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Thread: im in need of help and advice im recovered from carwreck that broke my back

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    middile of hell

    im in need of help and advice im recovered from carwreck that broke my back

    im 24 i got in a bad car wreck like 3 years ago and could not walk or anything im just now to the point to where im really startin to lift again but i use to weigh 225 and built like no other. but im needin advice and help on what i should take now cause there are so many new supplements out there, that im not sure what to use or take now plus i dont have access like i use to, but now im weighing 155 12% bf im 6' i eat 8 full meals a day take multivitamins. and currently taking cytosport cyto gainer protien, but im not scared of a pin but not sure what i should cycle far as inj or orals, any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
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    You might try to get your weight up a little naturally first.

    155 @ 6' is scrawny!

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    you need to stick with proper diet and training for quite a while yet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    If you were once 225 and built, id say naturally getting back up there shouldnt be too difficult, just put the time in.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    middile of hell
    yeah but i was stackin and takin alot of stuff before but i have been back workin out and dietin for about 3 months now and i cant seem to get past 160

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigrob01 View Post
    yeah but i was stackin and takin alot of stuff before but i have been back workin out and dietin for about 3 months now and i cant seem to get past 160
    what is your diet in detail?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    middile of hell
    that will take awhile but normally 2-3 jars peanutbutter a week seafood chicken and all rea meats i normally eat like 2 steaks potato salad wheat bread, or 2 chicken breast rice gravy and biscuits, in the mornin i crack 6-12 raw eggs coco powder sugar and milk half pound of bacon and a few sausage links , and for snacks normaly can tuna and crackers the far as protein supplements cyto sport cyto gainer cookies and creme

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    middile of hell
    i know im missin some things but its been a lond day i almost died today this woman was talkin on the phone and ran me off the road while i was ridin my harley

  9. #9
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    Sorry to hear about your wreck but am glad that you can finally get back on track physically. However, gear is the last thing you need. I'm 6'1 and started working out at 135 pounds bro. Honestly, I use to complain about "Oh, I cannot gain weight this fast metabolism is killing me" blah blah. Then I discovered how to really eat. I'm up to 175 pounds now and honestly my body-fat percentage has only increased by 3%. I've been asked a thousand times if I am taking something "illegal" yet they do not see the amounts of clean whole foods I take in. After reading your brief description of a diet, I can see why you may have a tough time getting past 160. Here is my brief diet plan...

    Immediately after waking up a Whey shake
    Meal 1
    10 oz chicken breast with 1pound sweet potato (I hate breakfast foods anyway)
    Meal 2
    2 cans of tuna and 1 cup of instant, low-sodium, potatoes. (Hey, im on a bulk and love em.)
    Meal 3
    8 oz steak with 1cup of rice
    Meal 4 10 oz chicken breast with 1pound sweet potato
    Meal 5
    2 cans tuna and 1 cup instant, lowsodium, potatoes.

    Before bed I take down 25 grams of Casein and I always wake myself up midsleep and take down a muscle milk shake.

    I'm gaining like crazy and im very happy with the leanness of the weight as well. What I am saying is this: If you were 225 before, muscle memory is your friend with the proper diet. Either way, good luck, but I am a prime example of what a proper diet can do.

    Edit: Also I snack on peanuts and beef jerky throughout the day.

  10. #10
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    Muscle memory is pretty amazing.

    I was in a traffic accident and ended up being more or less bed ridden for a while. I lost a few years of gains, but once I was better again, I gained it back in a few months.

  11. #11
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    middile of hell
    well i eat way more than that

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by BiggerByTheDay View Post
    Sorry to hear about your wreck but am glad that you can finally get back on track physically. However, gear is the last thing you need. I'm 6'1 and started working out at 135 pounds bro. Honestly, I use to complain about "Oh, I cannot gain weight this fast metabolism is killing me" blah blah. Then I discovered how to really eat. I'm up to 175 pounds now and honestly my body-fat percentage has only increased by 3%. I've been asked a thousand times if I am taking something "illegal" yet they do not see the amounts of clean whole foods I take in. After reading your brief description of a diet, I can see why you may have a tough time getting past 160. Here is my brief diet plan...

    Immediately after waking up a Whey shake
    Meal 1
    10 oz chicken breast with 1pound sweet potato (I hate breakfast foods anyway)
    Meal 2
    2 cans of tuna and 1 cup of instant, low-sodium, potatoes. (Hey, im on a bulk and love em.)
    Meal 3
    8 oz steak with 1cup of rice
    Meal 4 10 oz chicken breast with 1pound sweet potato
    Meal 5
    2 cans tuna and 1 cup instant, lowsodium, potatoes.

    Before bed I take down 25 grams of Casein and I always wake myself up midsleep and take down a muscle milk shake.

    I'm gaining like crazy and im very happy with the leanness of the weight as well. What I am saying is this: If you were 225 before, muscle memory is your friend with the proper diet. Either way, good luck, but I am a prime example of what a proper diet can do.

    Edit: Also I snack on peanuts and beef jerky throughout the day.

    Thats a lot of tuna for bulking, looks like a cutting diet.

    No veges huh.....and no fats, other then what is in the meats....

  13. #13
    dec11's Avatar
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    i was in your position after a RTA, went from 15st to 8.5st and was outa gym for 5mths. just get your diet on track and ease yourselve back in really slowly, ive had aches and pains tht have only surfaced 5yrs AFTER the accident, so you want to be careful and not antagonise anything. muscle memory is amazing, i was back up t0 15st within 3mths

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    Thats a lot of tuna for bulking, looks like a cutting diet.

    No veges huh.....and no fats, other then what is in the meats....
    Hey, what can I say I love tuna lol! Like I mentioned, this is my brief diet plan, my exact plan is on my home computer. I do take in my daily serving of veggies between Meal 3 or 5 depending on schedule and down a couple spoons of PB after every meal for some extra calories and fats. Although my diet may not work for some, it has been a real life changer for me.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    middile of hell
    well im thinkin about addin a ph and inj test but Edited again... but whats a good ph
    Last edited by Big; 06-15-2010 at 11:20 PM. Reason: several posts edited for fishing...

  16. #16
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    aas > ph

  17. #17
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    Last edited by Big; 06-16-2010 at 12:28 AM. Reason: still fishing

  18. #18
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    please read our rules about fishing before posting again

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    middile of hell
    sorry if it seems like im fishin around im just needin some help and tips or recommened supplements

  20. #20
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    THIS is fishing, last warning before you are banned

  21. #21
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