Ummm woah I think I'm climbing the IU ladder pretty quickly ,,, so ill take it to 4IU tomorrow dawn
Tomorrow I am going to do 2 things in order to achieve one:
1. Changing brand of somatropin from green tops to yellow ones
2. Bumping from 4 to 10 iu ed (5x2)
You look in good shape, you have a good lean base to build on.
I know HGH isnt cheap but like everything else in life you get what you pay for!
jing jai
2nd Month / Week 8:
My energy level picked up, feeling less tired. I decided to raise the dosage to 8iu from next week. Yesterday I introduced Insulin (fast acting) to my stack. I injected 10 iu PWO; didn’t feel nothing as sides?!? Planning to inject insulin PWO
My question is for how long I can run insulin?
thanks guys
okay so i hit 4IU moments ago and i feel tremendous heat in my right,a weird feeling cant really say if its numb or not but it sure as hell aint normal
im off to bed![]()
Woaaaah after I got into bed I couldn't feel my hands , iv never got this much numbness before , I'm loving it
When it comes to insulin my opinons may be slightly 'old school' but I have my reasons.
IMO insulin should only be used by pro's or guys who have many many years of experience using drugs. The reason for this is simple, insulin can kill you.
IMO if insulin is going to used then it should be done so for short periods i.e 4-6 weeks, this will help avoid some of the long lasting side effects that can be caused by long term usage.
jing jai
Xxtralarge is my god father !!
Okay a question I know ill be asking very soon ,, at what dosage should I start splitting my hits into two and when are the best timings ?
I would split the dosage after 4iu's.....
Right now i'm on 8iu's and I try to do 4iu's between 6 and 8am and then another 4iu's around 6pm (post work out)
Theres a bunch of ways guys run their HGH..... I personally think the most common is early AM and early afternoon.....
wow thanks for the fast replies guys , much appreciated
so check this out , hopefully ill start on 5IU in the coming days , and i usually take my shot at 4amish , so we keep this the same time and the next shot would be post workout which would be around 7-8 PM , how does that sound ?
shot 1 : 2.5 IU @ 4-5AM
shot 2 : 2.5 IU @ 7-8 PM
Umm that's kinda impossible cause I finish work at 6 pm
How about if I take my first shot at 8 am when I wake up ? And second shot at 7-8 pm
The first timings or second ?
And what do you suggest I do ?
The reason I shoot HGH in the early moring is because that is when our cortisol levels are at their highest and HGH supresses them. As the day goes on cortisol levels decrease until about 6pm when our daily output is over, this is why I like to shoot early am then early pm approx 1hr after my lunch.
jing jai
I really can't do that, there is no way I can hit at work
Well I work from 9-5:30 or 6
By the time I leave and reach the gym its around 6ish - I leave the gym at around 7:30
Good thread XL, its nice to discuss the finer things in life![]()
I would fit it in between your evening meal and your supper then.
jing jai
@ Day 65 I started to inject hgh, 2.5 iu ed.
Today is day 104 since I started my cycle, I am running my PCT, I started to inject 10 iu ed and since a few weeks I was already injecting 4 iu ed.
I changed three different brands of somatropin, I always used a pregnancy test (negative) and my blood work shows my somatotropin levels to be higher they should be.
Also, at the end of my cycle my fat mass was around 12,5%, now I am around 10%.
I kept all of my strength, and when I say all I mean all, so I presume my LBM is still the same so I just lost some fat and the related water.
I inject @ 5:30 am and then eat around 8:30 am and the second shot is 1 hour after lunch, around 3 or 3:30 pm.
Last edited by BJJ; 06-22-2010 at 08:55 AM.
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