man u guys slacking today
man u guys slacking today
I love sluts!
wobbly H that sh*t
could u remind me tomorrow that i need more sluts for my harem?
I will try, but it's hard to forget that more sluts are always useful for any reason. The fat ones are loyal too.
Hello and goodnight..
man that would be such a dream
I've done that before, no joke.
During my schoolies week, which is the Australian equivalent to spring break for Americans, I was staying in a house with 11 girls and 3 gay guys. There were all my close friends at the time. In one room we had two king sized beds, so we pushed them together, and i slept in the middle of about 5-8 girls every night for the 5 days i was there. However, i only slept with one of them, she was my GF/fvckbuddy at the time. The girls were always topless, but never bottomless
. But all night we would play footsies and touch each other with the other girls. It was a dream come true! But like i said i only banged one of them at that time,
. Out of the group I've slept with 4 of those girls since i met them.
I know cal, i know, i should of slept with all of them, but imagine the drama! Sorry if i disappointed you,. Forgive me.
Oh i have so ,many stories from that week.
This is the third night in a row that you whores are MIA. First weekend i get off work and you guys desert me!
Whore thread is always slower on weekends.
People should show up more in a few hours as it becomes morning in North America, and afternoon/evening for the Limey bastards.
Ern you whore! Yeh te other whores are half assing this shit.
Whats cooking good looking?
It's 8:30pm here.
3:30am here.
This is the best time to be up though. It's so ****ing hot during the day you don't want to do anything. In the middle of the night I can eat and workout.
Yeah right. My pale white ass dies in heat. I'm all about cold weather.
Drive by punk ass hoes!! Sorry for the MIA-ness... busy weekend and gonna be a busy day on the road all day.
Peace and wellness to all my homies..
whoring it up at 3:30am ern... now thats a whore
4 horsemen of the slutpacolips
so get get more money I'm gonna whore myself in real life. craigslist.
and I'm not kidding
I could also do a site like rose's, an escort site!
craitslist charges 10bucks/post which sucks (in the adult gigs section)
do it! lol
well I want to but I'm not sure if cl will do the job or if i need to sign up for an actual escort site account which can cost like 50bucks
and then I'd need more cialis...i have some but id need more
Drive by.... off to Starbucks!
Have a good day everyone
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