Either FT4 and FT3 are going down in spite of 50 mcg ed of T4 ingested. I am going to bump to 100 mcg ed from today.
TSH instead, almost doubled; even though it came only back to where it was
before the cycle.
Insulin and glycemia are fine.
Even this other HGH brand is real, now I need a check for the last one I am using since a few days.
Saturday morning, a new blood work with IGF-1 also.
Any comments appreciated.
__________________________________________________ _________________Day 38_______________Day 89 p12__________Day 93 p16__________Day 101 p24
ERYTHROCYTES: 5,08 mil/mmc [4 - 5,5]______________________________________4,65_________________5,33____________________________________5,08
LEUCOCYTES: 7,6 mila/mmc [4 - 9]__________________________________________14,4_________________7,5_____________________________________9,3
- NE: 4,2 / 55,9 % [2 - 6 / 37 - 80]
- LY: 2,5 / 35 % [0,6 - 36 / 10 - 50]
- MO: 0,7 / 8,7 % [0 - 0,9 / 0 - 12]
- EO: 0,3 / 2,5 % [0 - 7 / 0 - 7]
- BA: 0 / 0,6 % [0 - 0,2 / 0 - 2,5]
HEMOGLOBIN: 15,1 gr/dl [14 - 18]___________________________________________13,2_________________13,7____________________________________13,1
HEMATOCRIT: 44,2 % [42 - 52]_____________________________________________39,8_________________41,5____________________________________39,8
MCV: 87 femtol [82 - 98]__________________________________________________85,6_________________77,9____________________________________78,3
MCH: 29,7 picogr. [27 - 31]________________________________________________28,4_________________25,7____________________________________25,8
MCHC: 34,2 gr/dl [32 - 36]_________________________________________________33,2_________________33_____________________________________32,9
RDW: 13,7 % [11,6 - 16]__________________________________________________ _____________________16,2
GRAN-NEUTROPHILS: 65,7 % [37 -80]________________________________________76,4_________________43,2____________________________________51,7
GRAN-EOSINOPHILS: 2,8 % [0,0 - 7]_________________________________________0,5__________________1,6_____________________________________1,3
GRAN-BASOPHILS: 0,9 % [0,0 - 2,5]_________________________________________0,8__________________0,3_____________________________________1
LYMPHOCYTES: 23,4 % [10 - 50]____________________________________________16__________________48______________________________________36,5
MONOCYTES: 7,2 % [0,0 - 12]______________________________________________6,3__________________6,9_____________________________________9,5
PLATELETS: 150000 /mmc [150000 - 400000]_________________________________362000______________270000_________________________________148000
PCT: 0,13 % [0,1 - 1]
MPV: 7,5 fl [5 - 10]
PDW: 17,5 % [12 - 18]
GLYCEMIA (basal): 91 mg/dl [70 - 110]__________________________________________________ _________92______________________________________83
INR: 1,2
APTT: 28 s
FIBRINOGEN: 190 mg/dl [180 - 350]
HOMOCYSTEINE: 11 mcmoli/l [6 - 15]
MYOGLOBIN: 27 ng/ml [10 - 46]
AZOTEMIA: 62 mg/dl [15-40]______________________________________________46____________________73
CREATININE: 1,1 mg/dl [0,8 - 1,3]__________________________________________1,2___________________1,1
HYPERURICEMIA: 6 mg/dl [3,5 - 7,2]
CHOLESTEROL TTL: 156 mg/dl [140 - 220]___________________________________142___________________173
CHOLESTEROL VLDL: 35 mg/dl [20 - 40]
CHOLESTEROL LDL: 103 mg/dl [< 150]_______________________________________130
CHOLESTEROL HDL: 35 mg/dl [> 40]_________________________________________12___________________22
INDEX RISK HDL: 4,5 [till 5]________________________________________________11,8__________________7,9
APO A1: 190 mg/dl [115 - 220]
APO B: 79 mg/dl [55 - 125]
RATIO B/A1 APO: 0,41 [0,35 - 1]
TRIGLYCERIDES: 90 mg/dl [< 150]
GAMMA (YGT): 32 u/ltr [15 - 85]___________________________________________27___________________39
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE: 96 u/ltr [50 - 136]_________________________________57___________________79
