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Thread: HGH log for everyone!

  1. #1

    Thumbs up HGH log for everyone!

    If you're on HGH and want to share your results with others but dont want to start your own thread then do it in here.....

    Tell us what your HGH cycle is doing for you, ask questions, answer questions and share your experiences with others who are serious about HGH.

    jing jai

  2. #2
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    Good idea bro, perhaps all those that have even the simplest of question regarding hgh can ask here if your not keen on starting your own thread...
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  3. #3
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    So i have Glotropin, on the box is an authentication code that you have to scratch to reveal. Doing this gives me a 20 digit code which i type in on their site and got the message, "congratulations your product is genuine"..

    I presume this is the best way to confirm that your hgh is real????

    Or can this be fixed??
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  4. #4
    It certainly goes a some way to confirming it!

    One way of checking it is by trying to check the same number twice, if it lets you then that number means nothing as it could of been copied by someone else. Most companies who use that system will only let you check the number once then on the second attempt it will allert you to the fact that it has already been checked and to contact them.

    The only 100% way of knowing is by getting it tested in a lab.

    jing jai

  5. #5
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    You know your stuff lol, a warning came up to say the the code had already been entered...
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  6. #6
    Thats a good result mate

    When are you starting to use it?

    jing jai

  7. #7
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    I shall be leaving it another month or two.

    Because ive had a period of time out of the game i believe its very important to focus on diet and training until i get close to my natural potential which weight wise would be around 210lbs.. Im sitting at about 203lbs now and my strength is coming back good and strong...

    I will be running the hgh along side tri tren and test although im going to start the hgh 2 months before the aas.. Im convinced that i can get to 260/270lbs in 12 months..

    Im going to run the hgh as follows:
    1-4 weeks @2ius 5/2.
    4-8 @ 4ius 5/2.
    8-12 @ 6ius 5/2.
    12-? @ 8ius 5/2..

    Im going to get more hgh and would hope to stay on for at least 12 months...

    I will post pictures on my profile page as im going along...

    What are your thoughts???
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    I shall be leaving it another month or two.

    Because ive had a period of time out of the game i believe its very important to focus on diet and training until i get close to my natural potential which weight wise would be around 210lbs.. Im sitting at about 203lbs now and my strength is coming back good and strong...

    I will be running the hgh along side tri tren and test although im going to start the hgh 2 months before the aas.. Im convinced that i can get to 260/270lbs in 12 months..

    Im going to run the hgh as follows:
    1-4 weeks @2ius 5/2.
    4-8 @ 4ius 5/2.
    8-12 @ 6ius 5/2.
    12-? @ 8ius 5/2..

    Im going to get more hgh and would hope to stay on for at least 12 months...

    I will post pictures on my profile page as im going along...

    What are your thoughts???
    Congrats on the purchase

    The ramp up looks good..... it should keep sides fairly minimal. I ramped up faster but I wanted to feel sides just to make myself feel better about the purchase. I started at 4iu's bumped it to 6iu's sometime around week 3 or 4 and then 8iu's by week 7 or 8. I had carpal tunnel and knuckle pain for about 2 1/2 months LMAO. Didn't bother me too too much though.

    I'm seeing the real bennefits of the HGH now..... and i'm in month 7 I believe.....


  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    I shall be leaving it another month or two.

    Because ive had a period of time out of the game i believe its very important to focus on diet and training until i get close to my natural potential which weight wise would be around 210lbs.. Im sitting at about 203lbs now and my strength is coming back good and strong...

    I will be running the hgh along side tri tren and test although im going to start the hgh 2 months before the aas.. Im convinced that i can get to 260/270lbs in 12 months..

    Im going to run the hgh as follows:
    1-4 weeks @2ius 5/2.
    4-8 @ 4ius 5/2.
    8-12 @ 6ius 5/2.
    12-? @ 8ius 5/2..

    Im going to get more hgh and would hope to stay on for at least 12 months...

    I will post pictures on my profile page as im going along...

    What are your thoughts???

    I think you have got it all worked out and have done your job right!

