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Thread: should obama be impeached for this

  1. #1

    should obama be impeached for this

    So the worse the oil spill gets the more this(see link) will b over looked. The US have had many many countries offering aid to help clean up the spill...ALL geting turned away from the obama camp... follow this link and spread the word...this is all documented facts... the full of shit media will never report

  2. #2
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    A Rock And A Hard Place
    Politics is a dirty business.

  3. #3
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    obama is going to run this country into the ground

  4. #4
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    I didn't vote for him.

    150 years ago they would hang him for tyranny.

    (I do not care if he is black, white, red, yellow, or what ever).

    Just wanted to clear the air, so to speak, for my view.



  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    I didn't vote for him.

    150 years ago they would hang him for tyranny.

    (I do not care if he is black, white, red, yellow, or what ever).

    Just wanted to clear the air, so to speak, for my view.


    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

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  6. #6
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    I voted for him.

  7. #7
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    It would be a slap in the face of every American if we started accepting aid from other nations. Also that point had nothing to do with the link. Next why should he be impeached for doing something that is an american political tradition. The rich and powerful have always and will continue to play a huge part in American politics. Look at all the founding fathers they were all rich, capitalist that wanted to be free to expand their commerce and earnings independent of the crown of England.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I voted for him.
    im about

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    It would be a slap in the face of every American if we started accepting aid from other nations. Also that point had nothing to do with the link. Next why should he be impeached for doing something that is an american political tradition. The rich and powerful have always and will continue to play a huge part in American politics. Look at all the founding fathers they were all rich, capitalist that wanted to be free to expand their commerce and earnings independent of the crown of England.
    should he be impeached for anything else?

  10. #10
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    why would he take other countries money when bp is paying for it?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevy355s10 View Post
    im about
    None here. If it all came around again i would still vote for him. Who wants grandpa McCain in there.

    I would have voted for Hilary but she didnt make it.

  12. #12
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    I voted for Obama and I am proud of it. McCain was not "bad", but the bottom line is he has reached the life expectancy of the average American, which meansthe clock has really started ticking as to "he could die any day". You match that by the fact that he already has a bad heart, and then you want to put him in the highest stress related job in the world? I have seen young youthful looking men go into office and come out looking grey haired and beaten up. Bottom line, he would have died in office. Which means Palin (same woman who can hardly get through an interview or speach) would be the woman you have decided to trust with the well being of the nation, and not to mention you are also giving her access to nulcear launch codes.
    Now, those being the reasons why I would not have voted for McCain, I also believe that the main problem with the downward spiral this country has been on for a LONG time has been that nearly every president is a photo copy of the guy before him. Obama was the first breath of fresh air this nation has seen since the time of the original presidents.
    He said he would do all these great things, then, he ACTUALLY ATTEMPTS TO DO ALL OF THEM, one by one, and guess what? All you hardcore republicans that are still butt-hurt over the fact that he won (referring to the ones in congress) REFUSE to allow any of his attempts to change this country for the better to go into effect.
    Its like jerking off, then getting mad that your hands got sticky. Thats the way it looks when all the die hard republicans stand in the way of any of the things he is trying to do, then try to preach to all your friends and neighbors that he hasn't done any of the things he has promised to do.
    I don't think he is perfect, I am not under the illusion (as some are) that he can change the country over night, and fix all our problems. In the end, they are ALL politicians, which means theyt are lying about something, and have their own agenda. The fact that so many people are trying to bash him because he hasn't been able to do 10 years worth of things after just a year in office is rediculous though, especially when you remember that as long as congress is being stubbern, they won't allow him to do anything.
    Step back, look at the big picture, take all factors into consideration, and reevaluate the situation. If you apsolutely have to be mad at somebody because change hasn't happened, then don't blame the one guy who is actually trying to make it happen, blame the other half of congress that won't allow it to happen.

    Just my opinions. Hope nobody thought I was taking shots at them or their personal opinions by expressing mine. Don't want to step on any toes.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    should he be impeached for anything else?
    Impeached for what?
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  14. #14
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    Business as usual yeah?
    I hate politics..

    Personally I don't have much faith in politicians in general. I know there are a lot of opinions and some people don't like Obama. What I find funny is the idea that another president in his position would be doing a better job right now. Just don't believe it. I'm not saying this as a democrat or republican thing. Just don't have much faith in the system. I'm pretty sure I would feel the same way if McCain won and everything was as f-d as it is lately.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    I hate politics..