BILIRUBIN TTL: 1 mg/dl [0,2-1]__________________________________________________ ____________________________________1,16
BILIRUBIN DIRECT: 0,25 mg/dl [0,05 - 0,3]__________________________________________________ __________________________0,33
BILIRUBIN INDIRECT: 0,67 mg/dl [till 0,7]__________________________________________________ ____________________________0,83
TRANSAMINASE GOT/AST: 26 u/ltr [15 - 37]__________________________________63
TRANSAMINASE GPT/ALT: 62 u/ltr [30 - 65]__________________________________104
FERRITIN: 125 ng/ml [24 - 336]
LIPASE: 324 u/ltr [114 - 284]______________________________________________234__________________218
AMYLASE: 69 u/ltr [25 - 115]______________________________________________66___________________75
LDH: 170 u/ltr [100 - 190]
CPK MB: 230 u/ltr [35 - 232]
CK NAK: 160 u/l [till 167]
PROTIDES TTL: 7,5 gr/dl [6,4 - 8,2]
ALBUMIN: 60 % [51 - 63,3]
ALFA 1: 3 % [2,2 - 4,3]
ALFA 2: 10 % [9,5 - 14]
BETA: 11 % [10-14,5]
GAMMA: 19 % [12 - 20]
A/G RATIO: 1,45 [1,0 - 1,7]
PSA: 0,6 ng/ml [till 4]__________________________________________________ ___1,23________________0,61
PSA FREE: 0,23
PSA FREE/TTL: 0,38 [>0,15]
PAP: 1,3 ng/ml [till 3,5]__________________________________________________ _1,5
IGG: 1455 mg/dl [681 - 1648]
IGA: 309 mg/dl [87 - 474]
IGD: 55 u/ml [till 100]
IGM: 101 mg/dl [48 - 312]
IGE (prist): 39,07 iu/ml [1,31 - 165,3]
GASTRIN: 32 pg/ml [28-125]
MELATONIN: 55 pg/ml [20 - 85]
C-PEPTIDE: 1,3 ng/ml [0,78 – 1,89]
INSULIN: 3,37 micru/ml [1,9 - 23]__________________________________________________ _____________3,55____________________________________2,08
GLUCAGON: 56 pg/ml [40-130]
ACTH: 21 pg/dl [till 50]
CORTISOL: 16,64 mcg/dl [8,7 - 22,4]_________________________________________12,45______________19,89___________________________________17,4
FT3: 3,47 pg/ml [2,2 - 4,7]_________________________________________________3,95________________4,03____________________________________2,83
FT4: 1,27 ng/dl [0,8 - 2]__________________________________________________ _1,62_______________1,4_____________________________________1,33
MSH: 10,5 pmol/l [7,9 - 14,4]
HTG: 9,65 ng/ml [0,0 - 35]
TBG: 21 mcg/ml [15 - 32]
TSH: 4,79 micru/ml [0,34 - 5,6]_____________________________________________2,48________________2,66____________________________________4,37
FSH: 4,19 miu/ml [1,27 - 19,26]_____________________________________________0,55_____________________________________0,72
LH: 3,88 miu/ml [1,24 - 8,62]_______________________________________________0,15_____________________________________2,58
PREGNENOLONE: 161 ng/ml [10 - 230]
ANDROSTENEDIONE: 1,89 ng/ml [0,3 - 3,1]
ALDOSTERONE: 155 pg/ml [10 - 160]
DHEA: 7,9 ng/ml [2,5 - 9,5]
DHEAS: 233 mcg/dl [106 - 464]
DHT: 625 pg/ml [250 - 990]________________________________________________1250_____________________________________300
TESTOSTERONE TTL: 3,1 ng/ml [1,75 - 7,81]_________________________________44,7_________________0,48_________________1,61________________4,84
TESTOSTERONE FREE: 15 pg/ml [8 - 47]_____________________________________219,68____________________________________5,9
SHBG: 37 nmoli/l [13 - 71]_________________________________________________6_________________________________________24,8
ESTRONE: 48 pg/ml [40 - 60]
ESTRADIOL 17-BETA: 34 pg/ml [<20 - 47]____________________________________150_________________27
ESTRIOL: 6 pg/ml [4,7 - 7,1]
PROGESTERONE: 0,98 ng/ml [0,14 - 2,06]____________________________________1,41
PRL: 3,4 ng/ml [2,64 - 13,13]______________________________________________15,12________________0,62_________________1
IGF-1: 135 ng/ml [96 - 424]_______________________________________________159__________________238
HGH: 0,3 ng/ml [0,0 - 10]__________________________________________________ ____________________11,1____________________________________10,5
Last edited by BJJ; 06-24-2010 at 11:30 AM.
Hahaha, i know what you mean...
Yeah ive had it a few weeks but only got 800ius, (glotropin)...
