Before and after pics would be good.
Its ok to go off on a tangent, carry on.
I am waiting for notsmall to give his thoughts on the HGH blast cycles as he is planning on doing one within the next few weeks.
With regards to the T4 supression question - Speaking from a personal point of view and from personal experiences long term use of T4 has not caused me any supression. I know this because I have my bloods done. I have run T4 for 6 months+ in the past and have had no problem recovering. This is not a gurantee that it can not or indeed will not cause some form of supression to other individuals and it always wise to get bloods done at regular intervals so you know exactly what is going on inside you.
jing jai
lol Funny you should say that...
The 4 weeks blast I was intending to run was based around the addition of slin, PEG MGF and some stout doses of AAS with a slightly higher dose of GH than my normal 10iu ed rather than these mega doses of GH over 5 days... HOWEVER having read the post that paddy copied and pasted from another board I got intrigued and went to the other board and starting reading the thread it originated from - long story short (too late, I know lol) - I am running 40ius ed for 5 days starting today with just 100mg prop ed.
I think it would be ideall for someone like myself who has no experience with gh to try it. Obvisouly I will do a lot of research before hand and the time is not quite right just now as I have much learning to do with it but when the time is right I will prob create a log for my progress.
hi can any body help me i am new to hgh been on it for about 9 days but my nipples are sore should this be happing or is it a copie and just hcg
Sounds exciting NS, I love the whole idea around blast cycle no matter what the compound lol, ive experiemnted many times with super dosages of AAS but Ive never used anything like 40ius of gh. I love blast cycle and respond great to them.
I remember reading 2 articles though one was an interview with Ali Amini the Gulf's no1 nutrition and trainer and he stated that the liver is only capable of utilising so much growth hormones at one time that's why our bodies release it in burst's if i remember right I think the most it can use without wastage is 4 ius at one time, I am sure I stored this interview I will have to have a look for it.
Does anyone know the exact amount the liver can utilise in one time?
This is a very important question, I have read somewhere that it is something like 5iu's but im not 100% sure. One thing we have to take into consideration when thinking about this and calculating the answer is the rate of absorbtion varies depending on the method of administration. IV shots will be absorbed in approx 30 mins whilst sub-q shots are absorbed over roughly a 3 hour period.
jing jai
I have read the liver can only utilise around 4ius at one time, the injection method wouldnt matter its how much you are injecting at that time weather sub-q, IM or IM thats how I understood it.
I will try and find the interview and post it and also try and find a study to support what he said, trouble with studies is you find one saying one thing and then you find another saying the oppersite, Id prefer to go off personal experience but the results are that slow with gh you wouldnt know if you are wasting any if you was shooting higher dose.
I hear what you are saying but the difference in the absorbtion rate will affect the bioavailability. If you administer IV then your body has approx 30mins to use what you injected, whereas if you shoot sub-q the absorbtion is much slower over a 3 hour period and therefore will allow a larger ammount to be utilised.
jing jai
The studies I have read which have touched upon this subject have stated that there is no difinitive answer as the ammounts that can be utilised are determined by body weight and are usually for adults with GHD. These studies state that the optimal ammount to be administered is 0.07iu per kg of boby weight. Although this may not be directly relevant to what we are discussing some aspects of their studies do bare some relevance. They administer the shot just before bedtime and all at once, this results in shots of 9iu's + for people who are the same size as me.
Although this does not directly answer your question I feel that certain inferences can be drawn which are relevant. I do think your right though Marcus
jing jai
The half life doesnt change but the absortion rate does depending on whcih injection protocol you use: Here is the interview with Ali Amini:
This isnt the full interview
GH can work well for bodybuilders as shown in those who use it at optimal dosages. Surely if it is used by all professional bodybuilders it must have much merit.I know smart bodybuilders never do over 8 IU (International Units) a day, but, in some cases, I have heard of others doing 24 IU a day and even some non-pros, less then 150 lbs, who use 24 IU a day. This results in bloating because of all the water retention caused by that dose.