    Personally I don't have much faith in politicians in general. I know there are a lot of opinions and some people don't like Obama. What I find funny is the idea that another president in his position would be doing a better job right now. Just don't believe it. I'm not saying this as a democrat or republican thing. Just don't have much faith in the system. I'm pretty sure I would feel the same way if McCain won and everything was as f-d as it is lately.
    I been saying that since day one. I don't care if Jesus Christ himself was elected , it's going to take a long time to pull us out of the hole we are currently in.

  16. #16
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    yep..a hole created by librals,progressives, and progressive republicans......might as well say the whole democratic party and anyone that acts like them, caused this.;-)

    kinda funny that,after you link the peices together that anyone who is in the democratic party...and any one who acts like them..caused this problem (everything from less rights to americans-deficit) and people will still vote for a libral...pure stupidity.

    to be honest..i didnt like McCain..but i liked him more than obama. even if McCain died..we would be lead by a hellova better person than obama. everyone forgets to over look their brain washing provided by the school system when they look at politics.

    i find myself in the posistion of being smarter than the common moron. if you look at it, librals bitched about how bush did things...but yet voted for someone who is doing the exact same thing...just worse and at a breath taking pace.

    to set the record strait...i hated bush with a passion. he did everything to make a REAL conservitave look bad..and it pissed me off. one thing that annoy's me about people voting, is the fact that most just vote according to part lines, not even looking at a persons "past" in the political world. personally..i dont care about party lines, if a democrat did what republicans are SUPPOUSED to do, then im all for it.....but they dont. not untill recently ,did the republicans do what they should do as conservitaves,when they got a wakeup call from reality.

    people want a FREE america...not an america where you got a government assianed nanny to look at everything you do while you live everyday life. lets be honest..most of would rather take a dump on their neihboors car,rather than give up their rights as an american.
    but yet, they follow party lines and vote people in that do everything but WORK FOR THE PEOPLE AND PROTECT OUR FREEDOMS. if you look at the numbers and do your homework,unlike most of the common public, you will see that yo MUST do your homework on a candidate BEFORE you show this unrelinting "love" for someone that's really just there to take your money and give you the finger....and if thats not bad enough...
    they pump the world full of bullshit claims of MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING, when in reality, there is no such thing.

    if you wish to discuss why i say that..dont bother...ill make this point, the earth has cooled AND heated back up LONG before we ever came around. the last ice age happened before the eairliest traces of man..and ended after we discovered man. yet, i dont think ANY of us was driving a chevy tahoe, ford expidition,dodge caravan, or ANY KIND OF automobile..and the earth warmed up. if this very small,but obviouse point doesnt convice you..ill sit down and show you all the REAL things that librals dont want you to find out about. anything from actuall CO2 amounts in the atmosphere- how the earth is doin its same old dance...just now we are here and it left real music behind and started listening to rap.lmao

    point being..if you want real change that HELPS us...dont vote for someone who's campain eeirly resembles that of sthalin and hitler,ok?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    Obama was the first breath of fresh air this nation has seen since the time of the original presidents.
    He said he would do all these great things, then, he ACTUALLY ATTEMPTS TO DO ALL OF THEM, one by one, and guess what? All you hardcore republicans that are still butt-hurt over the fact that he won (referring to the ones in congress) REFUSE to allow any of his attempts to change this country for the better to go into effect.
    if you look..republicans havent controled congress since two years after the start of bushes first term, meaning every point you just tried to make is mute.

    they republicans cant do a damn thing about what obama wants to do. even if all of them voted no on a wil still pass cause they dont hold enough seats.

    now, take that into account and you find your claims in a pickle.
    if your refering to positive change...hahahahha dont make me laugh that hard. he's not doin anything to help this mess, just making it worse. he can pass anything he wants and has done so,one way or the other. meaning ...where were your presiouse librals in bush's years?...right there next to him voting in his bills and then claiming they had no part in it. so, if you wanna get mad at yourself for believeing that your party was worth a crap.

    just as me, im pissed that the party i rooted for turned into the same scum as the librals. ever since reagan, the republicans went down hill.
    Last edited by chevy355s10; 06-22-2010 at 11:44 AM.

