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Thread: Chinese HGH concerns

  1. #41
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    Hmmm, I can see how it would be easy to simulate the water retention and therefore the resultant CTS symptoms but I have also been getting unmistakeable lethargy from the Riptropin - now obviously I am not suggesting that GH is the only thing that could cause that but by the time they have found a way to recreate ALL the sides from GH and present it lypholised just like the real thing could they not have just as easily made real GH?

    Don't get me wrong - I have had my doubts about chinese GH for some time but we seem to damning the chinese very quickly here - are we now suggesting that NONE of the GH coming out of china is real?

  2. #42
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Hmmm, I can see how it would be easy to simulate the water retention and therefore the resultant CTS symptoms but I have also been getting unmistakeable lethargy from the Riptropin - now obviously I am not suggesting that GH is the only thing that could cause that but by the time they have found a way to recreate ALL the sides from GH and present it lypholised just like the real thing could they not have just as easily made real GH?

    Don't get me wrong - I have had my doubts about chinese GH for some time but we seem to damning the chinese very quickly here - are we now suggesting that NONE of the GH coming out of china is real?
    Yes they could easily mimic all of the gh sides for a fraction of the cost of GH, just look at the Country and what they produce. People shouldnt be bloated after months of being on GH but many are, things changed over there after the Olympics thats for sure, i cant say 100% everything is fake but if its cheap it would be more than likely it is IMHO, what we need to do is get it tested..

  3. #43
    Gear's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, this will always be an issue, and the legitimacy of compounds will always be questioned. Best thing to do in this case is to stick with sources with a good reputation, but keep in mind that even trusted sources can also turn sour at any time. That's about all we can do to avoid being scammed.


  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    Unfortunately, this will always be an issue, and the legitimacy of compounds will always be questioned. Best thing to do in this case is to stick with sources with a good reputation, but keep in mind that even trusted sources can also turn sour at any time. That's about all we can do to avoid being scammed.

    But that happened to me Gear, the main guy in China who as the biggest reputation going sent me an AI, it didnt even bloat which alot of recent ones do.

    The thing is alot people will stick their head in the sand with this because they wont want to know they have spent $$$$$'s over the last few years on shite, I personally think they cant be trusted they even posion there own people with the slack food laws.

    There is one way to find out and thats get it tested and a few of us here are on with that as we speak.

    Nice to see you post Gear, ive seen you lurking for ages you lurker xx

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    Unfortunately, this will always be an issue, and the legitimacy of compounds will always be questioned. Best thing to do in this case is to stick with sources with a good reputation, but keep in mind that even trusted sources can also turn sour at any time. That's about all we can do to avoid being scammed.

    Im sorry Gear but I have to agree with Marcus on this issue, we have reached the point where are unable to trust China and these so called good sources, sometimes its hard to believe and accept but from where I am sitting its staring me in the face as it has happend to myself and others who are in the same situation.

    jing jai

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    But that happened to me Gear, the main guy in China who as the biggest reputation going sent me an AI, it didnt even bloat which alot of recent ones do.

    The thing is alot people will stick their head in the sand with this because they wont want to know they have spent $$$$$'s over the last few years on shite, I personally think they cant be trusted they even posion there own people with the slack food laws.

    There is one way to find out and thats get it tested and a few of us here are on with that as we speak.

    Nice to see you post Gear, ive seen you lurking for ages you lurker xx
    Yep I feel ya, and believe me I also don't trust anyone, but I have to get my gear from somebody right? And I would really prefer if that somebody had a good rep. Not saying that's a 100% safe, but it's the best I can do to protect myself from being scammed. But yeah, you're right on the trust issue, I don't trust anyone either unless I get it directly from my doc which I've never had luck with!


  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Im sorry Gear but I have to agree with Marcus on this issue, we have reached the point where are unable to trust China and these so called good sources, sometimes its hard to believe and accept but from where I am sitting its staring me in the face as it has happend to myself and others who are in the same situation.
    I'm totally with ya, and I am not saying you will be a 100% safe with a source that has a good rep, that's why I said even trusted sources can turn sour. But what other better options are there? If you think getting your HGH from another source located in a different country is safer, I suggest you think again. I simply don't trust anyone, but of course I will prefer to deal with people who haven't received any complaints, and having said that I always still keep in mind that there's still a chance I might be getting ripped off, but I just don't see any other/safer alternatives.


