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Thread: HGH log for everyone!

  1. #361
    Quote Originally Posted by P3rf3ctionist View Post
    Thanks for the reply earlier on Xtralarg, I've continued reading around the area on pubmed and its likes and every study I have seen regarding administration of exogenous hGH does state a positive correlation between hGH use and a decrease in thyroid activity, so I've booked in for a complete blood work but the only earliest slot available is 14th of July, do you reckon in your experience I should begin the T4 and once I get the blood works depending on the results adjust the usage of T4 then?

    Also a side note, I did mention I would be using AAS in September but due to college/university commitments which begin in October I've decided to bring forward my cycle and now I'll most probably start it on August 2nd and intend to cycle for 10 weeks.

    If anybody would like to critique my proposed cycle please do so:
    Week 1-10: Testosterone Enthanate 500mg p/w
    Week 1-8: Tren Ace 100mg EOD
    Week 10-12: Test Prop 100mg EOD
    Week 1-10: T4 150mcg
    hGH throughout cycle at 6iu's
    HCG 250iu's twice a week from week 5
    PCT 3-5 days after last shot of Test Prop, which will include tamoxifen at 40mg ED for 4weeks and then 20mg for 2 weeks, clomid 100mg ED for 4 weeks and then 50mg for 2 weeks.

    This would be my second cycle, my first which was Test Enan + Deca and over a year ago and I recovered extremely fast from this cycle as I had my blood works done 4 weeks after PCT. I also understand the dangers of using Trenbolone and I have done the required research regarding the dangers and consequences of its use. I have on hand dostinex, armidex and letrozole.

    So if anybody would like to comment on the cycle go ahead but my main issue of this cycle is since I'm at 4iu's of hGH at the moment and I've learned you should be using hGH at least 8 weeks prior to starting any AAS cycle so I have that base covered would 6iu's be a good combo or should I use a higher dose depending on results side effects?
    As you have already started your hGH might as well wait until you get your bloods done then guage how much T4 you need when you get the results, if you dont want to wait then start at 50mcg and see where that puts your levels. If you can get them checked monthy then you will know exactly how much T4 you need throughout your cycle.

    With regards to the best dose required being 6iu's or 8iu's then this would depend on how much hGH you have available, if your supply is limited then run with 6iu's for as long as you can, if your supply is not limited then go with 8iu's. Its better to run hGH at a slightly lower dose for a longer period IMO.

    jing jai

  2. #362
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    I answered your questions on #354
    Awesome Bro! Missed that - so much for my speed reading skills.

    Thanks for the info. I'm 10 weeks into a 15 week cycle, so I think I'll wait for the t4 - I'll be done w/ it by then. Can't wait to try it - hard as hell to "grow" when you are 50...;-)

    Thanks tons

  3. #363
    hello can anyone help me out there about my ghrp 6 question pleeease im new here and dont know where to go for assistance so sorry if im off topic.

  4. #364
    Xtralarg can you possibly help me out with this since ive been reading and can see that you have alot of knowledge about gh, any assistance would be great thanks

  5. #365
    Join Date
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    Indiana Insane Asylum
    OP, much respect.
    Solid thread.

  6. #366
    Quote Originally Posted by kemically enhanced View Post
    hello can anyone help me out there about my ghrp 6 question pleeease im new here and dont know where to go for assistance so sorry if im off topic.
    Ive not got much experience with peptides, can anyone else help this guy out please?

    jing jai

  7. #367
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by kemically enhanced View Post
    hi everyone im new here and was wondering if anyone can assist me with my question about ghrp 6 as ive been researching it for a little while now and was wondering if this peptide is detectable in a urine test or what types of drug tests can be performed to verify usage,is it detectable? aslo i have researched that its half life is bout 55 mins but how long is it detectable in your system? thanks
    I'm not 100%% sure if the peptide itself is detectable.

    What is the urine test for? If it's a regular drug test for a job..... you'll be fine. I highly doubt anyone is going to give you a specific test for ghrp-6.....


  8. #368
    i doubt ghrp6 is detectable. it makes your piturity gland pulse producing more of ure own growth hormone and is a pretty new supp.

    regarding its use. average dose is 100mcg 3 x per day or every 4 hours. take the dose on an empty stomach wait 15-20 mins then eat.

    last dose pre bed with nothing but protein and fat in stomach eaten atlkeast an hour ago to maximise effects.