  18. #18
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    I really enjoyed reading what you had to say. You have a well thought out a good arguement. I also agree with several things you said. And completely agree with the global warming thing, I have also had that same discussion with others.
    Just as a side note though, I love history. Big history buff. And when we discuss hitler or sthalin, we have been taught to immediately associate them with nothing but bad things.
    History shows though that for a time, they were actually very good leaders. I am more familure with Hitler, so i will use him as the example. When Hitler came into Germany (he was Austrian) the country was in bad shape. The dollar was worth nothing (historians have joked that a whole wheel barrel of their money couldn't buy a loaf of bread), the unemployment rate was through the roof, the country was in ruins, and national pride was non existant. When Hitler took over, he did amazing things not only for Germany, but for the world. Thanks to him, Germany's economy took off, becoming more powerful than ever, people all over had jobs, as most of them were now being paid to rebuild the country to better than old status. Suddenly, Hitler is coming up with revolutionary ideas and putting them into effect. He designed and built the very first super highway, he had his hand in designing the VW bug, a car that was designed to be affordable, reliable, and cheap, so that everyone could afford to drive. Under Hitler's rule, the Nazi's also started experimenting with early forms of steroids, in an effort to make a "super" soldier.
    Hitler also realized that the best structural design was based on a dome. A pyramid is strong, and will stand for who knows how long, but they take up way too much ground area, with nearly no internal space. Domes on the other hand, have been argued to be even stronger, and they also give as nearly as much useable space as the take up in ground area. They are also fast, easy, and cheap to build. The problem is that Europe has very soft soil, that cannot support massive weight (which is why there are limited big structures like sky scrapers anywhere). So Hitler set up "test loads". He built giant, massive, heavy platforms to mimic the weight of a dome, so they could check to see if they would sink over time. They are still standing today, having never sunk. He is also responsible for the first infared vision, electronic messaging (limited to 160 characters, which is why modern text messaging is still limited to 160 per text), etc.
    It is AMAZING what he accomplished. He was by all rights a GENIUS.
    Then the bad stuff happened. He was also a bit crazy, and over time became crazier, paranoid, and competitive. So he did alot of really tragic and awful things.

    The point I am making is, if anyone were to follow Hitler's policies, chances are it would be incredibly good for whichever country they were being applied to. As long as the person applying the policies is not also a crazy, homicidal f*ck like Hitler was.

    I usually say this at the end of all my post, but I will say it again. I am not trying to offend anyone. I do not feel my opinion is more valid than anyone else's, I just feel like expressing what my opinion is from time to time.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    I really enjoyed reading what you had to say. You have a well thought out a good arguement. I also agree with several things you said. And completely agree with the global warming thing, I have also had that same discussion with others.
    Just as a side note though, I love history. Big history buff. And when we discuss hitler or sthalin, we have been taught to immediately associate them with nothing but bad things.
    History shows though that for a time, they were actually very good leaders. I am more familure with Hitler, so i will use him as the example. When Hitler came into Germany (he was Austrian) the country was in bad shape. The dollar was worth nothing (historians have joked that a whole wheel barrel of their money couldn't buy a loaf of bread), the unemployment rate was through the roof, the country was in ruins, and national pride was non existant. When Hitler took over, he did amazing things not only for Germany, but for the world. Thanks to him, Germany's economy took off, becoming more powerful than ever, people all over had jobs, as most of them were now being paid to rebuild the country to better than old status. Suddenly, Hitler is coming up with revolutionary ideas and putting them into effect. He designed and built the very first super highway, he had his hand in designing the VW bug, a car that was designed to be affordable, reliable, and cheap, so that everyone could afford to drive. Under Hitler's rule, the Nazi's also started experimenting with early forms of steroids, in an effort to make a "super" soldier.
    Hitler also realized that the best structural design was based on a dome. A pyramid is strong, and will stand for who knows how long, but they take up way too much ground area, with nearly no internal space. Domes on the other hand, have been argued to be even stronger, and they also give as nearly as much useable space as the take up in ground area. They are also fast, easy, and cheap to build. The problem is that Europe has very soft soil, that cannot support massive weight (which is why there are limited big structures like sky scrapers anywhere). So Hitler set up "test loads". He built giant, massive, heavy platforms to mimic the weight of a dome, so they could check to see if they would sink over time. They are still standing today, having never sunk. He is also responsible for the first infared vision, electronic messaging (limited to 160 characters, which is why modern text messaging is still limited to 160 per text), etc.
    It is AMAZING what he accomplished. He was by all rights a GENIUS.
    Then the bad stuff happened. He was also a bit crazy, and over time became crazier, paranoid, and competitive. So he did alot of really tragic and awful things.