So what is the optimal dose of GH one should take to attain its benefits? Ali: "To get the full effect of GH, timing and amount are crucial. Needless to say, period taken and consistency is more important than the total amount, as taking a 200 IU kit of GH over 50 days (at 4 IU a day) is more efficient than taking the same 200 IU over a period of 25 days (at 8 IU a day)."
As is clear from what Ali has said, GH used in conjunction with anabolic steroids is the most effective form of administration. It is known to work, but how? What exactly does GH do and what are its positive effects? GH diverts calories in food towards protein synthesis and away from fat synthesis as demonstrated in animal tests. It is as powerful as testosterone in stimulating protein synthesis properties.
And how long does GH have to exert its anabolic effects? "GH", Says Ali, "has a half-life of 15 to 20 minutes after sub-q (subcutaneous) or intravenous injection. After that, blood concentrations of GH reach their peak between one and three hours after injection." So once the optimal dosage of GH and the potential benefits have been decided, how can it be administrated timing-wise?
A lot of theories and speculation have made about the best way to administrate GH," says Ali. "The most reasonable way would be decided after one gained an understanding of how GH is produced in the body, how it interacts with other hormones and under which circumstances it converts best to IGF-1. IGF-1 production is regulated by factors other than GH, most notably nutritional and thyroid status. But when GH is released it goes to the liver to stimulate a set of Growth Factors, and IGF-1 happens to be the best known of these.
"IGF-1 is a 70 amino acid single chain hormone that has been shown to be the most potent derivative (caused by GH release or administration) of GH," continues Ali. "GH is a hormone that works back to back with insulin so the lower the insulin, the more GH the pituitary gland produces, and thus there will be a better environment for GH to work.
Some speculations recommend taking GH at any time because they say what I just mentioned is applicable for the GH produced by the pituitary and not that externally administrated. However, the body produces GH in those conditions because it is the best time for it, sequentially leading it to function at its maximum potential. The main benefit of GH is its action on the liver to produce IGF-1," says Ali. "So, for this matter, it is important to know the capability of the liver in terms of how much GH it can use to get the maximum result/benefit. The liver can work with three to four IU of GH at a time and can do that twice a day with a reasonable gap of five to seven hours.
Therefore, the best dose would be a total six to eight IU a day divided into two doses and having those five to seven hours apart. For example, a dose (either three or four IU) can be taken post training with another three to four IU dose before bed or during the night sleeping period."
Clearly, as with any anabolic agent, there is an optimal dosage, but it has not been clearly documented as to what would occur if one took too little or too much GH. If one took below the recommended IU of six to eight per day of GH, as Ali recommends, what effects, if any, could they experience? If a bodybuilder took, for example, 2 IU, what effect would this have?
What I recommend," says Ali, "is aligned with the capability of the body to use GH at maximum doses to produce maximum effect. However, taking less will definitely work and the gains will be noticed, just not at full potential (the body's full capability of occupying GH and employing it). Conversely, what would be likely to happen if that same person took well over the recommended amount? If they took, for example, 20 to 25 IU what could happen?
"Nothing dramatic," says Ali. "Just some water retention side effects, in a case where the subject abusing GH is not suffering from any kind of disease. But if you understand how GH works in the body and how the body utilizes it, it will become pretty obvious how, when and how much you should take.Needless to say, trying to make GH use more constant for a longer period of time will result in more gains and make it much more cost efficient, as the legitimate form of it is still not cheap."
We have to come to the conclusion that studies contradict eachother and that we have to draw our own conclusions from them, this is exactly why i decided to start this type of thread so that we can all share our own experiences and knowledge, great insight Marcus.
jing jai
Hey Broskis;
Hope this doesn't lead you all to an eye rolling but....
I just got my ND blue tops and i dont know how much Bac water to add and what the concentration will be to get 2.5 and 5 iu's ed.
From reading the thread and a few others, i have concluded that I'll start w/ 2.5ius for a few weeks and go up from there. And i'll get some T4 (100mg ed) to go with (too bad it's not T3 'cause I already have that...)
I'm (fukkin) 50, 204lbs, 6'-2 and doing my 3rd cycle (600 Test E ew; 50 Mast eod and deca 135 3x/wk) Only have 5 weeks left in the cycle so may not get the T4 in time.