Im going to start it at 2ius 5/2 for 3 weeks then 4ius for another 3 weeks, 6ius for 3 weeks and then finish on 8ius. I could do with running the 8ius for at least 6 months.....
First time on hgh so im expecting some good results, i will be adding test and tren after 2 months but im seriously considering cruising from then on...
I posted this on your thread but will repeat it here for others to read.
Elivated TSH leves are expected if FT3 FT4 levels are low.
When it functions properly the thyroid is part of a feedback loop with your pituitary gland. First, the pituitary senses the level of thyroid hormone that the thyroid has released into the bloodstream then pituitary then releases TSH that stimulates the thyroid to release more thyroid hormone. When the thyroid does not produce enough thyroid hormone the pituitary detects this reduction in thyroid hormone and it moves into action. The pituitary then makes more TSH to help trigger the thyroid to produce more thyroid hormone, this is the pituitary's effort to return the system to "normal" and normalize thyroid function. Therefore a TSH that is higher than normal suggests a thyroid that is underactive and not doing its job of producing thyroid hormone for whatever reason, ilness, stress, obstruction e.g. recombinant Growth Hormone.
I would increase your T4 to 100mcg ed from 50mcg ed.
jing jai
lol I got some MT II for the first time on monday, everyone says to shoot it at bedtime but there was NO WAY I was waiting that long - it was like 4 hours away! Ha ha haaa!
Sounds good mate - personally I would ramp up quicker but then that will burn through your GH quicker too!
I haven't PCT'd for about 2 yrs I don't think - have no intention of doing so either - apart from breeding (which I have NO intention of doing) I cannot think of a reason to come off - I am pretty sure that healthwise it is better to run a low dose of test rather than putting yourself through the hormonal rollercoaster and barrage of drugs that PCT involves!
The only side im noticing is my eye is twitching alot. lol!! Ive never heard of it happening to anyone else....
Other than that so far so good, im looking forward to training and eating...its what the game is all about.
Stats Age 31
6' 4"
241 pounds
BF around 13%
Ive taking some pics and keeping a small personal log. Will share with the class from month to month...
This site has been the best with all the AAS knowledge, looking forward to the HGH knowledge to come.
Yes, im cruising on 250 EW of C, and ill probably do a blast (4-6 week cycle of tren @ 525 EW) Give myself a break and in late winter (but still cruising) hit a bulker for 12-14 weeks. Im hoping by November ill have some new cells to blow up. Ill try ramp up the hgh as well as i go. Im looking forward to cycling with the Gh!
Could someone explain to me the difference's between glotropin,blue tops,green tops and ********** ?
So far - AAS - by a mile, BUT my plan going forward is to use GH more and AAS less - apart from bringing on a few lagging bodyparts (chest & bis) I really do not need or want to add much more muscle mass - I weigh just over 260lbs now - any heavier and life will just become too hard work.
I remember years back when we were very active on here and other forums seeing pictures of yourself and from the recent pics ive seen of you it looks like a complete different person, its a remarkable transformation NS, full credit to you for your hardwork in all the areas of bodybuilding.
Ive experimented in many ways over the years and for me gh totally transformed me. No matter how Ive ever administrated gh ive always responded great to it, Ive also messed around with high short bursts of gh but I can clearly state that for me around the 6-10 months mark works great when coupled with a couple of nice burst cycles along the way.
When I first started to do my research on gh many years ago I started with how the natural gh interacts with our bodies and our hormonal system, from this I worked out my own ideas and then I researched what other BB's were doing and went from there. Years ago it was common pratise to not inject around the night time due to our own bodies highest pulse, but I can clearly see were your coming from with your night time injections, ive done them in the past and i will have to be honest i didnt see much of a difference except in my sleepbut with knowing how our own bodies use gh it does make sense especially with the small amount we do produce if your over 30,40yrs old
Trouble is, there isnt any studies ive seen which contain bodybuilder,AAS and gh which is a shame, so experiemnting with our own bodies looks the way forward, but overall gh does give some class to the musclesfuk me i just noticed how much i just waffled on lol
Thankyou mate - it's been a long hard journey - even longer than you think maybe because those pics of me back in the day looking all weak and tubby were actually me already well into my journey - I used to be over 23st (322lbs) in a very bad (morbidly obese) way, so those pics were me after I had already lost the vast majority of the flubber, when it actually dawned on me that it didn't have to just be about not being fat - I could actually now start working towards looking GOOD!
