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Thread: Will Dianabol stop the Tren from making me ripped?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Will Dianabol stop the Tren from making me ripped?

    People always talk about how ripped they get when they take Tren.

    I've got one question: If I take Dianabol with Tren, will it stop me from getting ripped?

    The steroid profile for Trenbolone Acetate on this website says:

    Evidence suggests that trenbolone when stacked with estrogen promotes more weight gain that trenbolone alone(22), now I´m not telling you to go pop some birth control with your trenbolone but the addition of aromatizing orals such as dianabol and a long estered testosterone such as cypionate or enanthate would produce great gains in a bulking cycle.
    My main aim on this cycle is to get ripped. I mean it would be absolutely wonderful to get big and ripped at the same time, but my priority is to get ripped.

    Should I take the Dbol? Or would Anavar be a better choice to take with Tren?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Dbol will make you retain water, not stop you from burning fat. But bloating is somewhat counterproductive on a cutting cycle.

    You either cut or bulk. Can't do both. Take you pick and run your cycle accordingly.

    What is your cycle history??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I've done two cycles:

    1: Sustanon
    2: Sustanon, Deca, Dbol

    (You might remember I started the thread "Trenbolone Virgin: Apprehensious")

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Yeah, I would leave the dbol. The tren will kick in pretty quick and you won't need any boost.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    If I'm taking a combination of Sustanon and Trenbolone Acetate, then will adding an oral even have much of an effect?

    I mean if I was to add Dianabol or Anavar, would I be left with more muscle at the end of the cycle?

    Or is Trenbolone so strong that I won't even notice the effect of the orals?

    (By the way, water retention goes away very quickly when you stop taking roids, doesn't it? I mean it doesn't hang around like fat, does it? I've had water retention before (moon face) and it seemed to disappear entirely within 1 month of stopping roids).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Add in Masteron, it will give you a great look when combined with Tren. Anavar should be good as well (I'm guessing) but Tren will overshadow the Anavar anyway so it may be pointlessnto take both.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tren is a new addition to his cycle. It's the most powerful AAS. Just run the test and tren like has been advised many times. Don't tell me you're going to continue to fish until someone gives you the advice you want to hear.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    dbol doesn't make me retain to much water if i keep diet clean.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Go with prop and tren. If you can afford to add some var for great lean results.

    My cycle currently
    100mg prop Ed
    100mg tren ace eod
    100mg var Ed
    100mg mast eod

    Also taking gh and sin but a prop, tren, var cycle has always been my fav lean cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    Tren is a new addition to his cycle. It's the most powerful AAS. Just run the test and tren like has been advised many times. Don't tell me you're going to continue to fish until someone gives you the advice you want to hear.
    Nuff said. Test+Tren, the two king of kings.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I've only ever injected myself in the glutes, so I only have two injection spots right now.

    I'm comfortable with injecting myself once every 3 days (that's how I did it on my first two cycles).

    I'm reluctant to switch to injecting once every 2 days, but I'll deal with it. I need to find some other part of my body to inject. What's the next easiest place to inject after the glutes?

    I definitely don't want to be injecting myself every day.

    I'm leaning more toward Testosterone Propionate than Testosterone Enanthate because I hear it can get you more ripped.

    Would it be possible to inject myself every 2nd day as follows? I'd mix the two of them in one syringe:
    Testosterone Propionate -- 150mg EOD
    Trenbolone Acetate -- 100mg EOD

    How does that sound?

    I've decided I'm just gonna take Test & Tren, there's no need for anything else.

    Oh by the way, one other thing, does Tren A hurt much after you inject?

    I've heard that Test P can hurt a lot afterwards but I'm gonna buy the stuff made by Uni*** L*** Sc****** so I should be good.

    Am I safe to go running every day when I'm on Tren A? Or will I die if I do that?

  12. #12
    You can inject your pecs, lats, thighs, delts, bis, tris, and many other places check out this site s p ot i n j e c t i o n just take away the spaces

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I say the Thighs. I do my Thighs 99% of the time the last 2 years on HRT/cycle

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Could I please hear some opinions on whether this is OK:

    Would it be possible to inject myself every 2nd day as follows? I'd mix the two of them in one syringe:
    Testosterone Propionate -- 150mg EOD
    Trenbolone Acetate -- 100mg EOD

    Or do I need to inject the Test P every day?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    That will work great...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Soul Society
    Quote Originally Posted by ErectileTissue View Post
    Could I please hear some opinions on whether this is OK:

    Would it be possible to inject myself every 2nd day as follows? I'd mix the two of them in one syringe:
    Testosterone Propionate -- 150mg EOD
    Trenbolone Acetate -- 100mg EOD

    Or do I need to inject the Test P every day?
    That works great bro. You could try deltoids and thighs, that will give you 6 sites, plenty for eod shots

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