    HGH is amazing when used right and with AAS the synergy is phenomenal. I will be really interested to see how you progress over the next 12 months+. In my experience the only thing/things that have held me back BB'ing are personal problems which take your eye off the ball.....if you can stay hasstle free and focussed then the sky is the limit for you!

    How many cycles do you plan to run during the 12 months?

    jing jai

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Out there.
    i started HGH blue cap gen almost two months ago 5 on 2 off and have ramped 2 iu's 1/perday for three weeks, 2.5/perday for a week, 3/perday for a week and now 4 iu's/perday for a week moving up now to 5 iu's/perday this coming week. I started a test cycle of Enanthate 85mgs/Cypionate 85mgs/Propionate 80mgs mixed where i hit a half cc every other day. I got this mix cause i wanted Sustanon 250 and they tried to sell it to me as Sustanon which is crazy cause I know what Sustanon mix is but was so curious about this blend I wanted to try it anyway. It's real for sure... I've had excellent gains and want more of it.

    Wanted to do 1 cc everyother day but one of the monitors here said it was to much. Any thoughts?

    That would be 1000 mgs per week and felt that would be safe enough. Any thoughts?

    I just scored a 10 ml bottle of insulin but do not know how to start it yet. Just got it
    today which is why im looking on here for suggestions. Any thoughts?

    i take sup's to control sides but have zero side effects as of yet.

    6' tall
    196 lbs
    13% body fat

    just strated test first week 10 lbs easy maybe more gained

    hgh brought me from 176 tp 186 in 5 weeks where i started and lost fat and gained muscle

    I box now and do cardio which keeps weight down but body is looking great

    I need a diet to work with cause I want an athletic body not really interested in body building although that's who teaches me the most about my gains

    plan to run at least 8 months gh with test cycle on the off then on again

    want to stack with this awesome blended test

    please instruct me im new and want to get the most out of this shit and it's f-ing costly.

    I don't get offended so let it rip... I want to learn.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by ProjectTurkey View Post
    i started HGH blue cap gen almost two months ago 5 on 2 off and have ramped 2 iu's 1/perday for three weeks, 2.5/perday for a week, 3/perday for a week and now 4 iu's/perday for a week moving up now to 5 iu's/perday this coming week. I started a test cycle of Enanthate 85mgs/Cypionate 85mgs/Propionate 80mgs mixed where i hit a half cc every other day. I got this mix cause i wanted Sustanon 250 and they tried to sell it to me as Sustanon which is crazy cause I know what Sustanon mix is but was so curious about this blend I wanted to try it anyway. It's real for sure... I've had excellent gains and want more of it.

    Wanted to do 1 cc everyother day but one of the monitors here said it was to much. Any thoughts?

    That would be 1000 mgs per week and felt that would be safe enough. Any thoughts?

    I just scored a 10 ml bottle of insulin but do not know how to start it yet. Just got it
    today which is why im looking on here for suggestions. Any thoughts?

    i take sup's to control sides but have zero side effects as of yet.

    6' tall
    196 lbs
    13% body fat

    just strated test first week 10 lbs easy maybe more gained

    hgh brought me from 176 tp 186 in 5 weeks where i started and lost fat and gained muscle

    I box now and do cardio which keeps weight down but body is looking great

    I need a diet to work with cause I want an athletic body not really interested in body building although that's who teaches me the most about my gains

    plan to run at least 8 months gh with test cycle on the off then on again

    want to stack with this awesome blended test

    please instruct me im new and want to get the most out of this shit and it's f-ing costly.

    I don't get offended so let it rip... I want to learn.
    Thanks for the input, this is exactly the sort of info we are looking for here so we can follow your progress and see what works best.

    Before we carry on I nedd to ask you a few questions....


    Previous cycles?

    How long have you been training?

    When you say you are taking sups to control sides what sides are you trying to control and what sups are you taking?

    Am I right in saying you have gained a total of 20lbs in 6 weeks and 10lbs in one week on test?
    Last edited by Xtralarg; 06-14-2010 at 02:27 AM.

    jing jai

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    I think you have got it all worked out and have done your job right!

    HGH is amazing when used right and with AAS the synergy is phenomenal. I will be really interested to see how you progress over the next 12 months+. In my experience the only thing/things that have held me back BB'ing are personal problems which take your eye off the ball.....if you can stay hasstle free and focussed then the sky is the limit for you!