    The point I am making is, if anyone were to follow Hitler's policies, chances are it would be incredibly good for whichever country they were being applied to. As long as the person applying the policies is not also a crazy, homicidal f*ck like Hitler was.

    I usually say this at the end of all my post, but I will say it again. I am not trying to offend anyone. I do not feel my opinion is more valid than anyone else's, I just feel like expressing what my opinion is from time to time.
    Awesome post.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Impeached for what?
    I take that as a no.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    should he be impeached for anything else?
    He should be replaced with the greatest President every to hold the office. The man that talked to Jesus each and every day. The man that kept the country safe.

    The name that in 2005 overhauled FEMA and bought zero tools to deal with an offshore issue that is currently going on.

    The man that always spoke the truth.

    A true conservative. A true passionate lover of conservative freedoms. The greatest repulican every to walk to hold office. A man that respected human rights. A great man that did allow deregulation of bank to stop him and his friends from achieving a great spike in economic activity. A man that never lied to the public about WMD.

    George W. Bush is our man. Our great GOP conservative hero. We should amend the constitution and allow 4 more years!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by PharmDoc-Cyrus View Post
    He should be replaced with the greatest President every to hold the office. The man that talked to Jesus each and every day. The man that kept the country safe.

    The name that in 2005 overhauled FEMA and bought zero tools to deal with an offshore issue that is currently going on.

    The man that always spoke the truth.

    A true conservative. A true passionate lover of conservative freedoms. The greatest repulican every to walk to hold office. A man that respected human rights. A great man that did allow deregulation of bank to stop him and his friends from achieving a great spike in economic activity. A man that never lied to the public about WMD.

    George W. Bush is our man. Our great GOP conservative hero. We should amend the constitution and allow 4 more years!

    i'd leave the county if he was back in office

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i'd leave the county if he was back in office
    I am just pissed off at the liberals for all the problems they have caused.

    Obama equals everything wrong with the US!
    Obama is tyranny just like Hitler.

    When I think about the 2008 election, I think what dumb asses would not have wanted McSame. We are only in 2 wars. We need to ¨Bomb, Bomb Iran¨ and be in a third war.

    I am just grateful there are true conservatives like McSame out there today pushing (And stating in the Senate in the last 60 days) that we need to bomb Iran.

    It is Obama´s fault that the 2001 USA Patriot Act was passed. It is also his fault that the DOJ was dependent on it and had to have provisions renewed.

    I blame Obama for the current state of the economy. He is in office and he is responsible for fixing the nation. I can´t believe there is still an economic problem he has been in office for 15 months.

    When Obama won I was singing ¨Barak The Majic Negro¨ and wishing ¨He would fail¨ I just can´t belive these ***** ass dumb **** liberals can´t take responsibility for all the crimes Obama has conducted!

    Can someone please wipe the shit off the constitution of the United States of America and amend it please to have 4 more years for Bush. It is the Patriotic thing to do!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevy355s10 View Post
    even if McCain died..we would be lead by a hellova better person than obama.
    Worst... Sentence.... Ever.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by PharmDoc-Cyrus View Post
    I am just pissed off at the liberals for all the problems they have caused.

    Obama equals everything wrong with the US!
    Obama is tyranny just like Hitler.

    When I think about the 2008 election, I think what dumb asses would not have wanted McSame. We are only in 2 wars. We need to ¨Bomb, Bomb Iran¨ and be in a third war.

    I am just grateful there are true conservatives like McSame out there today pushing (And stating in the Senate in the last 60 days) that we need to bomb Iran.

    It is Obama´s fault that the 2001 USA Patriot Act was passed. It is also his fault that the DOJ was dependent on it and had to have provisions renewed.

    I blame Obama for the current state of the economy. He is in office and he is responsible for fixing the nation. I can´t believe there is still an economic problem he has been in office for 15 months.

    When Obama won I was singing ¨Barak The Majic Negro¨ and wishing ¨He would fail¨ I just can´t belive these ***** ass dumb **** liberals can´t take responsibility for all the crimes Obama has conducted!

    Can someone please wipe the shit off the constitution of the United States of America and amend it please to have 4 more years for Bush. It is the Patriotic thing to do!
    dont leave out bombing pakistan and north korea

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by PharmDoc-Cyrus View Post
    I am just pissed off at the liberals for all the problems they have caused.

