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Thread: Results of my trial shitload (pics included)

  1. #41
    Hi mike, sorry for the delay.

    I have made my decision, and you win bro, you did me fine last time, tbh i dont know why i thought about another way, as i know you can tweakit slightly and help me with timing like no one else can, im sorry for messing you about.

    I do not dought you one bit mate, and your help so far has been amazing, i wish i had a way to repay you my friend..

    What details do you need from me, here is some info i can give you i have learned form the last carb up which may help this time.

    Half a maxzide tab dosent do alot for me at all, barely drop 1-2lbs if that, maybe i need more to get things going.

    I didnt feel full after the 2 carb up days, i felt i could have had more, but i dont know how you implement the amouts into the shit load, if you supposed to be full or not before loading etc.

    i need to get down to 154lb, im currently 162lb after cutting water @ 7pm last night with half a maxzide, just to see what my weight is after water, but i was still quite watery and im not in full flow with the meds yet.

    i will be hammering cardio and low carbs for the next 2 weeks to try to drop some more weight, I dont know if ill make the weightbut ill give it a dam good go !!

    the show is sun june 27th, and weigh in is at 12pm.

    can you carb up after the weigh in ?

    mike over to you mate.
    thank you
    Last edited by LOCUST; 06-10-2010 at 02:06 AM.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    No worries Bro, just i have very little time to spare and when i do i want to make sure it goes to good use. You follow direction well so that's why i am willing to help you out i hate peolpe who ask million questions and then do nothing with the answersi have been in this game long enough to know what needs to be done to get the result people are looking for anyway, here we for loosing water we need to be carefull as too much water loss will leave you looking flat and it will be almost imposible to car up and get the fullnes and hardness back...if you can be 5lbs over 154lbs we can get you in through diuretics and still nail all other real;isticly you are 3 lbs away from 159lbs which where we need you before cutting water and weight-ins...we will do the water and diuretic slightly different to ensure you make the for shtlad, let me know again exactly (or as close as you can) to what you had last time this way i can tweak it and get you a bit for the initial carb up we will have to keep it pretty minimum to ensure making for now bust you ass on cardio and low carbs and keep me posted about your weight and answer the questions and i will take care of the for ways to repay me just spread the word Bro...the best advertising for me is word of mouth i get most of my paying customers through other people talking about my way of getting spread the word Bro...LOL...TTYL...XXL

  3. #43
    Hey bro, im so happy you got back to me.

    the low carbs are killing me but we do what we have to do..

    ok some more info

    the weigh in is at 12 as already said but i wont be on stage till after 5pm, so i dont know how this will be factored in.
    i woke this morning looking very dry, and have started to getthe kai green style feather onmy quads .. woop

    do u need to know what meds im taking ? i can pm if you wish.

    as for my last show shitload foods were, i cant remember quantities but as the day went onmy face got more gaunt looking as it sucked the water.

    mc donalds fries, hash browns, chicken wraps, egg mc muffins
    snickers flapjacks,
    haribo sweets
    krispy kremes
    peanut butter bars

    i felt the mc donalds, fries were very effective, but the bread in the mc muffins did bloat me for a while.

    think thats it roughly..

    im so hyped about going down a weight, rather than being the lightest in the next catagory !!!

    speak soon mike.

  4. #44
    Hey mike all is going well with my weight, should be able to make it.

    Just a little nudge as i need to start planning my depletion workouts areound your carb up,
    Sorry to bug if your busy bro, just havent herd from you for a bit..


  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    HEy Bro, no worries i got your back, i will work on this on the weekend as that's when my time gets freed up a for initial carb up and decarb work out do the same ting as last time, with same amount, we will change the diuretic protocol and fat / shtload remember that small changes make big differance at the end you do not want to change to much and make drastic changes as it can be counter you will hear from me by end of week so you will have a week to get your mind ready...hope that's ok, ttyl...XXL

  6. #46
    Sweet mike, i knew you would have my backmate.

    a little update i woke this morning at 160lb so all on target.
    but very depleted.
    dropping no explode as of tuesday and still have to drop test prop, so a little water stillto come off i hope too.

    having a high carb day today about 450g carbs to keep my fat burning going as im on 85g carbs a day, and 90 mins cardio a day.
    I will deplete on 85g carbs next week, mon, tue,wed,thur... as thats what im on now so dont wanna increase carbs to deplete..

    still 10 days left till show day, im very confident about this u70kg class mate.

    cheers bro and cant wait to see the protocol..