At the time me and my mates were well into WWF/WWE and I remember thinking "Now I'm not superfat any more I wonder if I could look as good as some of these guys" - it seemed a long long way off but that was kinda my goal, about 5 yrs later (last yr) I was leaving a subway shop and two young lads were blocking the way, they saw me coming and moved out of the way politely then as I walked off I heard one say to the other "Fuck me, the size of him - he looks like a fuckin wrestler" - little did the little scrote know that he just made my fuckin day! lol
Well I may change my tune on the GH/AAS thing soon as I am now around the 6 month mark of 10iu ed, the longest I have run GH for before I think is about 6 months but not with such a consistantly high dose so I am now breaking new ground for me and I guess this is when I should start seeing the real benefits, I am already stocked up with another 5 months worth and in july will be running a 4 week blast with slin, PEG MGF, tren & winstrol - exciting times in NotSmallWorld!
I don't think we are likely to see any studies into AAS, GH & bodybuilders either as I imagine they cost ALOT of money and at the end of the day who is going to pay for it? - In one sense that is a shame but in another sense its all part of the fun working out what works and theorising amongst ourselves over what works best - if we already had all those answers then what the hell would we all chat about on here!
i want to get my father on HGH. not to do w bb but more for overall benefits. he has some hip/back problems from sports and i thought this would help to heal etc.
do you think this is a good pick for him.
and how would you dose for a maintenance sort of thing, not mass building etc.
i read on the hgh profile on this site that best benefits are seen taking it one day and off for one. is it best to take 2x a day or just in the AM
and a low dose would suffice for his goal set?
thanks for the imput!
I did not sleep very well tonight and I do not know if related to the injection of 5 iu took yesterday @ 23:45 pm along with 100 mcg of T4.
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jing jai
how about jintropin aq liquid pen is it as good as they say any one try humatropin and jintropin aq liquid if so which is better
AQ pens are supposed to be better than powder because they have never been subjected to the freeze-drying lyophilization process which is known to damage HGH potency.
They are convienent and easy to use but for me they price outweighs the benefits, I would rather pay less, reconstitute and get a lot more!
Cant comment on which brand is better as I have only used Jin.
jing jai
great thread here guys, altho im new here and really only lurk notsmall knows me from over on ukiron.
I have ran gh only this year during my contest pre and now i am running it during pct. during prep i ran it at 4iu pre bed and this seemed to work a treat. i was advised to do this by the guy who helped me prep from the usa and helps quite a few top level guys. i came in very good condition IMO and i believe growth played a major part in this.
Now during pct i am running the same brand but decided to run it in the am injected IM 10 mins pre cardio. this is 5 on 2 off. on off days i am running ghrp6 at 150mcg x 3 per day.
Im sat here now with tingles in my left shoulder and thats were i did the jab this am. however i had the same tingles when shooting pre bed. to be honest im not noticing any difference.
I have enough to run for another 6 weeks so i will continue in the am for another 2 weeks then switch to pre bed IM for 4 weeks and see if i notice any difference. so far it seems not. alot of guys on uk-muscle were i post mainly have tried split doses/pre bed and in the am and no1 seems to notice much difference.
below is a good study tho showing eod shots or 3 x weekly which i intend to run funds allowing when i start bulking after pct
STUDY, demonstrating positive body composition changes in highly trained athletes w/ 2g/kg per day protein intake & 8iu of GH 3x per week (EOD), w/ no other compounds.
NOTE: Protropin 1mg = 3iu or 1iu = 333mcg
EOD dose (3x per week) in the following study: 2.67mg or 8iu
Weekly total dose = 8mg or 24iu
Summary results:
FFW = fat free Weight
FW = fat Weight
Body composition response to exogenous GH during training in highly conditioned adults, D. M. Crist, J Appl Physiol 65: 579-584, 1988
The effects of biosynthetic methionyl-human growth hormone (met-hGH) on body composition and endogenous secretion of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) were studied in eight well-trained exercising adults between 22 and 33 yr of age for 6 weeks.
Dosing & Administration:
The met-hGH (experimental) treatment consisted of 8.0 mg (2 U/mg) per week of methGH (Protropin; Genentech, San Francisco, CA), which was divided into three doses (2.67 mg/dose) and delivered on alternate days (3 days/wk) in 0.5 ml of bacteriostatic diluent. Because of differences in the body weights of the subjects, the relative dose range varied between 0.03 and 0.05 mg/kg per injection. Injections were given between 0800 and 1500, and their delivery was rotated among four to six sites throughout the study period. Treatments were administered on a double-blind basis with neither the experimental subject nor the person administering the injections knowing which treatment was being delivered. The total weekly dose of met-hGH used in this study (8.0 mg) was considered supraphysiological, since the spontaneous release of human GH during a 24-h period is purportedly -0.68 mg (4.8 mg/wk) in men and 0.79 mg (5.5 mg/wk) in women (30), similar to amounts reported by others (6).