    Obama equals everything wrong with the US!
    Obama is tyranny just like Hitler.

    When I think about the 2008 election, I think what dumb asses would not have wanted McSame. We are only in 2 wars. We need to ¨Bomb, Bomb Iran¨ and be in a third war.

    I am just grateful there are true conservatives like McSame out there today pushing (And stating in the Senate in the last 60 days) that we need to bomb Iran.

    It is Obama´s fault that the 2001 USA Patriot Act was passed. It is also his fault that the DOJ was dependent on it and had to have provisions renewed.

    I blame Obama for the current state of the economy. He is in office and he is responsible for fixing the nation. I can´t believe there is still an economic problem he has been in office for 15 months.

    When Obama won I was singing ¨Barak The Majic Negro¨ and wishing ¨He would fail¨ I just can´t belive these ***** ass dumb **** liberals can´t take responsibility for all the crimes Obama has conducted!

    Can someone please wipe the shit off the constitution of the United States of America and amend it please to have 4 more years for Bush. It is the Patriotic thing to do!
    all of this is order of your commments.....

    its kinda funny..George bush vs Obama? i have said.. they are the same i all aspects...just obama is doing what bush was doin at a very fast pace. blinding isnt the word.

    if you want to suck on the same bullshit bottel that bush was feeding you,then you got it..either way you slice it. at least if McCain died, we would have good leadership

    at what point are you going to realize that you have no just remind us how much bush sucked and how much MORE obama sucks. obama wasnt the cause for the Patriot Act, but his group of librals voted FOR IT. if thats not bad enough...obama obviously enjoy's it cause he took it 5 steps further with the law being passed that he had the right to track you on your computer,erase anything on the internet that he didnt like, and shut down the internet at any time if he feels like it.
    no one said he himself was the cause...but his libral goons did a great help in all this happening. if you look, back in 1995(under clinton), librals (along with progressive RYNO's) thought that EVERY american needed to be in a home,so they said that people didnt need to have a background check to get a loan, that banks shouldnt need to know if the person can afford it, as long as they are paying pay ments and work..regardless of, because of got the housing bubble that has happend...anything else you need me to link together?

    you yourself obviously want this to be a rasist debate...typical libral. why make it a racist debate? because that shifts logic to anger..why do that? to cover up the fact that someone has a valid point that set in stone. but, you make sure it gets shifted so tthat the black community gets pissed and you start a race war..because, whats gonna piss off people more? thats right..saying that every white person is out to get the black man....true garbage.

    ohh...if you want to bring up the hurricane....rember, there is a gulf oil spill that needs to be handled and you beloved Obama is having press parties...last i checked, bush didnt hear of the hurricane and go play golf. talk of the consititution....but dont uphold you rights in american society...kinda funny. cause if you did, you wouldnt be happy with anything thats happend after Reagan left office. seriously...think about it. but, if yo studied histoy..youd know that you would really be pissed at the years 1870 and forward.
    Last edited by chevy355s10; 06-22-2010 at 04:24 PM.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536 View Post
    Worst... Sentence.... Ever. valid point...hmm WORST..COMMENT....EVER.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevy355s10 View Post
    all of this is order of your commments.....

    its kinda funny..George bush vs Obama? i have said.. they are the same i all aspects...just obama is doing what bush was doin at a very fast pace. blinding isnt the word.

    if you want to suck on the same bullshit bottel that bush was feeding you,then you got it..either way you slice it. at least if McCain died, we would have good leadership

    at what point are you going to realize that you have no just remind us how much bush sucked and how much MORE obama sucks. obama wasnt the cause for the Patriot Act, but his group of librals voted FOR IT. if thats not bad enough...obama obviously enjoy's it cause he took it 5 steps further with the law being passed that he had the right to track you on your computer,erase anything on the internet that he didnt like, and shut down the internet at any time if he feels like it.
    no one said he himself was the cause...but his libral goons did a great help in all this happening. if you look, back in 1995(under clinton), librals (along with progressive RYNO's) thought that EVERY american needed to be in a home,so they said that people didnt need to have a background check to get a loan, that banks shouldnt need to know if the person can afford it, as long as they are paying pay ments and work..regardless of, because of got the housing bubble that has happend...anything else you need me to link together?

    you yourself obviously want this to be a rasist debate...typical libral. why make it a racist debate? because that shifts logic to anger..why do that? to cover up the fact that someone has a valid point that set in stone. but, you make sure it gets shifted so tthat the black community gets pissed and you start a race war..because, whats gonna piss off people more? thats right..saying that every white person is out to get the black man....true garbage.