    How many cycles do you plan to run during the 12 months?

    Im undecided yet on how many cycles im going to run however im sure im going to cruise from cycle to cycle. Im almost 40 and have no plans at this point of my to have kids....

    The biggest factor in all of this is the cost, the food im consuming now is costing an arm and a leg. I can understand why the pro's need sponsors..
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Im undecided yet on how many cycles im going to run however im sure im going to cruise from cycle to cycle. Im almost 40 and have no plans at this point of my to have kids....

    The biggest factor in all of this is the cost, the food im consuming now is costing an arm and a leg. I can understand why the pro's need sponsors..
    If you're cruising then thats ideal!

    Have you done any short heavy cycles?

    jing jai

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    If you're cruising then thats ideal!

    Have you done any short heavy cycles?
    Ive never done short burst cycles, ie 4/5/6 weeks..

    I usually run cycles for 12/14 weeks...

    I you thinking that throwing a number of short burst cycles in there would be of some benefit???
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  15. #15
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    I was also thinking of keeping the test at 250mgs ew when cruising as opposed to 125mgs.. Im of the opinion the would be of more benefit whilst on hgh...
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  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Ive never done short burst cycles, ie 4/5/6 weeks..

    I usually run cycles for 12/14 weeks...

    I you thinking that throwing a number of short burst cycles in there would be of some benefit???
    Well its certainly an option you should think about depending on how you react to AAS. One of my most productive cycles was a very heavy (5g pw) 4 week one with 8iu EOD HGH shots - I gained more than 20lbs in the 4 weeks and retained the vast majority of it. I always see quick results though no matter what compunds I run, after 6 weeks its always PCT time for me.

    Cruising at 250mg pw rather than 125mg will have its benifits but the downside is that when you do cycle you have to take this in consideration and up the amount your on cycle, which in turn can lead to more sides in many areas, however im sure you are aware of this and are happy with your choice.

    jing jai

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    I was also thinking of keeping the test at 250mgs ew when cruising as opposed to 125mgs.. Im of the opinion the would be of more benefit whilst on hgh...
    I agree with this..... if you're going to cruise..... make it worth it.


  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I agree with this..... if you're going to cruise..... make it worth it.

    Do you cruise?

    jing jai

  19. #19
    im going to post this here instead of my thread so hopefully people can learn from my questions here

    i decided to go for a jog just now and the second i started to break a sweat i felt tremendous pain in my left ankle, is this by any chance related to the GH or the test ? anyways i didnt stop jogging i took a lap around the neighborhood

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by babyface770 View Post
    im going to post this here instead of my thread so hopefully people can learn from my questions here

    i decided to go for a jog just now and the second i started to break a sweat i felt tremendous pain in my left ankle, is this by any chance related to the GH or the test ? anyways i didnt stop jogging i took a lap around the neighborhood
    Thanks for the post....we look forward to keeping up with your progress!

    I doubt the gh would give you a sore ankle tbh, unless it was related to fluid retention? Are any of your other joints painful?

    jing jai

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    I was also thinking of keeping the test at 250mgs ew when cruising as opposed to 125mgs.. Im of the opinion the would be of more benefit whilst on hgh...
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I agree with this..... if you're going to cruise..... make it worth it.

    In my experience to many people crusie on to higher amount per week, its not needed IMHO, ive used and ive seem many others implement 125-150mgs per week and still be able to maintain their size and condition without feeling any kind of lag.

    If you start cruising at higher amounts you have to take in consideration the amount of gear you will be going on to respond, ive cruised on various amounts and I didnt see much of a difference from the lower amount to the higher except when i went on cycle, its far better coming out of a cruise on a lower amount into a stack.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    I’d like to join this party. I thought to share with this community my first HGH experience using Jintropin (Made in China).