In the present study, we found that alternate-day treatment with met-hGH altered body composition in highly conditioned, exercising adults by increasing FFW (fat free weight), decreasing %fat, and increasing FFW (fat free weight)/FW (fat weight). These changes were significantly greater than those produced by exercise alone.
Moreover we found that supraphysiological amounts of met-hGH were sufficient to significantly elevate circulating concentrations of IGF-I in all our subjects, confirming that the changes in body composition were indeed due to real alterations produced in vivo by the hormone treatment.
Supression of endogenous GH
It has been reported previously that exogenous GH will suppress endogenous release of the hormone (19,23) and that this effect may be mediated in part by elevated levels of IGF-I (23). On a preliminary basis, we found that treatment for 6 wk with supraphysiological doses of met-hGH produced an impaired endogenous GH response to stimulation in some, but not all, of our subjects. This variable response may be related to the amount of hormone used in the study. Although a significant group elevation in IGF-I levels occurred during the met-hGH treatment, this response was still below the upper limit of normal (2.20 U/ml) for the study group. Thus it is plausible that the treatment dose of met-hGH used and the subsequent moderate increase in IGF-I levels led to feedback suppression of endogenous GH release in five of the seven subjects measured for this effect, whereas these physiological events were insufficient to produce this effect in two of the subjects.
Intense exercise increases sensitivity to GH??
...One possible explanation for the disparity between our findings and those of others (25, 26) is that the stress of long-term, intensive exercise training could induce alterations in vivo, which might potentiate tissue sensitivity to the physiological actions of GH (2). In any case, it is clear from our findings that supraphysiological doses of met-hGH increased circulating concentrations of IGF-I and increased FFW (fat free weight) and decreased FW (fat weight) in highly conditioned, exercising adults.
Soft-tissue Overgrowth?
There are two principal adverse reactions associated with excessive amounts of human GH, carbohydrate intolerance, and soft-tissue overgrowth. In the present study, we measured fasting blood glucose levels periodically throughout each treatment and found no real changes suggestive of a hyperglycemic response to methGH. Because soft-tissue overgrowth is associated with abnormally high levels of IGF-I, the normal responses observed suggest that the chance for soft-tissue overgrowth occurring in our subjects was minimal. However, it is unreasonable to conclude that use of met-hGH is safe as an adjunct to exercise in healthy adults until more subjects are studied over longer periods of time and with more stringent tests for detecting changes in glucose tolerance and soft-tissue overgrowth.
Diet used
To avoid compromising the dietary requirements for optimal tissue anabolism during the met-hGH treatment, our subjects ingested between 2.05 and 2.10 g/kg a day of protein and a minimum number of kilocalories to maintain body weight. The kilocaloric requirement removed the potential bias from a dietary-induced FW loss.
In Conclusion
We conclude that treatment with supraphysiological doses of met-hGH will significantly alter body composition in adults who are highly conditioned from years of exercise training. The magnitude of this effect, however, is dependent in part on the amount of hormone given per body weight of the individual rather than endogenous GH secretory status. Changes in body composition are directly related to met-hGH administration, but the manifestations of treatment may be mediated in part by increased production of IGF-I or other GH-dependent serum anabolic factors. Moreover, supraphysiological treatment with met-hGH in exercising adults may produce impairments in the stimulated release of endogenous GH in some individuals.
So guys I'm going to hit 5IU today which I will split into 2 hits , due to my work I can't hit in the afternoon , so Ill hit in the evening and at 4 am , but when would be the best shot at evening , exactly before I go to bed ??
And my other question is that on saturday I have no work so I can hit an am/pm shot , now do I do that or just stick to an evening and am shot ?
Welcome to the thread mate, some interesting stuff there.
It has got me thinking that there must be more up to date studies out there along the same lines as that one using somatropin and for longer periods of time, I think that the conclusions to such studies would be along similar lines but better with 191aa rhGH.
Are you using any T4 with your GH?
jing jai
Do you eat just before bed?
If so then I would do it inbetween your penultimate and last meal (this is when I take my 100mcg of T4)
You could try shooting at different times on your days off work, if you do then you can monitor your response by any sides which you may or may not experience.
I think it is becoming more apparent throughout this thread that the injection times are not crutial to the overall outcome and effectiveness of hGH and that it is definitely not an exact science!
jing jai
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