    ohh...if you want to bring up the hurricane....rember, there is a gulf oil spill that needs to be handled and you beloved Obama is having press parties...last i checked, bush didnt hear of the hurricane and go play golf.
    so if mccian died we would have had a good leader? Palin? you have to be kidding?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevy355s10 View Post

    if you want to suck on the same bullshit bottel that bush was feeding you,then you got it..either way you slice it. at least if McCain died, we would have good leadership

    at what point are you go
    Crack Cocaine hummm hummmm gooooooood. Well not so much.

    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    so if mccian died we would have had a good leader? Palin? you have to be kidding?
    Yes Sarah is our woman she would have taken over right after McSame bombs Iran and would have Bombed Russia.

    What you ***** America needs a 4th war. First 3 are just starters.

    And the USA Patriot Act of 2001 was passed by liberals... Well I guess the conservative senate and house are just cross dressing liberals. DSM will be right along to explain that.

    The 1995 conversations Clinton had FORCED Bush to pass bank deregulation. It was all Clinton, that sock sucker was impeached for lieing to the American public something a Great Conservative President like Bush would never do; there are WMD in Iraq we are going to find them any day now.

    I do believe the deregulation of oil drilling during GWB years was Obama´s fault as well. 63 days ago when the BP´s well got F´ed off Obama should have made a time machine and gone back to 2005 when FEMA was over hauled and no equipment was bought to deal with an offshore spill.

    I just think back to Reagan. Reagan in 84 asked, ¨Are you better off now than 4 or 8 years ago?¨ And clearly the Clinton years had to be corrected. Him and his liberal ¨Goons¨ took over the economy and produced a surplus. How dare those pu$$y ass liberals do such a thing! Bush came in corrected it.

    Well the apple did not fall to fare away from the tree. Bush 41, left Sadam in Iraq, thus leaving business on the table. Reagan funded OBL and just left it to Bush to forget about it, thus leaving business on the table. Bush 43 tried started Iraq (again) and Afganistan, thus leaving business on the table.

    But Personally I could care less. It was Clinton´s fault for not taking care of OBL or Sadam. I just blame Clinton. And, Obama is a Nazi that just needs to play his part. Dick and Bush left him Iraq and Afganistan and he owns it now. I am just going to forget about who all can´t take care of business. I guess my mother telling me ¨Don´t start some shit you can´t finnish¨ is just full of shit.

    Yes I blame Obama. Amend the constitution and allow Bush 4 more years. Pu$$y liberals need to take responsibility for the Bush years.

  30. #30
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    ok..go with me here..i just want you to ask one question..if you had the choice, would you rather shoot yourslef?..or stab yourself?

    it seems to not have any relivence...but ill explain after you give me your answer.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by PharmDoc-Cyrus View Post
    Crack Cocaine hummm hummmm gooooooood. Well not so much.

    Yes Sarah is our woman she would have taken over right after McSame bombs Iran and would have Bombed Russia.

    What you ***** America needs a 4th war. First 3 are just starters.

    And the USA Patriot Act of 2001 was passed by liberals... Well I guess the conservative senate and house are just cross dressing liberals. DSM will be right along to explain that.

    The 1995 conversations Clinton had FORCED Bush to pass bank deregulation. It was all Clinton, that sock sucker was impeached for lieing to the American public something a Great Conservative President like Bush would never do; there are WMD in Iraq we are going to find them any day now.

    I do believe the deregulation of oil drilling during GWB years was Obama´s fault as well. 63 days ago when the BP´s well got F´ed off Obama should have made a time machine and gone back to 2005 when FEMA was over hauled and no equipment was bought to deal with an offshore spill.

    I just think back to Reagan. Reagan in 84 asked, ¨Are you better off now than 4 or 8 years ago?¨ And clearly the Clinton years had to be corrected. Him and his liberal ¨Goons¨ took over the economy and produced a surplus. How dare those pu$$y ass liberals do such a thing! Bush came in corrected it.

    Well the apple did not fall to fare away from the tree. Bush 41, left Sadam in Iraq, thus leaving business on the table. Reagan funded OBL and just left it to Bush to forget about it, thus leaving business on the table. Bush 43 tried started Iraq (again) and Afganistan, thus leaving business on the table.

