So ive been having a chat today with a good friend, he's been running hgh now for six months and he was telling me this...
When he started at 4ius ed he would inject all 4ius after waking in the morning, about half an hour before his breakfast. He did this for 4 weeks and claimed to suffer no sides, infact he began to question his hgh and source.
He was then advised to inject his gh several hours earlier which he did, and sure enough within a few days the sides started, hands turning numb and bloat.. He is currently on 10ius ed, he sets his alarm for 2am injects 5ius goes back to sleep then wakes again and injects the remaining 5ius at 6am. I can vouch that his gains after 6 months are very good, although he is running aas along side....
So this leads me to believe that eating to soon after injecting can in some way effect the gh, in a bad way. And that once im injecting twice daily would it not be better to inject in the same way as him as apposed to early morning and then pwo?? Im thinking that the pwo injection could be effected by food which is needed pwo especially carbs....
Any thoughts on this matter?????