    Personal stats:
    Age: 37
    Height: 180 cm (5’10)
    Weight: 92 Kgs (202 Lbs)
    BF: 12.7% (using the electronic scale)

    Past ASS Cycles:
    4 Cycle in the last 3 years or so.
    1st: 10 weeks total, Test e (500 mgs/week) + Avanar (40 mgs/day, first 4 weeks)
    2nd: 10 weeks total, Test e (500 mgs/week) + DBol (40 mgs/day, first 4 weeks)
    3rd: 12 weeks total, Test e (750 mgs/week) + Tren Acetate (100 mgs/day, first 4 weeks)
    4th: 12 weeks total, Test e (750 mgs/week) + Deca (600 mgs/week)
    I kept 12 kgs (26 Lbs) of gain from these cycles. My PCT for my last cycle ended in Jan 2010.

    HGH Usage Objectives:
    Reduce my body fat (estimate at 12.7% using the electronic scale) to 8%-6%
    Gain some muscle mass by 8 kgs (17 Lbs).
    I’m sure that ASS are the best for mass gain; however, in my last cycle I hardly gained 1 Kgs (2 lbs). Looking if HGH can be an alternative?

    Length: One year
    Dosage: I plan to increase my dosage from 2 iu to 6-8 iu depending on the outcome of the first few months (3-6 months) and the severity of the side effects.
    1st month: 2 iu
    2nd month: 4 iu (if side effects are manageable)
    5th month: 6 iu (if side effects are manageable). I may go up to 8 iu. The search I have conducted was not conclusive whether the dosage and the muscle gain are related. I decided to experiment the dosage and assess the outcome accordingly. Planning to add T4 in months 2 and Insulin in month 3. The reason why I didn’t start with T4 and insulin in the first months is the side effects. I wanted to understand each component and the side effects associated with it.
    Diet: 40/40/20 = Carbs/Protein/Fat. 3000 – 4000 Cal/Day. I record daily my diet and analyse it using a tool I bought from the Internet,

    1st Month:
    Started the first week of May and this is my fourth week.

    Dosage: As stated before 2 iu

    Side effects: Night sweats and occasional headaches. The first week, I was feeling a bit lethargic.

    Benefits noticed: Good quality sleep, slight increase in the strength at the GYM, and some slight anabolic effects at the GYM (pump and a bit of aggression).
    Other observations: My appetite went up the roof. I feel like I want to eat all the time. Surprisingly, people start making complements about my body, “The shape of your upper body is changing …”, “You putting Muscle again?!”,
    At week 4, the headaches decreases and not as often as the 1st and 2nd week. So, I decided to increase my dosage to 4 iu from next week which is the start of the 2nd month. I would also add T4 starting from 40 mcg and gradually increasing it to 80 – 100 mcg.
    Also, planning to run an AAS cycle sometimes around July? I want to benefit from the Test and HGH combination, people report great results from combining HGH and Test.

    Stats at the end of week 4:
    Weight = 92 Kgs (202 lbs), no change
    Body fat = 12.3%, slight decrease. For body fat, the number is irrelevant to me. I would be happy once I see my entire abs and I reduce my waist from 34 to 32 inchs.
    Overall, no major changes so far. I guess, it is too early to see any benefits. I’m enthusiastically looking forward to start the 2nd months with 4 iu and 40 mcg of T4.
    I decided to some blood test to check if everything is all right. All good, blood count, liver, kidney function, blood sugar, etc. The doc said all good ....

    2nd Month:
    Raised the dosage to 4 iu as planned. I added 80 mcg of T4.

    Dosage: As stated before 4 iu
    Side effects: Night sweats, my bed is wet by the morning. Occasional headaches. Occasionally feeling a bit lethargic and tired. I feel like I want to sleep all the time?!?
    Benefits noticed: Good quality sleep, slight increase in the strength at the GYM, and some slight anabolic effects at the GYM (pump and a bit of aggression). Fat loss in the injections area (Abdominal)
    Other observations: My appetite still up.

    Stats at the start of week 7:
    Weight = 93.6 Kgs (206 lbs), went up 4 lbs!?!
    Body fat = 12.3%, no change yet

  23. #23
    Excellent post BignBig, thank you for sharing such detailed info with us. I can relate to much of what you have said, you havent mentioned any CTS or joint pain though, have you suffered at all with any of them?