  8. #48
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    Guys I may have a way to test your HGH and see if its the real deal for less than $50 if your in the US.

    I assume you could just pin your GH then go by the lab that collects your blood sample. It should show up if your GH is real because they claim this test is also used to test for GH use. Might be worth looking into, I will for sure next time. Since its testing for HGH and not IGF it should be hard for china to mimick those

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    I'm totally with ya, and I am not saying you will be a 100% safe with a source that has a good rep, that's why I said even trusted sources can turn sour. But what other better options are there? If you think getting your HGH from another source located in a different country is safer, I suggest you think again. I simply don't trust anyone, but of course I will prefer to deal with people who haven't received any complaints, and having said that I always still keep in mind that there's still a chance I might be getting ripped off, but I just don't see any other/safer alternatives.

    Thats fair enough and I am glad we agree that not every source can be trusted. Personally though I have to question China no matter what leaves their shores, they fake everything from handbags to eggs! I would feel safer if I could locate pharm grade hgh from the west. I am sure there are good sources from China and you probably are lucky enough to have a long term one, however that is not the case for the vast majority of users and it is these guys who are most at risk here. Marcus said that he was ripped off by one of the biggest and most reputable sources known in China, if it can happen to one then it can happen to all.

    If nothing else then this thread can be a heads up to people who want to buy cheap hgh, always remember that if it is cheap then it may well not be what you believe it to be.

    Thanks for you input Gear it is much appreciated.

    jing jai

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt77 View Post
    Guys I may have a way to test your HGH and see if its the real deal for less than $50 if your in the US.

    I assume you could just pin your GH then go by the lab that collects your blood sample. It should show up if your GH is real because they claim this test is also used to test for GH use. Might be worth looking into, I will for sure next time. Since its testing for HGH and not IGF it should be hard for china to mimick those
    thanks for the tip, I'm going to have this done no later than next week.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt77 View Post
    Guys I may have a way to test your HGH and see if its the real deal for less than $50 if your in the US.

    I assume you could just pin your GH then go by the lab that collects your blood sample. It should show up if your GH is real because they claim this test is also used to test for GH use. Might be worth looking into, I will for sure next time. Since its testing for HGH and not IGF it should be hard for china to mimick those
    I hear what your saying but i'd rather send my vial of gh before it enters my body to be tested, Ive emailed one company who havent got back to me but if you find one please let me know, thanks

  12. #52
    Great input so far, thanks everyone!

    jing jai

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Hmmm, I can see how it would be easy to simulate the water retention and therefore the resultant CTS symptoms but I have also been getting unmistakeable lethargy from the Riptropin - now obviously I am not suggesting that GH is the only thing that could cause that but by the time they have found a way to recreate ALL the sides from GH and present it lypholised just like the real thing could they not have just as easily made real GH?

    Don't get me wrong - I have had my doubts about chinese GH for some time but we seem to damning the chinese very quickly here - are we now suggesting that NONE of the GH coming out of china is real?
    I guess not because in my case it was/is real indeed.
    Blood works speak.

  14. #54
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    You guys want to complicate your life...

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCamel View Post
    You guys want to complicate your life...
    Actually I think they/we just don't want to inject poison in our bodies. Have you been to China? Every corner there is some guy selling fakes of anything you can think of. I bought 5 Rolex watches from a guy for $4 USD. Ofcourse they are fake but thought it would make good gag gifts to piss off my friends.

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCamel View Post
    You guys want to complicate your life...
    Quote Originally Posted by matt77 View Post
    Actually I think they/we just don't want to inject poison in our bodies. Have you been to China? Every corner there is some guy selling fakes of anything you can think of. I bought 5 Rolex watches from a guy for $4 USD. Ofcourse they are fake but thought it would make good gag gifts to piss off my friends.