  9. #369
    hi thanks for the reply everyone its actually for a competition i have coming up and i really need it to rehabilitate a few injuries and its the only thing that seems to work for me as ive used it before in the same dose and routine as hilly2010 has pointed out. I had a car accident about 12 months ago and my shoulder and neck always seem to buckle and give out with alot of exercises even when done properly and strict useing machines, i also have two buldges in my lower back. This stuff was amazing when i first used it, in bout 1 month all pains and injuries where gone till another stupid driver ran a red 6 months ago and cleaned me up on a set of lights so thats why i ask. Thank you for all your support, but is there anywhere i can go to get any written documentation as ive practically read and researched everywhere on the net possible about this peptide and havnt got any info bout my original question. kind regards S.D

  10. #370
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    Does anyone know if hgh can interfere with the kidneys and liver functions?

  11. #371
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCamel View Post
    Does anyone know if hgh can interfere with the kidneys and liver functions?
    If you mean negatively impacting those organs, for example being nephrotoxic or hepatotoxic I don't believe so, but if used long enough Gh is known to enlarge organs.

  12. #372
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    3rd Month / Week 9:
    Raised the dosage to 8 iu as planned. T4 up to 100 mcg.

    Side effects: Night sweats, feeling tired all the time. I feel like I want to sleep all the time. A couple times, I left work early in the afternoon so I can sleep at home?!? The first time since I started HGH, I’m feeling week.
    My hands are swollen and occasionally the tips of my fingers are sensitive.

    Benefits noticed: Good quality sleep. Definitely, some substantial fat loss in my abdominals area.

    Other observations: My appetite still up.

    Stats at the end of week 9:
    Weight = 90.6 Kgs (198 lbs), lost 3 kgs (6.6 Lbs)

    Not sure about Body fat at this stage

  13. #373
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    never never land
    i just started my hgh cycle yesterday morning but i started at 3ius is that ok or should start at 2iu and ramp up in a few weeks? i just thought that 1 more iu wouldnt make that big of a difference right? have any of you guys started high or ramped up pretty quick?

  14. #374
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    Quote Originally Posted by boss4romdabay View Post
    i just started my hgh cycle yesterday morning but i started at 3ius is that ok or should start at 2iu and ramp up in a few weeks? i just thought that 1 more iu wouldnt make that big of a difference right? have any of you guys started high or ramped up pretty quick?
    I started at 10iu ed and didn't really have any problems.

  15. #375
    Quote Originally Posted by BignBig View Post
    3rd Month / Week 9:
    Raised the dosage to 8 iu as planned. T4 up to 100 mcg.

    Side effects: Night sweats, feeling tired all the time. I feel like I want to sleep all the time. A couple times, I left work early in the afternoon so I can sleep at home?!? The first time since I started HGH, I’m feeling week.
    My hands are swollen and occasionally the tips of my fingers are sensitive.

    Benefits noticed: Good quality sleep. Definitely, some substantial fat loss in my abdominals area.

    Other observations: My appetite still up.

    Stats at the end of week 9:
    Weight = 90.6 Kgs (198 lbs), lost 3 kgs (6.6 Lbs)

    Not sure about Body fat at this stage
    I know exactly how you feel! I'm on a similar dosage and I HAVE to sleep in the afternoon and sometimes again early evening.

    What protcol are you using?

    jing jai

  16. #376
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    I started at 10iu ed and didn't really have any problems.
    Yeah but your super human

    jing jai

  17. #377
    Quote Originally Posted by boss4romdabay View Post
    i just started my hgh cycle yesterday morning but i started at 3ius is that ok or should start at 2iu and ramp up in a few weeks? i just thought that 1 more iu wouldnt make that big of a difference right? have any of you guys started high or ramped up pretty quick?
    If you can handle 3iu's then start at 3iu's, work up at your own pace, you may be lucky and not suffer from bad CTS etc.

    I know a few guys who start at 4iu and are fine.

    Keep us posted.

    jing jai

  18. #378
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    If you can handle 3iu's then start at 3iu's, work up at your own pace, you may be lucky and not suffer from bad CTS etc.

    I know a few guys who start at 4iu and are fine.

    Keep us posted.
    ok thanks bro

  19. #379
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    I started at 10iu ed and didn't really have any problems.
    did you have any sides at all?

