I am 32yrs old, 242lbs on cycle. Been lifting 12 years and have a strict diet. I am getting near the end of my sust and tren E cycle. Weeks 1-5 sust @500mg per week. weeks 5-15 sust 250@ 500mg per week and Tren E @400mg per week and weeks 15-20 sust 250 @500mg tapering off. PCT is gonna be clomid as prescribed by my source. Gonna start it a few weeks after last pin. This is my fourth cycle but all prior cycles were single Test with 1 shot per week. No mixing like this one. I am gonna go ahead and get ready for my next cycle and buy my gear but want to consider a different cocktail. I can get just about anything. This cycle I have gained almost 30lbs and with my diet I have kept the fat to a minimum. Hardly any sides other than night sweat and all the sudden started snoring like crazy. Never snored before this cycle. What would be another good cycle to run or should I just stick with the same thing? Thought about maybe a test and deca cycle. Gonna wait 8-10 weeks before starting a new one but wanna get the gear while I can.