    But Personally I could care less. It was Clinton´s fault for not taking care of OBL or Sadam. I just blame Clinton. And, Obama is a Nazi that just needs to play his part. Dick and Bush left him Iraq and Afganistan and he owns it now. I am just going to forget about who all can´t take care of business. I guess my mother telling me ¨Don´t start some shit you can´t finnish¨ is just full of shit.

    Yes I blame Obama. Amend the constitution and allow Bush 4 more years. Pu$$y liberals need to take responsibility for the Bush years.
    dude, you have obviously NEVER done your home, i will not bother pointing out your pointless ignorance you dot even realize that the bill was passed under CLINTON in 1995...his term was from 1993-2001. if your too blind to see where your problem in your country is...then i must say, adios. cause as long as you dont see where your party has done wrong along side of republican's...then your a lost cause. ive said it several times in my postings that i realize what the republicans did wrong and i never said i liked what they did...yet you still resort to rambling about nohing...good job, your clueless.

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  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevy355s10 View Post
    ok..go with me here..i just want you to ask one question..if you had the choice, would you rather shoot yourslef?..or stab yourself?

    it seems to not have any relivence...but ill explain after you give me your answer.
    ill go with stab

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    ill go with stab
    I'll go with shoot

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevy355s10 View Post
    dude, you have obviously NEVER done your home, i will not bother pointing out your pointless ignorance you dot even realize that the bill was passed under CLINTON in 1995...his term was from 1993-2001. if your too blind to see where your problem in your country is...then i must say, adios. cause as long as you dont see where your party has done wrong along side of republican's...then your a lost cause. ive said it several times in my postings that i realize what the republicans did wrong and i never said i liked what they did...yet you still resort to rambling about nohing...good job, your clueless.
    Yes the Federal Register of March 28, 1995 which contained four regulations aimed at implementing the Community Reinvestment Act was actually responsible for the are actually to blame for the savings and loan crisis of 91-92 and of course the actual deregulation laws started UNDER REAGAN WERE NOT really started under Reagan and carried under Bush (41) but really Obama was responsible for that.

    All things wrong in the world is because of Obama.

    McSame and Sarah... Wooohoooo. Sarah would have been a great leader.

    Conservatives should be more liberal with respect to education.

  36. #36
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    ill go with stab

  37. #37
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    You should try our government, just for a week and you you would be begging for Obama to come back!!!

    This is him, such a handsome man....

    Last edited by gettingthere; 06-22-2010 at 05:36 PM.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevy355s10 View Post valid point...hmm WORST..COMMENT....EVER.
    I'm sorry you missed the point. Let me make it more clear.

    You think Sarah Palin is better qualified to be POTUS than Barrack Obama. You are an idiot. Clear enough?

  39. #39
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    Business as usual yeah?
    I can think of a couple of uses for Sarah Palin.. running the country isn't one of them

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    I voted for Obama and I am proud of it. McCain was not "bad", but the bottom line is he has reached the life expectancy of the average American, which meansthe clock has really started ticking as to "he could die any day". You match that by the fact that he already has a bad heart, and then you want to put him in the highest stress related job in the world? I have seen young youthful looking men go into office and come out looking grey haired and beaten up. Bottom line, he would have died in office. Which means Palin (same woman who can hardly get through an interview or speach) would be the woman you have decided to trust with the well being of the nation, and not to mention you are also giving her access to nulcear launch codes.

    Maybe we can stick to talking about their positions on policy, and not so much on external factors which really have absolutely no bearing on McCain's ability to govern the country. Therein lies the problem with most American's, they are so focused about what haircut Mitt Romney has, how nice Obama's 3 piece suit is, what dress Palin is wearing, and they completely disregard the only things that matter, which are their qualifications, policy positions, and VOTING RECORD. Forget all that garbage you just mentioned, it is completely inconsequential in the election of a President.

    Now, those being the reasons why I would not have voted for McCain, I also believe that the main problem with the downward spiral this country has been on for a LONG time has been that nearly every president is a photo copy of the guy before him.

    Obama was the first breath of fresh air this nation has seen since the time of the original presidents.
    He said he would do all these great things, then, he ACTUALLY ATTEMPTS TO DO ALL OF THEM, one by one, and guess what?

    What has he done or accomplished that he stated he would do in his campaign?

    *He said he would end the war. Instead, he sent 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan. He has increased war funding.