    Lets find out exactly what China are selling us. Im sure that there is genuine HGH coming out of China, but I bet for every one package of genuine gear there are 10 fakes.

    jing jai

  17. #57
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    I get the generic blue tops..... no issues with fakes (as of yet) from my source..... My fathers IGF levels were about 180..... after a week on HGH his levels went to over 600 and the doctor asked him when he went on HGH and how much he was taking..... he KNEW he started using it.


  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCamel View Post
    I guess not because in my case it was/is real indeed.
    Blood works speak.
    What are you running?

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I get the generic blue tops..... no issues with fakes (as of yet) from my source..... My fathers IGF levels were about 180..... after a week on HGH his levels went to over 600 and the doctor asked him when he went on HGH and how much he was taking..... he KNEW he started using it.

    Sounds good but you do know they use igf in some cases!!

  20. #60
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    This is a scary topic because this is a lot of money we are talking about as well as potentially injecting the wrong stuff into our bodies.

    I order from a good source but they ship the hgh from china. I think we are all in the same boat and hopefully someone can find a way to test it within a fair financial amount or some other option

  21. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by russiandave View Post
    This is a scary topic because this is a lot of money we are talking about as well as potentially injecting the wrong stuff into our bodies.

    I order from a good source but they ship the hgh from china. I think we are all in the same boat and hopefully someone can find a way to test it within a fair financial amount or some other option
    What results have you experienced?

    jing jai

  22. #62
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    Been on it for seven months at five iu daily. Hard to gauge because I ran a var test cycle four months into it.

    Let's see...

    I've had hand numbness and tingling. I did feel like it was helping me slim down but I also was eating better and working out harder. I did have better sleep and felt better in general. I purchased my stuff in january and am about to reup soon so I hope we can figure something out otherwise I'll have to just hope n pray that what I inject is legit

  23. #63
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    looks like i will start saving for the good shit now to ha.

  24. #64
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    I finally got my bloodwork (IGF-1) back today. It's not good news, however.

    My baseline before ever touching HGH was 289.

    Now, after almost 2 months at 5 IU ED and 10 IU an hour before taking the test, my HGH was 364. The 10 IU an hour before the test alone should have put my IGF levels out of the park. Below is a graph from a study I found that shows how HGH peaks after injection:

    Note how the HGH peaks almost exactly an hour after injection and the drastic incline in levels directly related to the injection.

    I should have been seeing big numbers in the 800+ range. Keep in mind this is from a very "trusted" source who has been around for a long time and swears by his product.

  25. #65
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    thats pretty disheartening.
    did you contact your source and show them this?

    Quote Originally Posted by frawnz View Post
    I finally got my bloodwork (IGF-1) back today. It's not good news, however.

    My baseline before ever touching HGH was 289.

    Now, after almost 2 months at 5 IU ED and 10 IU an hour before taking the test, my HGH was 364. The 10 IU an hour before the test alone should have put my IGF levels out of the park. Below is a graph from a study I found that shows how HGH peaks after injection:

    Note how the HGH peaks almost exactly an hour after injection and the drastic incline in levels directly related to the injection.

    I should have been seeing big numbers in the 800+ range. Keep in mind this is from a very "trusted" source who has been around for a long time and swears by his product.

  26. #66
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    Ya, I just sent them an email. I'm not sure what kind of response will actually make me feel better though. I doubt he's going to refund my money, and if they just send me more or a different kind, how do I know that that will be any better?

  27. #67
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    post the response you get.

    damn, this thread makes me depressed lol.

    no one likes to waste their hard earned money or time and the thought of the hgh being fake sucks

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by frawnz View Post
    I finally got my bloodwork (IGF-1) back today. It's not good news, however.

    My baseline before ever touching HGH was 289.

    Now, after almost 2 months at 5 IU ED and 10 IU an hour before taking the test, my HGH was 364. The 10 IU an hour before the test alone should have put my IGF levels out of the park. Below is a graph from a study I found that shows how HGH peaks after injection:

    Note how the HGH peaks almost exactly an hour after injection and the drastic incline in levels directly related to the injection.

    I should have been seeing big numbers in the 800+ range. Keep in mind this is from a very "trusted" source who has been around for a long time and swears by his product.
    Wooow, the body produces very small amounts and if your number was 289 naturally and you pushed 364 your gh is garbage or very very underdosed, what a shame.

