Slight CTS type sides but nothing dramatic - main way it gets me is the lethargy - I HATE sleeping in the day but I have found myself having to schedule in a nap in the afternoons or I struggle to function.
HOWEVER - I am currently on the last day of the 5 day 40iu ed GH blast experiment and I have constant pins and needles in my hands to the extent that when I was on the crosstrainer this morning it felt as though the handles were buzzing, pains in my forearms and elbows and occasional pins and needles and numbness in my feet which is pretty weird!
I am going to start my 4 week AAS/slin/PEG MGF blast on monday, the theory being that the 5 day GH blast should have forced my body to create new muscle cells and then the AAS cycle will mature and grow them.
Lets get massive.