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Ok Bro here are the basics i came up with,
    Out of the foods you used last time these are the once i want you to use this time:
    mc donalds fries, hash browns, chicken wraps, egg mc muffins
    snickers flapjacks,
    haribo sweets
    krispy kremes
    peanut butter bars
    I took out stuff that might consist higher level of yeast for baking puropses, it maigh make you hold water.
    Diuretics: to assist you with drying out more use 3/4 tab 1 hour before cutting water, it take 1 hour for dyazide to start working last time you went into dropping water without diuretics and then added them in to assist further water drop. This time we will use diuretics from the start the minute you cut water the diuretics will be there to drop wate and you will drop fast at first teh monitor condition and do 1/2 or 1/4 tabs every 6-8 hours as condition demends. For shit load do not start till after weight in to ensure making the weight if you weight is ok you can start sooner but no earlier then 4 hours after cutting water. For regular carb up leading up to shtload do same stuff you did last time remember must be minimal here to make the weight i whihk i covered most of the stuff remember it is small changes but end result can be totally different so let me know if you need more detail or additional ehlp, g/l...XXL

  8. #48
    Excellent mike, sounds fine my friend.

    to let you know i woke this morning and my weight was 157.6lb or 71.4kg i start my 4 day depletion workouts today through to thursday.

    a couple of questions, am i cutting water at 7pm ? as weigh in is at 12pm ?
    so dyazide at 6pm ? then every 6-8 hours.

    My carb up is 2 days of 350g carbs from oats, peanut butter and chicken same as last time, also i will drop my seasoning but contintue to use a small bit of condiment sauce on the saturday as i think my sodium was way to high last time during loading.
    i am also using some high dose vit c to help. my water is 10 liters a day

    so let me get this clear, if i start to drop weight and i wake under 70kg on show day for example 67kg im home and dry and can start to shit load, and i will not go over the limit providing i dont eat 3kg of food ?
    Also as i will still be dropping water ?

    last time i continuted to drop weight as i shit loaded through the morning.

    thanks again mike, and also my back has finally arrived lol got my xmas tree in !!

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Yes my friend all looks good, if you are under the weight limit you can start loading sooner it is more desiarbleas you can stop sooner as well and get rid of any of the bloat if any should diuretic sound right on, food is all good so sounds like you are good to go...enjoy the show and let me know how you make out and of course ask any more questions, i will try to log in more often for you and check in here daily from here on...good luck...XXL

  10. #50
    cool, last day of depletion today, i cant seem to get my bodyweight under 158lbs, i hope this isint a problem, as cutting water should drop me.

    The only real difference is taking the dyazide before cutting water and last time i took it 3-4 hours after cutting water, does it really make that much difference taking it before ?

    1 question mike, im not due on stage till 5pm at earliest providing i make weight, how shall i plan the day ? just keep taking 1/2 or a 1/4 dyazide very 6-8 hours and drink no fluid ?

    thanks bro, starting carb up with metformin tomorrow ! cant wait !


  11. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Yes taking it 1 hour before cutting water will drop a lot more water and quicker, you'll see, remember monitor your weight but i think 154 should be no issue i ahev dropped mad-weight before doing it this way, for your time on stage do not start shit load any more then 18 hours before stage time, ok? as ofr the dyazide use after weight ins...monitor your condition and only if you feel a bit more water can go take more diuretics i would stick to 1/4 every 8 hours unless you are still holding water, you will have to make that judgement, ermember it is better to under dehydrate then over do it so play it on safe side, also there is a bit of accumulation of diuretic in your body so taking in a 1/4 will have greater effect when taken after a previouse dose, then taking 1/4 as a first dose...good luck Bro, let me know how you make out...XXL

  12. #52
    Hey mike, sorry for the delay in updating.

    i didnt make the weight, actully i came in heavier than my last show at 73kg. weird huh lol
    and i was leaner, i spoke to a judge when weighing in and told her about my intention to get to under 70kg.
    she took 1 look at my abs and said no chance your to big, i was very dry and ripped lol.

    so at least an ego boost, as im ment to be inthat catagory and loosing muscle to go down a cat is a step in the wrong direction.

    didnt get top 3 but was very happy with my condition etc, just gotta add that size now.

    thanks for all your help mike.. been a star mate.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Good too hear the results were good too bad that you did not make the weight, your rebound from lastshow must have put on some good muscle size on you...good job...XXL

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