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Thread: Test 400.......

  1. #1
    Mike Guest

    Test 400.......

    Ok I have seen many posts (especially by clevelandshark LOL) about their test 400 and I have seen lots of people excited over the wonderful idea. And as I agree that in theory Test400 is a nice though I disagree that it is a valid thought. I am not saying it's not effective - I believe it most likely is - but not to the point of people's perception of it.

    Test 400 is suppossed to be 25mg of Test Prop, 187mg of Test E and 188 of Test Cyp. It would be EXTREMELY hard to possibly get 400mgs of these testosterone esters into 1 milliliters worth of space. If you were to start with a milliliter of an oil based carrier, and it contains .10ml of benzyl alcohol to increase the solubility, then ya dump 400mg of steroid esters. Even if all is going into the solution this would increase the volume upwards of 1.3-1.4mls...

    If you wanted to have a 400mg/ml product you would have to start with about .8mls of your alcohol/oil mix and trying to stuff the testosterone esters (400mg worth) into that doesnt seem likely unless your BA content is around 35%. Try injecting THAT. Why would you buy a combo of cypionate and enanthate anyway? They're is BARELY a difference in half life.....

    Just something to think about.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Not to mention it puts a hurtin' on your seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    mike what's your email address, i need to ask you something? Thanks

  4. #4
    Mike Guest
    PM me bro - if you need to email me at [email protected]

  5. #5
    Mike Guest
    I'm hurt - I was hoping for a little more thoughts on this one....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Mike i threw you an email earlier today, did you ever get it?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    IMO There seems little to support Test 400, three esters. OK we're riding on Sus250 here again but surely with all the draw backs of Sus it is a better product? OK asumming 2-3 injects per week 800mg-1200mg of Test, however this would only give 50-75mg of Prop which is worst than Sus, and we all know there is no point injecting 25mg of Prop 3 times a week, 100mg ed or eod is far more affective.

    I think the main reason we see this product is that it appeals to to the more is better philosophy, 400mg/1cc WOW! However as Mike said there is just too much in that 1cc for it to be feasible. What we have here is convience as you can inject 3cc of Test 400 or 2cc with 1cc of another AAS and have high dosages but a low number of injections.

    I'd rather leave it on the Suppliers shelf, but hey is JMI!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Just because its 400mg per cc people think its great sometimes in a little reserch you can find out its not the best. Sometimes quanity does not make up for quality

  9. #9
    Mike Guest
    Bump for PBNYC

  10. #10
    Mike Guest
    Bumping this for all the Test400 questions.......

    question for those that do use Test400 - do you inject EOD or more frequently? I would assume not based on the painful injections and the high doses. And if you dont then what's the use of 25mg of prop?

    So basically now you are left with cyp and enanthate - well since the half life is so similar why buy a combination of these two? Wouldn't it be more efficient to get straight enanthate or straight cyp to cycle with and supp with a REAL dose of prop eod or ed??

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    True Mike...unless you somehow get a killer deal on it. Then how could you pass it up for a more expensive cyp or enanth. Knowing that Brovel's enanth is dirt cheap...but if someone can not get straight enanth or cyp, maybe thats why they use it. Just a thought.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I am new to the board but I have to say that T-400 was one of the best combos of test. Sure it hurt but you get past the pain. I injected 800mg the first two weeks and 400mg every week arfer that along with 400mg deca every 7 days.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I agree with Mike. The shit hurts too much for me anyway. I tried one CC and it almost took me out of the gym for a couple of days. Just aint worth the pain. My friend swears by it, I'd rather do sus twice a week. My next cycle starting next week will be Dbol, Prop at 150mg/EOD and Eq at 600mg/wk. I'm passing on T400 even though it looks inviting and is cheap.


  14. #14
    Mike Guest
    Originally posted by BigJw
    I am new to the board but I have to say that T-400 was one of the best combos of test. Sure it hurt but you get past the pain. I injected 800mg the first two weeks and 400mg every week arfer that along with 400mg deca every 7 days.
    Ok bro so you made gains. Of course you are going to - nobody will dispute that. But get yourself some straight enanthate - brovel or something and shoot 800/800 then 400mgs for the next weeks. THEN tell me how the gains matched up with your T400 and tell me how the injection pain compared and how the price did.

    I am not saying it wont work - thats the thing it will. BUT I dont believe you are getting what it is labeled as. And I dont think this is the cheapest or most comfortable way to do it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Over there.
    Pain is only temporary.

    I have shot so much high BA gear that I have become used to it.

    I rarely get sore from it anymore and the pain is merely a reminder of things to come.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Chester, WV


    Test 400 is really overrated. When people see the number 400 the light up and think they're getting the highest and best.

  17. #17
    it,s easy to see the all of us have a different
    opinions and combos, which individually believes
    it,s the right cycle. personally i,m not an expert
    but as far as my cycle is going i,m using test400
    i haven,t gain weight yet, this is my 3rd week,
    but my cuts, veins and strenght is showing
    very good. and as you know everyone,s body system is different, for some of you can get away with a
    low dose, but others need higer dose but, regardless of the dose, i hope it works for everyone as well..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    I would rather stay with a brovel product then go to a T400 and shoot alitttle more

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    I have to agree with ya Mike. I'd rather go with a lower-dosed product and be able to walk the next day. When it first came out it sounded great. I had a friend in S. Cal grab me 5 bottles when it first came out. I was one of the first guys at elite to try the stuff and OMG, i shot 2cc's onto my delt and my whole friggin shoulder swelled up for about 6 days. it looked nasty and hurt like hell. i was about to go to the doctor and get it drained. I'll stick with 200 or 250mg anyday...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    I have never tryed test 400 but after all the points Mike just made...I am not even going to consider it now..

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    hey guys,

    does test hurt from the alcohol content, or from a infection it gives you? or swelling for days? more info please!

  22. #22
    This might be somewhat off topic.... but the only 400mg/ml test I have ever used was not T400. It was a homebrew 400mg/ml of Test Cyponiate.... It was not an ester combo like the ones you guys are talking about. I believe you are referring to the Denkall labs product?

    Anyways, the one I used hurt like a b**** but then I just started using 1/2cc every other day mixed in with my fina on those days and it didn't hurt TOO bad and makes a cheaper alternative to T200 (1/2cc = 1cc of T200, so you get 2 bottles worth in one). But now my guy doesn't carry his homebrew anymore and its back to brovel for me. I agree with you guys, I would never inject that combo, it just doesn't make sense....

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    its made by ttyokkyo or however you spell it

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    I am 27 years old, and I just started test-400 4 weeks ago. The pain that you get from it is not that bad. I don't know why everyone bitches about it. I've never taken any other steroid to compare it to, but I will say that my strength gains have been incredible so far.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BigEasy101 View Post
    I am 27 years old, and I just started test-400 4 weeks ago. The pain that you get from it is not that bad. I don't know why everyone bitches about it. I've never taken any other steroid to compare it to, but I will say that my strength gains have been incredible so far.
    hey genius you are talking to guys from 7 years ago................nice bump.

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