is aching constantly some day he finds if difficult to get out of bed.

    He was diagnosed over a year ago but he seems to be getting worse and all his doctor has done as far as I can tell is to tell my uncle to change his diet.

    Can anyone explain to me in laymans terms what this Fibromyalgia is and what my uncle should be doing to alleviate his symtoms or be asking his doctor to do to help him rather than just changing his diet.

    Many thanks,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Sorry to bump but anybody got any info on this?

    I should add my uncle is in his early 50's and has always been fit and active, in his younger days was a regular down the gym.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    your on the wrong fourm but since i have been in this same position ill try to help. first things I'm going to ask.

    does he use any kind of pharmaceuticals pain meds? does he drink alcohol on a regular basis or use ANY kind of other drugs?

    has he has other pain issues in the past?

    what is his current social life been like. (the past year)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Thanks for the reply focusmen,

    Wasn't sure where I should have posted this thread, where should I put it by the way?

    He doens't drink very often and never does any kind of drugs.

    He has had a rough year on a personal level but seems to be getting over it now.

    As for his social life its fairly good I guess.

    Not really sure if his doctor has given him any drugs, I don't think he has but I will double check with him.

    I have heard a few people say that Fibromyalgia is a made up illness that doctors use to put a name to a patients symptoms when nothing else can be found and that it is more often the fact that the patient is actually depressed or something along those lines.

    Not sure if it is or not as I have never heard of it before. Does it ever go away or is it something that you have for the rest of your life.

    Can it be a mis-diagnoses of something else like low testosterone like a freind of mine thinks it could be.



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