    Can you tell me what sides have you had since running it?
    How does it mix?

  29. #69
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    The only sides I got was an instant increase in weight (like 8 pounds over 2 weeks), which I assume to be water retention. I stopped taking the HGH after I did the blood test, and I have dropped back down 5 pounds already.

    The packaging was a lot better than the generics I had previously. Although, as I mentioned, the boxes/labels shipped seperately, and the vials don't seem to sit in their trays very well (at least not how you'd expect if they were manufactured together).

    The HGH itself is your typical powder cake, and it takes a good deal of slowly rolling the vial to get it all to dissolve when adding BA water. The vials have a nice vacuum going on as well.

    But ya, a 75 point gain from 5 IU ED (and 10 IU on injection day) is negligible at best.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by frawnz View Post
    The only sides I got was an instant increase in weight (like 8 pounds over 2 weeks), which I assume to be water retention. I stopped taking the HGH after I did the blood test, and I have dropped back down 5 pounds already.

    The packaging was a lot better than the generics I had previously. Although, as I mentioned, the boxes/labels shipped seperately, and the vials don't seem to sit in their trays very well (at least not how you'd expect if they were manufactured together).

    The HGH itself is your typical powder cake, and it takes a good deal of slowly rolling the vial to get it all to dissolve when adding BA water. The vials have a nice vacuum going on as well.

    But ya, a 75 point gain from 5 IU ED (and 10 IU on injection day) is negligible at best.
    From the below study which shows the average ius daily in adolescents males and healthy adults, it clearly shows that the different between 2.1ius daily (700ug adolescents males) to 1.2ius (400ug adult males) is 0.9ius which relates to 300ug. You had an increase of 75 in your levels which is less than quarter of an iu. You havent been injecting GH from those readings at 5 ius and 10ius. I hope you get your money back because there is no point in him re-sending more gh because it seems to be an anti diuretic.

    Young adolescents secrete HGH at the rate of about 700 μg/day, while healthy adults secrete HGH at the rate of about 400 μg/day.

    1mg = 3iu
    700ug = .7mg
    .7mg = 2.1iu This is how much HGH an adolescent secretes in a day
    .4mg = 1.2iu This is how much HGH an adult secretes in a day

    (Gardner, David G., Shoback, Dolores (2007). Greenspan's Basic and Clinical Endocrinology (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Medical. pp. 193–201. ISBN 0-07-144011-9.)

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    What are you running?
    EuroHormones / Hy.getropin / Somatrope

    Quote Originally Posted by frawnz View Post
    I finally got my bloodwork (IGF-1) back today. It's not good news, however.

    My baseline before ever touching HGH was 289.

    Now, after almost 2 months at 5 IU ED and 10 IU an hour before taking the test, my HGH was 364. The 10 IU an hour before the test alone should have put my IGF levels out of the park. Below is a graph from a study I found that shows how HGH peaks after injection:

    Note how the HGH peaks almost exactly an hour after injection and the drastic incline in levels directly related to the injection.

    I should have been seeing big numbers in the 800+ range. Keep in mind this is from a very "trusted" source who has been around for a long time and swears by his product.
    I don't understand why you didn't check also for somatotropin.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by frawnz View Post
    I finally got my bloodwork (IGF-1) back today. It's not good news, however.

    My baseline before ever touching HGH was 289.

    Now, after almost 2 months at 5 IU ED and 10 IU an hour before taking the test, my HGH was 364. The 10 IU an hour before the test alone should have put my IGF levels out of the park. Below is a graph from a study I found that shows how HGH peaks after injection:

    Note how the HGH peaks almost exactly an hour after injection and the drastic incline in levels directly related to the injection.

    I should have been seeing big numbers in the 800+ range. Keep in mind this is from a very "trusted" source who has been around for a long time and swears by his product.
    That is shocking - Riptropin right?

    Obviously you should have gained ALOT more than 75 points from the 5iu ED, not sure about the 10iu an hour before though - I think it takes longer for the IGF-1 peak following an injection (unless I am mistaken that graph shows something different) - although that is irrelevent as like I said the 75 points from 5iu ED is basically no gain at all.

  33. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    That is shocking - Riptropin right?