    *He promised that before any bill would be voted on, there would be enough time to read it and understand it. Instead, he tried to jam a 2,600 page piece of legislation through the House in 3 days. (Referring to his healthcare reform)

    *He promised transparency in government. Instead, he kept the photos of tortured Guantanamo detainee's classified. Additionally, instead of actually prosecuting WAR CRIMINALS like Bush and Cheyney, he made empty meaningless statements like "We should be moving forward, not focusing on the past." Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm of the opinion that crimes against humanity have no statute of limitations, and that American principles DEMAND that those tortured detainee's have justice.

    All you hardcore republicans that are still butt-hurt over the fact that he won (referring to the ones in congress) REFUSE to allow any of his attempts to change this country for the better to go into effect.

    Is that serious? The Democrats have a veto proof majority in the House and the Senate. In what way are Republicans blocking what he is doing? Obama does not require bi-partisan support to pass legislation. What you fail to recognize, or maybe you're in denial, is that MANY Democrats in the House voted AGAINST his health care reform, because they know it was a bad bill. So it is not just Republicans, but members of his OWN PARTY which "blocked" his attempts to 'change the country for the better.' It says a lot when members of your own party vote against you.

    Its like jerking off, then getting mad that your hands got sticky. Thats the way it looks when all the die hard republicans stand in the way of any of the things he is trying to do, then try to preach to all your friends and neighbors that he hasn't done any of the things he has promised to do.

    No, that is the worst analogy that I have ever heard. You are obfuscating extremely complex political concepts and ideologies. Republican's vote against his legislation because it is antithetical to the beliefs and political ideology of Republican's. His legislation is taking the country in a direction that the Republican representatives, and more importantly the CONSTITUENTS of the representatives do not agree with. So, just because Republicans are holding true to their values, and voting mostly the way their constituents have asked them to vote, does not mean that they are blocking legislation from Obama, just so that they can say he hasn't accomplished anything. Once again, Democrats have veto proof majority's in the House and Senate, they do not require bi-partisan support of legislation for it to pass.

    I don't think he is perfect, I am not under the illusion (as some are) that he can change the country over night, and fix all our problems. In the end, they are ALL politicians, which means theyt are lying about something, and have their own agenda. The fact that so many people are trying to bash him because he hasn't been able to do 10 years worth of things after just a year in office is rediculous though, especially when you remember that as long as congress is being stubbern, they won't allow him to do anything.

    So long as you recognize that the Congress you are speaking about who is being stubborn, and not allowing him to do anything, are the members of HIS OWN PARTY.

    Step back, look at the big picture, take all factors into consideration, and reevaluate the situation. If you apsolutely have to be mad at somebody because change hasn't happened, then don't blame the one guy who is actually trying to make it happen, blame the other half of congress that won't allow it to happen.

    And once again, the Democrats have veto proof majority's in House and Senate, and therefore, the only people you can blame for not allowing "change" to happen is the Democrats themselves, who have voted against Obama's legislation. Republicans do not have enough seats to block his legislation, not until this coming November at least.

    Just my opinions. Hope nobody thought I was taking shots at them or their personal opinions by expressing mine. Don't want to step on any toes.

    My responses are in bold. For the record, I am a Republican with a Libertarian ideology. There is a lot of misinformation in this thread. Some people in this thread (not pointing fingers at you Skyler, this is in general) need to read a few more books before they start making off the wall uninformed comments about complex political and economic issues which they clearly have not studied in any depth, and appear to just be reciting talking points from Anderson Cooper and Bill Maher.

    Just a for instance. Lack of regulation is not what caused the housing crisis and the economy to collapse. Government interference into the free market, and more importantly, artificial manipulation of the interest rates by the Federal Reserve, is what caused the housing crisis and the economic downturn. The Federal Reserve's practice of supplying easy credit, encouraged lenders to make dangerous loans and to lend beyond what the market could 'actually' handle. When market rates are artificially manipulated, it is not a true representation of what the market can actually handle, therefore a market correction must occur, and we experience this in the form of a recession/depression. The recession is actually a good thing, if we sit back and allow it to happen, because it means that toxic assets are being purged, and that lenders will suffer the consequences of poor business practices. We stifle this process by bailing out lenders/banks who have engaged in poor practices, essentially rewarding them for their bad lending practices, and sending the message to other lenders that there is no risk in also participating in those bad practices, because government will be there to bail you out when you screw up. This is somewhat of a simplification, but I am giving the abridged version for times sake.

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