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Thread: low igf levels

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    GHRP-2 for low igf levels

    I have had a few blood tests (while on trt) and my igf levels are low.

    I am going in for the results of another blood test on monday the 14th. I am going to straight out ask my doc for something (i think). I know he uses Sermorelin with some of his patients but I am not sure what the cost of that would be with a script (my insurance would not cover any of it).

    I have been thinking I may be better off doing my own peptide research.

    ghrp-2 seems interesting to me and the price seems right but wanted to get opinions here.

    my level is 146 and i would like to double that in the safest most cost effective way possible - what would you recommend? I almost forgot to mention i pin 140mg of test cyp 1x a week.
    Last edited by tubs; 06-13-2010 at 12:36 PM. Reason: title change

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Any more information on ghrp-2?
    I am leaning this way but not sure on how much to pin or effects on ifg numbers. I assume if it works to raise gh it will bring my igf number right up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    no advice, nothing? should i just go with hgh and skip this stuff?

    really just looking for to kick it up but not to go crazy - anyone?

    I thought this stuff has been around for years and someone would have some info here or is it that this stuff is just no good?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    901 N 2nd St Philadelphia
    How old are you? Depending on your age, 149 might be within normal range:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    If you're on TRT I'm assuming you're in your 50's. Your level of IGF should be between 90 - 360. 149 is a little lower on the average scale but still right in there. In my book, HGH is the read deal. If you're gonna spend money spend it on HGH and not on the peptides.

    Age Male ng/ml Female ng/ml GH Secretion
    2 to 5 yrs. 17 - 248 17 - 248 ?
    6 to 8 yrs. 88 - 474 88 - 474 ?
    9 to 11 yrs. 110 - 565 117 - 771 ?
    12 to 15 yrs. 202 - 957 261 - 1096 2000 mcgs.
    16 to 24 yrs. 182 - *** 182 - *** 500 mcgs.
    25 to 39 yrs. 114 - 492 114 - 492 250 mcgs.
    40 to 54 yrs. 90 - 360 90 - 360 125 mcgs.
    55 + yrs. 71 - 290 71 - 290 60 mcgs
    80 yrs. 1 - 71 1 - 71 30 mcgs

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Is "normal" good?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lavinco View Post
    How old are you? Depending on your age, 149 might be within normal range:
    My igf level before taking hgh was about 150 ng/ml. I believe that raising that level a couple of hundred points is beneficial for me.

    After a year, I believe that my health is better from elevating my HGH level. It's "normal" to eventually get old, tired and die. While I have no reasonable expectation to avoid the certainty of old age and death, I have no desire to deprive my body of HGH and to get older prematurely, because of any fear that HGH is somehow bad for me.

  7. #7
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard View Post
    If you're on TRT I'm assuming you're in your 50's. Your level of IGF should be between 90 - 360. 149 is a little lower on the average scale but still right in there. In my book, HGH is the read deal. If you're gonna spend money spend it on HGH and not on the peptides.

    Age Male ng/ml Female ng/ml GH Secretion
    2 to 5 yrs. 17 - 248 17 - 248 ?
    6 to 8 yrs. 88 - 474 88 - 474 ?
    9 to 11 yrs. 110 - 565 117 - 771 ?
    12 to 15 yrs. 202 - 957 261 - 1096 2000 mcgs.
    16 to 24 yrs. 182 - *** 182 - *** 500 mcgs.
    25 to 39 yrs. 114 - 492 114 - 492 250 mcgs.
    40 to 54 yrs. 90 - 360 90 - 360 125 mcgs.
    55 + yrs. 71 - 290 71 - 290 60 mcgs
    80 yrs. 1 - 71 1 - 71 30 mcgs
    I have seen this chart but there must be a different one since i know most anti aging doc's will script something for guys my age (low 40's) under 150 - they like it at 300 or just under

    my doc. told me today he wants to do blood work in 3 months to see where my igf is again (since he didn't test for it this time) and see where it is. We both know it is probably going to be over 150 but he acted like if it was under 170 he would work with me. Not sure i want to wait, also not sure it will be worth paying the extra $$$ for hgh from a pharmacy (anyone?) also not sure how much he would script for.

    He also said he he knows and has prescribed ghrp-6 in combination with other things but when possible hgh is the way to go. I asked him about ghrp-2 and he did not know much about it and it doesn't have the documentation that ghrp-6 does so he wouldn't recommend it.
    Last edited by tubs; 06-14-2010 at 06:18 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by JimInAK View Post
    My igf level before taking hgh was about 150 ng/ml. I believe that raising that level a couple of hundred points is beneficial for me.

    After a year, I believe that my health is better from elevating my HGH level. It's "normal" to eventually get old, tired and die. While I have no reasonable expectation to avoid the certainty of old age and death, I have no desire to deprive my body of HGH and to get older prematurely, because of any fear that HGH is somehow bad for me.
    Where is your igf level now and how much hgh are you using?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    and thanks guys

    really not much on ghrp-2 - kind of makes me want to try it

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I've read good things about GHRP-2 but I've never used it. I've been on HGH for going on a couple of years and I can tell you that HGH really works for me. At 5iu/ed for the last two years I've seen my my body get leaner and more muscular. I can concentrate better and my injuries heal faster.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard View Post
    I've read good things about GHRP-2 but I've never used it. I've been on HGH for going on a couple of years and I can tell you that HGH really works for me. At 5iu/ed for the last two years I've seen my my body get leaner and more muscular. I can concentrate better and my injuries heal faster.
    seems like hgh is the way to go. Do you know where your igf levels are at 5i.u.'s a day and where you started?


  12. #12
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    Mar 2009
    I did blood work a long time ago, maybe 20 months ago. I was low 100's. I just did one recently and I was mid 200's. HGH is a long term use compound stick with it and you'll see the difference.

  13. #13
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard View Post
    I did blood work a long time ago, maybe 20 months ago. I was low 100's. I just did one recently and I was mid 200's. HGH is a long term use compound stick with it and you'll see the difference.
    wow i thought 5 ius would have bumped you up more.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I'm 50 and my natural levels is pretty low. I did 10iu/ed for a while and my IGF level was way up there. It was awesome except for the sides.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    thank you for all of your help

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