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Thread: Chinese HGH concerns

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    I notice they have labs in London and Manchester and you can make an appointment, i will be doing this tomorrow...
    Will you be testing for IGF-1? I ask this because Marcus300 mentioned that hgh may be counterfeited with IGF-1. This has raised concerns with myself and my lab work (igf-1 levels). I am asking my lab if they have a somatotropin test or one that specically measures growth hormone levels rather than IGF-1 which is just an indicator.

  2. #122
    The HGH test is the one to go for.

    jing jai

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    The HGH test is the one to go for.
    I just got off a 25 minute phone call with LAB EXPRESS. Couldn’t get the tech on the phone but did talk to a lady in management who claimed to be well versed regarding their services.

    This is what they were able to explain to me.

    They do not have a Somatotropin or Somatropin test. She has never heard of that.
    They do have:

    HGH Test $98.00
    IGF-1 Test $108.00
    IGF-2 Test $230.00
    IGF Binding Protein 3 Test $125.00

    She added that there were ranges given on her “sheet” only for:
    IGF Binding Protein 1 Ranges (18-50yrs old) = 13-73
    IGF Binding Protein 2 Ranges (18-50yrs old) 50-240

    And there is a Growth Hormone Response (TIME SAMPLE) Test and said that it showed 2 result columns labeled GH1 & GH2. She said this was just added to their services and she did not have pricing yet.

    She could not elaborate past anything I have posted here. I must have burned her ear off with questions. She was more than happy to answer what she could but said my questions would be best directed to the lab technician. I got his voice mail and will attempt another call before leaving a message. I did explain to her that I was after the most accurate test indicating how much exogenous growth hormone was in my blood and had heard that there are more specific tests than the IGF-1 test.

    OK – Anyone care to take a stab at this? Interpretations welcome. Which is THE test? (Xtralarg, are you talking about the 1st test?)
    Last edited by Fantomg; 07-08-2010 at 03:49 PM.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fantomg View Post
    I just got off a 25 minute phone call with LAB EXPRESS. Couldn’t get the tech on the phone but did talk to a lady in management who claimed to be well versed regarding their services.

    This is what they were able to explain to me.

    They do not have a Somatotropin or Somatropin test. She has never heard of that.
    They do have:

    HGH Test $98.00
    IGF-1 Test $108.00
    IGF-2 Test $230.00
    IGF Binding Protein 3 Test $125.00

    She added that there were ranges given on her “sheet” only for:
    IGF Binding Protein 1 Ranges (18-50yrs old) = 13-73
    IGF Binding Protein 2 Ranges (18-50yrs old) 50-240

    And there is a Growth Hormone Response (TIME SAMPLE) Test and said that it showed 2 result columns labeled GH1 & GH2. She said this was just added to their services and she did not have pricing yet.

    She could not elaborate past anything I have posted here. I must have burned her ear off with questions. She was more than happy to answer what she could but said my questions would be best directed to the lab technician. I got his voice mail and will attempt another call before leaving a message. I did explain to her that I was after the most accurate test indicating how much exogenous growth hormone was in my blood and had heard that there are more specific tests than the IGF-1 test.

    OK – Anyone care to take a stab at this? Interpretations welcome. Which is THE test? (Xtralarg, are you talking about the 1st test?)
    unless you have changed your mind, these are all blood tests, earlier we were talking about testing the product from china before the injection. I guess if you have base lines you can do the blood tests but that will not tell you much about the purity of the product or what else might be in it....

  5. #125
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    My source is one of the most well known sources throughout a region and has a client base of 50+ gyms within my region and has been in the 'game' for almost 10 years and I have 100% trust in what he says, and he has given his gurantee that the Chinese HGH stuff he has is legitimate and I so far and everybody I know who have used his stuff have no reason to complain.

    He deals in mainly in two brands, both of which are Chinese generic HGH, ********** and GTropin. I have been on Gtropin for the past 7 weeks now and have deffinately seen visible results at 4IU's and have most of the text book symptoms of exogenous use of HGH. Here are some of the pictures of the stuff I have.

    This is the brand i'm currently using and I have been impressed so far, I have 800ius of this stuff left:

    ********** (Haven't started it yet but have 1400IU's of this)

    Last edited by P3rf3ctionist; 07-08-2010 at 09:08 PM.

  6. #126
    That G-tropin is definitely real.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7 View Post
    That G-tropin is definitely real.
    what about your view on the hyge bro? It had the anti-fake code and people have used this and have rated it very highly, the only reason I bought the two different bands was to compare them but i can replace the 1400iu's of hyge with g-tropin if needed.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmacgurn View Post
    unless you have changed your mind, these are all blood tests, earlier we were talking about testing the product from china before the injection. I guess if you have base lines you can do the blood tests but that will not tell you much about the purity of the product or what else might be in it....
    Point taken. I will eagerly await your post of a lab for mass spect testing etc. No baseline anyhow. Wasn't sure we'd discovery such a lab that was willing to accept private pay for testing on a controlled substance. Will be thrilled to death if they do and eager to lay my wallet down.