  20. #380
    Hey fellas im running out of hyge's and i had these yellow tops sitting in room temp for a few months, do you think it would be ok if i used the yellow tops until i get a new kit of hyges or should i not mess with it since they been sitting out for a while...lord knows how long they been at room temp before i recieved them...thanks

  21. #381
    Quote Originally Posted by BloodyBM View Post
    Hey fellas im running out of hyge's and i had these yellow tops sitting in room temp for a few months, do you think it would be ok if i used the yellow tops until i get a new kit of hyges or should i not mess with it since they been sitting out for a while...lord knows how long they been at room temp before i recieved them...thanks
    It depends on how long they have been exposed to room temp, some companies say that there gh will last 28 days, after that I guess its a sliding scale on how potent they will remain. I dont think that they will do you any harm so if you run out then you might as well use them.

    jing jai

  22. #382
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    It depends on how long they have been exposed to room temp, some companies say that there gh will last 28 days, after that I guess its a sliding scale on how potent they will remain. I dont think that they will do you any harm so if you run out then you might as well use them.
    Thanks Big Dog really appreciate it

  23. #383
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    It depends on how long they have been exposed to room temp, some companies say that there gh will last 28 days, after that I guess its a sliding scale on how potent they will remain. I dont think that they will do you any harm so if you run out then you might as well use them.
    Thanks Big Dog really appreciate it

  24. #384
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Yeah but your super human

    Quote Originally Posted by boss4romdabay View Post
    did you have any sides at all?
    Slight CTS type sides but nothing dramatic - main way it gets me is the lethargy - I HATE sleeping in the day but I have found myself having to schedule in a nap in the afternoons or I struggle to function.

    HOWEVER - I am currently on the last day of the 5 day 40iu ed GH blast experiment and I have constant pins and needles in my hands to the extent that when I was on the crosstrainer this morning it felt as though the handles were buzzing, pains in my forearms and elbows and occasional pins and needles and numbness in my feet which is pretty weird!

    I am going to start my 4 week AAS/slin/PEG MGF blast on monday, the theory being that the 5 day GH blast should have forced my body to create new muscle cells and then the AAS cycle will mature and grow them.

    Lets get massive.

  25. #385
    Join Date
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    Good man

  26. #386
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post

    Slight CTS type sides but nothing dramatic - main way it gets me is the lethargy - I HATE sleeping in the day but I have found myself having to schedule in a nap in the afternoons or I struggle to function.

    HOWEVER - I am currently on the last day of the 5 day 40iu ed GH blast experiment and I have constant pins and needles in my hands to the extent that when I was on the crosstrainer this morning it felt as though the handles were buzzing, pains in my forearms and elbows and occasional pins and needles and numbness in my feet which is pretty weird!

    I am going to start my 4 week AAS/slin/PEG MGF blast on monday, the theory being that the 5 day GH blast should have forced my body to create new muscle cells and then the AAS cycle will mature and grow them.

    Lets get massive.
    Keep us posted NS

    jing jai

  27. #387
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post

    Slight CTS type sides but nothing dramatic - main way it gets me is the lethargy - I HATE sleeping in the day but I have found myself having to schedule in a nap in the afternoons or I struggle to function.

    HOWEVER - I am currently on the last day of the 5 day 40iu ed GH blast experiment and I have constant pins and needles in my hands to the extent that when I was on the crosstrainer this morning it felt as though the handles were buzzing, pains in my forearms and elbows and occasional pins and needles and numbness in my feet which is pretty weird!

    I am going to start my 4 week AAS/slin/PEG MGF blast on monday, the theory being that the 5 day GH blast should have forced my body to create new muscle cells and then the AAS cycle will mature and grow them.

    Lets get massive.
    how did you pin 40 iu ed?
    i mean how many injections per day?

  28. #388
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCamel;****135
    how did you pin 40 iu ed?
    i mean how many injections per day?
    4 x 10iu IM injects
    1 on waking
    2 between meals during the day
    1 at bedtime

  29. #389
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    I know exactly how you feel! I'm on a similar dosage and I HAVE to sleep in the afternoon and sometimes again early evening.

    What protcol are you using?
    4 iu when I wake up
    4 iu before lunch

    I've read that taking T4 after injection helps the lethargy. So, I tried it the last couple days. I took 50 mcg after first injection. I noticed an improvement.

