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Thread: Need help plzzzzzz

  1. #1

    Need help plzzzzzz

    Hi everybody,

    At first i'd like to greet every body here since this is my first thread and also thank anyone reading my thread .

    You can call me NR ,i'm from egypt, i'm 26 y/o and i'm seeking you all for help

    I've been in and out weight lifting and bodybuilding since 9 years and let me tel you something : I DID NOTHING actually bcoz studying at dental school most of the time however the times that i get commited to the sport i get quit good result " thank god actually i have good genes from both of my perants" but i didn't know what to do and what i want .
    now i exactly what physique i want and this is my status and pics HOPING THAT SOMEONE WELL EXPERINCED WILL HELP ME.

    I started dieting since mid mars and menaged to drop bf from 15.5 to 6 percent while losing only 3 pounds from my over all wieght without working out just by a diet i made my self and lipo6 x for month followed by clen for 5 weeks

    age: 26
    gender: male
    hight: 176 CM or 5'9
    weight: 62.5 kg or 138 lb
    body fat % : 6%
    after mentioning this infos i'd like to tell my QUESTION
    N.B. I'm pretty happy with my bf and i don't want to change is and it was very hard thing to achieve such bf percent so i want to be 150 or 155 lb but with the same bf percent and know i'll leave you with some pictures

    Actually one of my friends suggested this cycle:
    test prop 400 mg per week (100 EOD) plus 50 winny ED but i'd like to try tren 75 mg ED and winny 50 mg ED.
    Regardless to my and my friend's suggestion i care very much for your opinion any word is appreciated and thank you all in advance.
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  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    welcome, you will not achieve your goals in a month no matter what, but your goals could be accomplished with the right diet and training, no steroids needed

  3. #3
    thanks big but i must bulk up next month at least to reach 68 kg ? i had to go with steroids i joined gym today and i'll go every day till mid july so any cycl suggestion???

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    why must you bulk in a month? sorry, it's not going to happen. you look like you need a solid meal.

  5. #5
    ok if i will be provided by agood cycle i'll extand the period to 10 weeks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Spot on B. Gains start in the kitchen with food, not with any supplement or drug. Diet, training, rest, supplements. In that order.

    Get out of the "I want it now" era and be real. This is bodybuilding. If you have no patience, you can't be in this sport.

  7. #7
    all the steroids you could handle would not get you to your goal in just 1 months time. At 5'9" and 138 lbs you could do much more naturally, even with the worst genetics and ectomorph body most people could get to 175-185 lbs naturally and lean. This takes time, years and years. Nobody who is in it for the short term will make any significant changes. Steroids will not do much for you because its obvious your not eating enough to grow. And you will not make fast gains without accepting at least a little bodyfat.

  8. #8
    your care and words of advice were enough to made me bulk up thank you all for your posts and i'll will give it a shot but the problem is i don't want to increse body fat percentage if you read the post again you will find out that i am a dentist and ofcoarse i studied general medicine and i know the good diet and essential supplement.....etc and i'm now on 2000 calories a day and i'm willing to maintain my bf the way it is coz i was 15 percent before and believe me you don't look good at all at such bf at the same time my weight is very low that is doesn't look good either so i came for you guys for help .

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Agree with all of the above. You need to get your diet in check and start eating; you are good and lean, putting on a few BF% points won't kill you with the goal being to pack on some mass.

  10. #10
    gbrice thanks for posting i diffinatlly will modify my diet but i thought little bit of roids could help me to reach my over all goal which is lean bulking and to be honest i am still planning to start a cycle of 8 weeks but i said 4 weeks as a start actually coz i don't know how my body will react to roids .So if my body reacted well ofcoarse i'll complete the whole cycle and even extend it to 12 week cycle but in case of severe or bad reaction i'll stop it after 4 weeks that's all what i 'll do and i wanted some of your help in picking up the perfect cycle for lean bulking.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Well, it doesn't sound like we're going to be able to talk you out of doing a cycle, so best of luck with it. However, I don't think you will be happy with your results, honestly.