In the last 4 years I've gone from 210 27% to 185 10% to 204 12% Goal is to get to 210 6% but I think I'll have to get up to 225 to diet down to 6% (BTW Recent pics - bloated to 211! in these due to some meds i was down to 204.)
How much water ido i add in the tiny vial?
What will equal 5ius?
Should I wait for the T4 or just start off now?
How long is it safe to run the T4 w/o fukking up my thyroid?
Thanks bros!
Last edited by mperk; 06-29-2010 at 09:22 AM.
Well its day 2, did 35ius yesterday and have done 20ius so far today - nothing dramatic to report yet!
From the reading I've done over there basically the idea is to force the body to create new cells so the benefits of one of these blasts really manifests over the following weeks as you mature these cells - ideally with AAS.
I am going to do this run followed by 3 weeks of just prop and my normal dose of 10ius ed then I will run another GH blast at the start of my 4 week prop, tren, winstrol, slin, PEG MGF cycle.
hi everyone im new here and was wondering if anyone can assist me with my question about ghrp 6 as ive been researching it for a little while now and was wondering if this peptide is detectable in a urine test or what types of drug tests can be performed to verify usage,is it detectable? aslo i have researched that its half life is bout 55 mins but how long is it detectable in your system? thanks
Hey Hazard, if you dont mind me asking... how much cardio you doing per day and what do you normally do? Looking good man.
How many iu's are in each vial? If it is 10 then ad 1ml of water then each 0.1ml will equal 1iu.
I would wait till you have the T4.
I have run T4 for 6 months + and have never had any problems whatsoever recovering, in addition I have never known anyone to permanently suppress their thyroid by taking T4.
jing jai
Thanks for the reply earlier on Xtralarg, I've continued reading around the area on pubmed and its likes and every study I have seen regarding administration of exogenous hGH does state a positive correlation between hGH use and a decrease in thyroid activity, so I've booked in for a complete blood work but the only earliest slot available is 14th of July, do you reckon in your experience I should begin the T4 and once I get the blood works depending on the results adjust the usage of T4 then?
Also a side note, I did mention I would be using AAS in September but due to college/university commitments which begin in October I've decided to bring forward my cycle and now I'll most probably start it on August 2nd and intend to cycle for 10 weeks.
If anybody would like to critique my proposed cycle please do so:
Week 1-10: Testosterone Enthanate 500mg p/w
Week 1-8: Tren Ace 100mg EOD
Week 10-12: Test Prop 100mg EOD
Week 1-10: T4 150mcg
hGH throughout cycle at 6iu's
HCG 250iu's twice a week from week 5
PCT 3-5 days after last shot of Test Prop, which will include tamoxifen at 40mg ED for 4weeks and then 20mg for 2 weeks, clomid 100mg ED for 4 weeks and then 50mg for 2 weeks.
This would be my second cycle, my first which was Test Enan + Deca and over a year ago and I recovered extremely fast from this cycle as I had my blood works done 4 weeks after PCT. I also understand the dangers of using Trenbolone and I have done the required research regarding the dangers and consequences of its use. I have on hand dostinex, armidex and letrozole.
So if anybody would like to comment on the cycle go ahead but my main issue of this cycle is since I'm at 4iu's of hGH at the moment and I've learned you should be using hGH at least 8 weeks prior to starting any AAS cycle so I have that base covered would 6iu's be a good combo or should I use a higher dose depending on results side effects?
Hey pal, I'm debating if I should start my T4 now since I'm using GH at 4IU's and I'm also aware T4 at 100mcg translates into 20mcg of T3, so my reasoning is I'm going to continue using the GH but will increase the dose to 6IUs and with the addition of Tren would further reduce thyroid activity so a T4 dose of 150mcg would mean 30mcg of T3 which sounds like a reasonable dose from what I've read? At the moment the dose of T4 is purely theoretical and dependent on s/e as you mentioned. Also from what I've read theres little evidence to support the whole tappering up or down but then again I would assume its highly dependent on s/e. Any further you'd like to suggest?
Thanks for the advice pal, will keep this thread updated.
Last edited by P3rf3ctionist; 06-29-2010 at 09:45 PM.
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