    Obviously you should have gained ALOT more than 75 points from the 5iu ED, not sure about the 10iu an hour before though - I think it takes longer for the IGF-1 peak following an injection (unless I am mistaken that graph shows something different) - although that is irrelevent as like I said the 75 points from 5iu ED is basically no gain at all.
    I had the almost the exact same results as well.

    I am now starting a thread about my experience.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCamel View Post
    EuroHormones / Hy.getropin / Somatrope

    I don't understand why you didn't check also for somatotropin.

    I don't know what you're talking about, bro. The only standard blood test that I know of that's immediately available to us average Joe's that indicate HGH levels are IGF-1 tests. I think you may be confusing Somatropin with Somatomedin C, which is just another name for IGF-1.

    If you have something in your area that tests for other things, more power to you. I've been to my local lab and various do-it-at-home blood spot websites and no one mentions whatever it is you're talking about. I had a full blood panel done and the only thing to do with HGH is the IGF-1 test.

  35. #75
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    Wow. This is a very eye opening discussion. I just started my first run of GH a couple of weeks ago. Started at 1.5 IU and going up to 2.5-3 IU's long-term. Popped one at 3 IU's a couple of days ago and my hands swelled and tightened especially in the morning. Maybe the dreaded anti-diuretic? Fvck, I hope someone comes across a way to test this stuff. I may get my igf-1 done in the next few days anyways.
    I am halfway through an anabolic cycle as well. I am using GH for my Crohn's disease and general anti-aging, well being properties. I'm 39.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by frawnz View Post
    I don't know what you're talking about, bro. The only standard blood test that I know of that's immediately available to us average Joe's that indicate HGH levels are IGF-1 tests. I think you may be confusing Somatropin with Somatomedin C, which is just another name for IGF-1.

    If you have something in your area that tests for other things, more power to you. I've been to my local lab and various do-it-at-home blood spot websites and no one mentions whatever it is you're talking about. I had a full blood panel done and the only thing to do with HGH is the IGF-1 test.

    You may want to check this out. I posted it a few posts above. I'm not sure what they test for but IGF-1 and IGF-2 are right below the HGH test so I think its a direct test. If I had some chinatropin haha Id pin 5 ius and head to the collection lab. Now I don't know if I'll ever try GH from china.

  37. #77
    So it seems that we have exposed a massive Chinese scam.

    What we need to do now is get the product tested so we can find out exactly what they are selling us. Although this breakthrough is at first going to shock and upset a lot of people it is best in the long run so we can prevent this from happening in the future. Keep up the good work guys and girls and we will get to the bottom of this and fully expose this dreadful situation.

    jing jai

  38. #78
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    this is depressing i have spent a few thousand on this shit in the past ha. hmmm so serostim is the way to go huh

  39. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    this is depressing i have spent a few thousand on this shit in the past ha. hmmm so serostim is the way to go huh
    Not necessarily, nobody is saying that everything that comes out of China is rubbish, im sure there is some decent fact I know that there is because I have had some. What appears to be happening now though is that there is a lot of stuff coming out of China that is rubbish and this is what we need to find out more about.

    jing jai

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by frawnz View Post
    I don't know what you're talking about, bro. The only standard blood test that I know of that's immediately available to us average Joe's that indicate HGH levels are IGF-1 tests. I think you may be confusing Somatropin with Somatomedin C, which is just another name for IGF-1.
    If you have something in your area that tests for other things, more power to you. I've been to my local lab and various do-it-at-home blood spot websites and no one mentions whatever it is you're talking about. I had a full blood panel done and the only thing to do with HGH is the IGF-1 test.

    Lol I laugh because there isn't another thing I could do really!

    You are the one confused. You are on HGH and have no idea of what is somatropin? Lol, come on...

    The main reason we get the following 2, is to check:

    Somatomedin (IGF-1) tells you how good is your HGH or if it is underdosed.
    Somatropin (rHGH) tells you if your drug is real, and it is a synthetic drug.

    Somatotropin (HGH) is the endogenous substance we secrete as humans and can only be produced by taking it from dead people.

    You are welcome.
    Last edited by TheCamel; 07-07-2010 at 04:40 AM.

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