    I hope you know what you're doing, have researched enough and have a proper PCT plan.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    Man your saying these guys opinions matter, but really i think you are looking for re assurance that what you are doing is the right idea!!! and at your weight and goals its just not right for you right now, get your diet in check, get your workout in check and train hard for a while, at least the hole summer and then see how that goes!!! the goals you have set are not attainable in a month, i used to set unreachable goals but now learning it takes time though im still impatient!!!

    Anyway good luck with it but you should take in what these guys say

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    deep in th heart of texas
    Not trying to be mean what so ever bro but it looks like you just got out of a internment camp. You need to sit down at a table and eat. Here is the perfect cycle for you!

    8 AM - EAT
    10AM- EAT
    12PM- EAT
    2PM- EAT
    4PM- EAT

    Oh and welcome to the forums

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-MaN View Post
    Not trying to be mean what so ever bro but it looks like you just got out of a internment camp
    So wrong, so funny....

  15. #15
    c-man you are such a funny guy and i'm not offended by what you said.

    gettingthere for sure all your opinions matter to me or why i even bother to join this forum and just to
    prove it i extanded my goal to 3 month at least and as i told you earlier the coz of making such short cycle that fact that i haven't tryed roids before and being affraid of the unknown.

    Guys i wasn't skinny all my life i was 180 lb and my bf was 15.5 till mid march this year. I made a diet for myself to reach such weight and bf that i'm now (( 1st goal ))for the sake of being able see each and every improvement in my lean bulking stage which is my final goal and i'm about to start this week to reach 160 lb which is the ideal wight for my hight with the same bf i am now. According to your advice i'll give myself at least 3 months hoping to reach my final goal by that time. So what i need is any help with or even without roids in lean bulking stage thats al.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    deep in th heart of texas
    I think the main thing that you have to realize is you can't have a goal of saying you want to be this and that in two months. It's a life style that takes years and years of dedication and hard work to achieve your goals...

  17. #17
    If you are from Egpyt , go to first local pharm store, and ask seller about proper "juice" for you, everything is legal and cheap there, if you are not sure PM for help

  18. #18
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoPainNoGainBro View Post
    If you are from Egpyt , go to first local pharm store, and ask seller about proper "juice" for you, everything is legal and cheap there, if you are not sure PM for help
    worst advice in the thread. member to watch list updated...

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    worst advice in the thread. member to watch list updated...
    ^^ x2

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    If you take steroids it will NOT give you the lean muscle you are looking for due to your low weight and muscle mass right now. You will gain mostly water weight and look puffy. Also it is 110% obvious you diet is lacking for what you are trying to achieve. You need to up your calories 2x.

    If you do not eat enough you can not gain muscle no matter what you do or what you take. Your muscles need FOOD to do this. Steroids may pump them up temporarily with water but as soon as you stop it will go away as quickly as it came even if you work out.

    You have a good lean build like someone who does marathon or bicycling. If you want more muscle mass you need to diet/eat accordingly; that means MORE food/fuel. Dont worry about gaining fat, you wont if you eat the right foods and exercise. As a matter of fact you will probably loose even more fat due to your body learning it has fuel all the time from eating 6-8 meals a day it will not have a need to store fat.

    Good luck and if you want to even come close to your goals listen to these guys and get the diet worked out NOW. Honestly, does is 90% of the battle.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    If you take steroids it will NOT give you the lean muscle you are looking for due to your low weight and muscle mass right now. You will gain mostly water weight and look puffy. Also it is 110% obvious you diet is lacking for what you are trying to achieve. You need to up your calories 2x.

    If you do not eat enough you can not gain muscle no matter what you do or what you take. Your muscles need FOOD to do this. Steroids may pump them up temporarily with water but as soon as you stop it will go away as quickly as it came even if you work out.

    You have a good lean build like someone who does marathon or bicycling. If you want more muscle mass you need to diet/eat accordingly; that means MORE food/fuel. Dont worry about gaining fat, you wont if you eat the right foods and exercise. As a matter of fact you will probably loose even more fat due to your body learning it has fuel all the time from eating 6-8 meals a day it will not have a need to store fat.

    Good luck and if you want to even come close to your goals listen to these guys and get the diet worked out NOW. Honestly, does is 90% of the battle.


    that post right there is prolly the simplest way to explain to someone who is clueless how steriods work and what they do for you. so many peeps think you just pin yourself and sit around and your muscles will grow.

    bravo lovby

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