    One thing that worries me slightly is that you only gained 1kg on your last cycle (12 weeks total, Test e (750 mgs/week) + Deca (600 mgs/week). Even if you didnt train and ate a poor diest (which I can see you didnt) then you would gain much more than that in water retention alone.....therefore it makes me think your AAS may not of been real? Did you get it from a relaible source or brew it yourself? Either way I would make double sure that for your next cycle you have some good quality AAS. That leads me on to your HGH dosage for that cycle, try to get your dosage up to around the 6-8iu mark when you start your cycle as like you have said the synergy between HGH,AAS and T4 is amazing!

    What protocol are you using for you HGH at the moment?

    jing jai

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Thanks for the post....we look forward to keeping up with your progress!

    I doubt the gh would give you a sore ankle tbh, unless it was related to fluid retention? Are any of your other joints painful?
    Ohh well no other hoints hurt just my ankle and its fine now ,,I don't know if its fluid retention but I do feel the bloat is a little less since I last asked you about it . But there is no doubt that I still feel a little bloat around my belly.

    Another question is that since I'm going to do a 6 months cycle and I need to stick to 6-8 ( see what works) for a long period of time , would It be wise to up the dosage faster than I excepted as in raise 1IU every two weeks instead of per month ?

    Thanks again

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by babyface770 View Post
    Ohh well no other hoints hurt just my ankle and its fine now ,,I don't know if its fluid retention but I do feel the bloat is a little less since I last asked you about it . But there is no doubt that I still feel a little bloat around my belly.

    Another question is that since I'm going to do a 6 months cycle and I need to stick to 6-8 ( see what works) for a long period of time , would It be wise to up the dosage faster than I excepted as in raise 1IU every two weeks instead of per month ?

    Thanks again
    Keep an eye on your sodium intyake, that will help the bloat.

    I would increase the dosage as quickly as the sides allow you to especially as you are running prop with it!

    Any signs of CTS yet?

    jing jai

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Keep an eye on your sodium intyake, that will help the bloat.

    I would increase the dosage as quickly as the sides allow you to especially as you are running prop with it!

    Any signs of CTS yet?
    okay sir will do

    as for CTS its the usual that i told you about, a little tingling after i hit a shot nothing too serious

  27. #27
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    Just for opinions, my hgh comes with 10ml vials of sodium chloride..

    Would you use it or would there be any real benifits with changing it to bac water or b12????
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  28. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Just for opinions, my hgh comes with 10ml vials of sodium chloride..

    Would you use it or would there be any real benifits with changing it to bac water or b12????
    What you have is bac water with added sodium chloride.

    Benzyl alcohol is added as a bacteriostatic preservative and the sodium chloride is added so it can be used IV if required.
    Last edited by Xtralarg; 06-26-2010 at 01:05 AM.

    jing jai

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by babyface770 View Post
    okay sir will do

    as for CTS its the usual that i told you about, a little tingling after i hit a shot nothing too serious
    You did say you were waking up early with numb hands now I come to think about this still happening?

    jing jai

  30. #30
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    As i was saying to the other thread , my blast will be for 5 days takin around 150iu totally and then for 3 weeks i'll b on ghrp-6 (most probably) so i can keep gh levels elevated.
    AAS cycle will have about 1.5-2g test , 1-1.5g eq and around 700mg tren (per week) ...
    Its too soon to actually give more details as all this will start this September , and i still havent got full details on the gf blast method i'll follow ...

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by alextg View Post
    As i was saying to the other thread , my blast will be for 5 days takin around 150iu totally and then for 3 weeks i'll b on ghrp-6 (most probably) so i can keep gh levels elevated.
    AAS cycle will have about 1.5-2g test , 1-1.5g eq and around 700mg tren (per week) ...
    Its too soon to actually give more details as all this will start this September , and i still havent got full details on the gf blast method i'll follow ...
    Thanks for posting alex

    I know a pro bb who does 2 wweks of blasting hgh then 2 weeks at a low dose and this works very well for him.

    Can you tell me why you have decided to go with that protocol dose?

    I have cycled aas at that ammount and achieved excellent results along with some of the worst headaches i have ever had!

    jing jai

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Thanks for posting alex

    I know a pro bb who does 2 wweks of blasting hgh then 2 weeks at a low dose and this works very well for him.