    However, after the 2nd injection, the T4 doesn't seem to help much?!?

  30. #390
    Quote Originally Posted by BignBig;****447
    4 iu when I wake up
    4 iu before lunch

    I've read that taking T4 after injection helps the lethargy. So, I tried it the last couple days. I took 50 mcg after first injection. I noticed an improvement.

    However, after the 2nd injection, the T4 doesn't seem to help much?!?
    Thats strange because T4 has a long half life (5-7days) so I doubt that the tiredness post lunch has a direct correlation to the T4.

    jing jai

  31. #391
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall;****166
    4 x 10iu IM injects
    1 on waking
    2 between meals during the day
    1 at bedtime
    Did you increase your protein intake during those 5 days?

  32. #392
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    Does anybody see using combining the use of T3 and T4 on a HGH cycle? Or would a higher dose of T4 be better for fat loss instead of a low supplementing dose of T3, with the T4, between 12.5-25mcg?

    Since the past few days I've started experiencing more sides with GH, most notably stiff hands especially when I try to clench it into a fist, currently 4IUs been at those dose for about 4-5 weeks and currently in the 7th week of GH use, it's bearable at the moment so does anybody reckon I should try and get through this phase and keep the same dose or should consider lowering the dose.
    Last edited by P3rf3ctionist; 07-03-2010 at 09:37 PM.

  33. #393
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post

    Slight CTS type sides but nothing dramatic - main way it gets me is the lethargy - I HATE sleeping in the day but I have found myself having to schedule in a nap in the afternoons or I struggle to function.

    Lets get massive.
    NS, are you using any thyroid hormones with your GH?

  34. #394
    Quote Originally Posted by P3rf3ctionist View Post
    Does anybody see using combining the use of T3 and T4 on a HGH cycle? Or would a higher dose of T4 be better for fat loss instead of a low supplementing dose of T3, with the T4, between 12.5-25mcg?

    Since the past few days I've started experiencing more sides with GH, most notably stiff hands especially when I try to clench it into a fist, currently 4IUs been at those dose for about 4-5 weeks and currently in the 7th week of GH use, it's bearable at the moment so does anybody reckon I should try and get through this phase and keep the same dose or should consider lowering the dose.
    I just use T4.

    If you can handle the sides then stick at the same dose, they will slowy dissapear then you can increase again.

    Are you just getting stiff hands from the bloat or are you experiencing numbness, pins & needles etc related to CTS?

    jing jai

  35. #395
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCamel View Post
    Did you increase your protein intake during those 5 days?
    I increased it a bit, nothing dramatic through to be honest.

    Quote Originally Posted by P3rf3ctionist View Post
    NS, are you using any thyroid hormones with your GH?
    Yes, T3 and T4

  36. #396
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    I increased it a bit, nothing dramatic through to be honest.

    Yes, T3 and T4
    What do you use T3 for exactly?

  37. #397
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCamel View Post
    What do you use T3 for exactly?
    To increase PTOR and reduce bf.

  38. #398
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    I just use T4.

    If you can handle the sides then stick at the same dose, they will slowy dissapear then you can increase again.

    Are you just getting stiff hands from the bloat or are you experiencing numbness, pins & needles etc related to CTS?
    Bloat so far has been quite minimal bro, no numbness or anything related to CTS, its hard to describe for example in the morning its at its worse as my whole hand is just stiff but as the day progresses it gets better but then again at night it starts to slowly creep in, it's not stopping me from doing anything so you reckon I should stick at the 4ius bro?

  39. #399
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    I increased it a bit, nothing dramatic through to be honest.

    Yes, T3 and T4
    ahh cool, NS how much T4 do you think is adequate for 4ius of gh, I know the maintenance dose is usually between 100-200mcg, of I know it's would depend on blood work etc but from your experience bro how much would you use or recommend?

  40. #400
    Quote Originally Posted by P3rf3ctionist View Post
    Bloat so far has been quite minimal bro, no numbness or anything related to CTS, its hard to describe for example in the morning its at its worse as my whole hand is just stiff but as the day progresses it gets better but then again at night it starts to slowly creep in, it's not stopping me from doing anything so you reckon I should stick at the 4ius bro?
    If you can handle the dose then keep going. Have you put put any weight on?

    jing jai

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