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Thread: longer cycle question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    longer cycle question

    hey, consider i have the following:
    5000mg test e
    4000mg eq
    1000mg winny

    which do yall think would be better? a 10 week cycle or a lower dosage (per week/day) longer cycle.

    i was originally considering
    500mg test e per week
    400mg eq per week
    50mg winny eod for the end of the cycle

    should i consider something like
    200mg test e per week
    200mg eq per week
    ??? winny ???

    i really really want to keep as much as possible post cycle.

    some things to note: i'm 23, this will be my first cycle ever, i only weigh 150lbs, and there is a chance i won't be able to get any clomid...=/ (yeah yeah, i know, i really should wait...)

    thanks for the advice,
    -- clocky baby

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    i would first get the clomid! u will not keep any gains w/ out it. also u need an anti-e. but i would go w/ the higher dose shorter cycle if u get ur diet together, and train hard u could pack on a good 20 lbs! and i really cant stress enough how important clomid is, w/out it u will loose almost all of ur gains!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    yeah, first one for sure. there are a slue of reasons why the first one isn't a good idea.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    yeah, hmm. its just that i saw some before/after pics in the member pics section from someone who did a very mild test/deca or test/eq cycle (can't remember which), and his results were awesome. he weighs more than me to begin with too. just got me thinking that i can maybe get away with a smaller (but longer) dosage.

    heh, yeah...i should wait for the clomid. can i somehow get a girl to get a prescription for it? what is it prescribed for again?

    heh, thanks for the advice, but i'm pretty sure i won't get any of it. this is like the 4th time that i think i'm on the verge of getting some gear and it always falls though. lets hope that 4th time is a charm...=/

    -- clocky baby

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    u cant compare the results of someone else with ur results. lol, i gained 20 lbs of rock hard muscle on my first cycle, which im 6.5 weeks into and im still gaining and bf hasnt changed, i measure with caliper every sunday. but i guy i know only gained like 12 lbs on the exact same cycle thats all i wanted was 12 lbs, but instead i got wayyyyyy more !

    anyways, go with number 1. the guy who got sick results prolly had more receptors than normal.

    good luck !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    I read a study somewhere, don't remember by who or when, but anyways, if the cycle is longer than 16 weeks, running 200mg of the Test E would be more beneficial that running 400mg for 8 weeks. Just keep that in consideration.

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