just looking for comments....last cycle was 500 sus a week, 400 decca a week and 1-4 dbol 40 mg. i want to do another bulking cycle and up it from the last...anyone wanna throw in their comments go for it
just looking for comments....last cycle was 500 sus a week, 400 decca a week and 1-4 dbol 40 mg. i want to do another bulking cycle and up it from the last...anyone wanna throw in their comments go for it
Age: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
BF%: ?
Cycle Exp: ?
PCT Knowledge: ?
Training Exp: ?
Diet: ?
Just remember that more is not always better.
not sure about body fat, never got it checked, under 20%,
2 cycles, first just sus, second the one mentioned,
good pct knowledge, i read about it on here and followed it to a tee on second cycle, first was ill informed, then i found this place
dont feel like going into diet but its good, trust me
What kind of results did you get from your last cycle? Did you get any sides? If you had good results and low/no sides then why change it. I always feel you should stay consistent until gains stop or slow down considerably.
Also how long have you been off cycle? You wanna make sure your body has had time to recover.
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