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Hey guys I just finished my first cycle of test e (400mg/week)
everything went great except I have lost all the weight I gained, and I mean all. The only thing that makes me feel better is that I lost some fat too and I think I kept that loss. I figure the most likley problem is the diet. Unfortunatly I have a severe alergy to whey, so all dairy is out. Any help would be great.
soy and egg white protein shake, 54gr
1 cup of oatmeal
1 banana
Drop the banana, add a lean protein source here - since you already had a shake an hour ago, i'd suggest a real food meal here. Maybe make your 9am meal this one, but keep the oats
6 eggs, 2 whole and four or more whites (I use the egg whites in the carton)
4oz ground turkey
If you move the eggs to the previous meal, drop the eggs at this meal. Keep the ground turkey and add a complex carb here - brown rice, sweet potato or yam, beans/legumes, etc.
10:15am, preworkout snack
1 chicken breast
½ apple
beef protein shake, 23gr
Drop the apple. I don't see a need for 2 protein sources, so drop the shake. Add a complex carb here to fuel your workout
weight training
beef protein shake 23gr
1 can tuna
2 slices of whole wheat bread
2 tbs of light mirical whip
pinch of relish
½ apple
Too bad you can't have whey here. Drop the tuna, bread, miracle whip, etc. Double up on the shake, and add another complex carb for PWO
1 chicken breast
½ cup of carrots
1 red potato
1 stalk of asparagus
Drop the carrots. Make the red potato a sweet potato
this meal varies, if I’m good which I am 90% of the time
taco salad
salmon and egg omelet
baked fish with brown rice and grilled asparagus
I'd drop all carbs at this point. This isn't a great meal anyway though. Do lean protein/fat - salmon and egg sounds great.
soy yogurt with flax seed, fresh blueberries, and fresh strawberries
No dessert here!
9:30pm or just before bed
soy and egg white shake, 54gr