    Can you tell me why you have decided to go with that protocol dose?

    I have cycled aas at that ammount and achieved excellent results along with some of the worst headaches i have ever had!
    Well i've been following this thread in an other forum about Gh blasts and the results ppl have are amazing ... not only an increase in mass but drop of fat (and i mean more than normal) ... i think with this protocol you can actually cause hyperplasia and cause , after so many years that i BB i decided to compete , i wonna compete and make a bang , if you know what i mean.
    If this protocol enhances me alot and add me the mass i want while bulking , i will continue it throughout my prep.Else i might do a classic 8iu ED protocol with hgh ...
    We'll see .... ofcourse any thought are always welcome

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    You did say you were waking up early with numb hands now I come to think about this still happening?

    i do feel light lightt pins , very light these days

    do i take the t4 pills 5 on and 2 off or everyday ?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by babyface770 View Post
    i do feel light lightt pins , very light these days

    do i take the t4 pills 5 on and 2 off or everyday ?
    getting light pins or numb hands from hgh is normal ... if its too much you need to drop the dosage.If its tolerable keep it going ... they will subside.
    I had CTS after 14 weeks of hgh and it was freakin bad ... used to wake up from the pains i had on my left hand.I dropped the dose back to 4iu (i used to get more at that time) , and sides disappeared ...

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by alextg View Post
    Well i've been following this thread in an other forum about Gh blasts and the results ppl have are amazing ... not only an increase in mass but drop of fat (and i mean more than normal) ... i think with this protocol you can actually cause hyperplasia and cause , after so many years that i BB i decided to compete , i wonna compete and make a bang , if you know what i mean.
    If this protocol enhances me alot and add me the mass i want while bulking , i will continue it throughout my prep.Else i might do a classic 8iu ED protocol with hgh ...
    We'll see .... ofcourse any thought are always welcome
    I am very interested to see how you react to such a high dose, if it works then i will definitly look into something similar for myself. I understand that you want to make a BIG impression when you compete and im sure you will do!

    How do you plan on splitting the 30iu's?

    jing jai

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by babyface770 View Post
    i do feel light lightt pins , very light these days

    do i take the t4 pills 5 on and 2 off or everyday ?
    Well if you can handle the sides and wnat to increase the dose then do so, I take my T4 ed.

    jing jai

  37. #37
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    If you're cruising then thats ideal!

    Have you done any short heavy cycles?
    I'm currently cruising on prop and 10iu riptropin ed - 5iu at bedtime and 5iu on waking before am cardio.

    I have been on the 10iu GH ed now for nearly 6 months and cycled during that time with great results.

    I am planning a 4 week blast in a few weeks, something like this:

    140mg prop ed
    100mg tren ace ed
    200mg winstrol ed (oral)
    20/30iu lantus insulin with breakfast
    2mg PEG MGF PWO mon,wed,fri split bilaterally in bodyparts worked

    I will at least continue with 10iu GH ed but am contemplating adding in another 10iu PWO mon,wed & fri.


  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    I'm currently cruising on prop and 10iu riptropin ed - 5iu at bedtime and 5iu on waking before am cardio.

    I have been on the 10iu GH ed now for nearly 6 months and cycled during that time with great results.

    I am planning a 4 week blast in a few weeks, something like this:

    140mg prop ed
    100mg tren ace ed
    200mg winstrol ed (oral)
    20/30iu lantus insulin with breakfast
    2mg PEG MGF PWO mon,wed,fri split bilaterally in bodyparts worked

    I will at least continue with 10iu GH ed but am contemplating adding in another 10iu PWO mon,wed & fri.

    Hey thanks for the input its gresatly appreciated!

    I really like the aas cycle, I can see some rock hard gains coming from it.

    A question though regarding your HGH admistation time, why have you chosen to have 5iu's at bedtime?

    Also adding the extra 10iu's PWO mon,wed and fri...are those your only training days?

    Ive read a lot about latnus insulin, how do you find it compared to a fast acting insulin?

    jing jai

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Intelligent thread, good idea.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Intelligent thread, good idea.
    Thanks BJJ.....please share your experience with us!

    jing jai

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