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Thread: Does my weight gain make sense?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Does my weight gain make sense?

    I've been on 200 mg of test prop for 3 weeks 2 days. In that time I went from 174 lbs to 186 lbs.

    I have been eating about 1800-2000 cals, sometimes a bit more then I do cardio to net out the calories to that range.

    Right before I started the test I came off my ECA stack, it was a "light" usage stack and I wasn't consistent with it. I only saw a few pounds drop off in the month I used it. It took me from about 180 to 176.

    Is it possible I was just dehyrdated from the ECA and the test brought my hydration levels back up by holding water?

    I will have my E2 results next week.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Water is the first/fastest thing you will gain yes. If your diet isnt great also and your sodium intake low you will gain water weight quickly.

    Any other gains, Strength?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Yes, I must of deleted that part. Great strength gains, high energly levels. On bench I went from 205 3 to 4 times and almost dying to doing it 12 times with some incline afterwards.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Sounds good. Im sure it's a mix of the two. Dont be afraid of a little water weight just dont let it get out of control. Keep the salt intake down, adjust the diet and keep working on things and you will lean out if the diet is on track.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    2000 calories is way too low, try eating around 3000-3500 calories a day!

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    I've been on 200 mg of test prop for 3 weeks 2 days. In that time I went from 174 lbs to 186 lbs.

    I have been eating about 1800-2000 cals, sometimes a bit more then I do cardio to net out the calories to that range.

    Right before I started the test I came off my ECA stack, it was a "light" usage stack and I wasn't consistent with it. I only saw a few pounds drop off in the month I used it. It took me from about 180 to 176.

    Is it possible I was just dehyrdated from the ECA and the test brought my hydration levels back up by holding water?

    I will have my E2 results next week.
    what specifically are your goals, both short and long term?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    what specifically are your goals, both short and long term?
    Short term is to continue to lose fat and gain lean mass, I would like to be at about 12% which should be aroun 165 to 170 lbs. I was on track for that until 3 weeks ago (at least the lose fat part).

    Long term of course is to get back up to 185, like I am now but with 12% BF.

    I have no reason to go below 12 as I feel that requires too much for me to maintain any lower.

    Now that I am on test I am confused what I should do. Any suggestions? SHould I just start eating more and lifting hard or try to get my diet in check? BTW, even though I only eat 1800 cals, I still get about a pound of sugar a week LOL. I eat small amounts of candy daily, and the rest of the sugar is from things like yogurt etc.

  8. #8
    It must be a lot of water. I can't imagine gaining 10+ lbs on only 2000 calories.

  9. #9
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    to achieve and stay with your goals, the diet is the first thing to sort. to be honest, there is no place in a diet for daily candy intake. take some time to learn what role protein, fat, simple and complex carbs play within your diet. many guys try to follow a diet that is written out for them without the understanding of what happens when you stray from the diet. there are a series of videos by Milos Sarcev that I recommend watching again and again till you get it, I still enjoy watching them. I don't have the link handy, but I'm betting someone has it bookmarked.

  10. #10
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  11. #11
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    I do understand what you mean about diet. I am now getting ovedr 150 g of protein per day. While I do eat candy, its actually a small qty, around 150 cals total per day.

    The rest of the sugar comes from my other foods, yogurt, bread etc. It really adds up.

    I do need to get a new diet though, do you think my diet has caused this water gain? My diet is nothing new, I lost 25 lbs on it.

  12. #12
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    hard to say without knowing the details, wouldn't be a bad idea to start a thread in the diet section and list your detailed diet and goals, if you haven't already.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    I do understand what you mean about diet. I am now getting ovedr 150 g of protein per day. While I do eat candy, its actually a small qty, around 150 cals total per day.

    The rest of the sugar comes from my other foods, yogurt, bread etc. It really adds up.

    I do need to get a new diet though, do you think my diet has caused this water gain? My diet is nothing new, I lost 25 lbs on it.

    IDK none of that is allowed in any cutting diets I have done esp candy and bread? I bet diet could be worked on some. It will only make life easier.

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