  9. #129
    Quote Originally Posted by P3rf3ctionist View Post
    what about your view on the hyge bro? It had the anti-fake code and people have used this and have rated it very highly, the only reason I bought the two different bands was to compare them but i can replace the 1400iu's of hyge with g-tropin if needed.
    Honestly, I don't know about the Hyge tropin because supposedly there are a lot of fakes floating around.
    The G-tropin is real pharmaceutical grade GH made by a real factory and company.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7 View Post
    Honestly, I don't know about the Hyge tropin because supposedly there are a lot of fakes floating around.
    The G-tropin is real pharmaceutical grade GH made by a real factory and company.
    How do you know this?

    It looks like a jintropin copy, even G-Sci is a bit like GenSci

  11. #131
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    Anyone in the UK had any luck booking an appropriate blood test yet?

    I'm being passed from pillar to post over here, lol, am waiting on a call back from the 5th person I have spoken to which seems the most promising so far - fingers crossed...

  12. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Anyone in the UK had any luck booking an appropriate blood test yet?

    I'm being passed from pillar to post over here, lol, am waiting on a call back from the 5th person I have spoken to which seems the most promising so far - fingers crossed...
    Did you try the one I mentioned?

    jing jai

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Anyone in the UK had any luck booking an appropriate blood test yet?

    I'm being passed from pillar to post over here, lol, am waiting on a call back from the 5th person I have spoken to which seems the most promising so far - fingers crossed...

    Ive just got off the phone with the people that XL put up, in his link...

    Their going to phone me in 5mins however she said its one test for igf-1 which will indicate if ive been injecting or not..

    So now im more confused..
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  14. #134
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    Btw they are good though, they will even come to your home and test you there, but they have thousands of clinics all over the country, i have one almost next door....
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  15. #135
    Quote Originally Posted by notsmall View Post
    how do you know this?

    It looks like a jintropin copy, even g-sci is a bit like gensci
    x 2 .

    jing jai

  16. #136
    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Ive just got off the phone with the people that XL put up, in his link...

    Their going to phone me in 5mins however she said its one test for igf-1 which will indicate if ive been injecting or not..

    So now im more confused..
    How did you go on?

    jing jai

  17. #137
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    OK I have found a place through one of XL's links that will test a vial for £472.

    It's alot but I think it's the only way to be 100% sure as there seems to be a huge ambiguity with blood tests as far as whether to test for IGF-1 or GH, timings of taking the blood sample after injection, one lab told me the blood sample must be frozen, another told me that IGF-1 degrades so quickly that the blood must be tested within 5hrs of being drawn (making a mockery of these postal tests), and the costs of these blood tests seem to vary ENORMOUSLY - I have been quoted everything from £34 to £195!!

    I think I will bite the bullet and pay the £472 to get the vial tested - that way I will get a printed report telling me in black and white if it is GH or not.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    How did you go on?
    I have to phone them on Monday to make an appointment which i thought a little strange. Even though they advertise it as their clinic its not, its just a local gp who will take the blood sample, you then have to post it to their lab in London...

    And after reading Ns post above i think i'll see how he gets on then do the same...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  19. #139
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    OK I have found a place through one of XL's links that will test a vial for £472.

    It's alot but I think it's the only way to be 100% sure as there seems to be a huge ambiguity with blood tests as far as whether to test for IGF-1 or GH, timings of taking the blood sample after injection, one lab told me the blood sample must be frozen, another told me that IGF-1 degrades so quickly that the blood must be tested within 5hrs of being drawn (making a mockery of these postal tests), and the costs of these blood tests seem to vary ENORMOUSLY - I have been quoted everything from £34 to £195!!

    I think I will bite the bullet and pay the £472 to get the vial tested - that way I will get a printed report telling me in black and white if it is GH or not.
    Worth every penny IMO.

    jing jai

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Worth every penny IMO.
    Yeah - I am going to have to do it for my own peace of mind but it's kind of a lose-lose situation in a way - if it says that it is real GH then happy days but I've wasted £472 - if it says its not GH then I've wasted... a HELLUVAH lot more!!

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Btw they are good though, they will even come to your home and test you there, but they have thousands of clinics all over the country, i have one almost next door....
    hgh converts into igf in the liver.... so just go to the doctor and ask him to run a igf level and see if its elevated ... this is the test to see if children have growth hormone difesinces... so its the best bet.... also its expensive but a sure thing...

  22. #142
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  23. #143
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    there are also home test kits blood spotting on papper.... for less then 100$

    its the last one on the bottom of the page called igf testing
    Somatomedin C (IGF-1)

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by OH REALLY View Post
    there are also home test kits blood spotting on papper.... for less then 100$

    its the last one on the bottom of the page called igf testing
    Somatomedin C (IGF-1)
    I was told today that IGF-1 degrades so fast that the bood must be tested within 5hrs - can't see that happening if you mail the sample.

  25. #145
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    it all depends on how the sample is collected and stored i work in a lab

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by OH REALLY View Post
    it all depends on how the sample is collected and stored i work in a lab
    So what about that method will make the IGF-1 stable for longer?

  27. #147
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    I think to be 100% sure what is inside your gh vial people need to get it lab analysed, then you will know if its fake,under dosed,anti-diuretic,AI's,igf or even HGH. Personally id feel better if its done this way but the blood test's would give a great indication on how our levels, which should be through the roof!!

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I think to be 100% sure what is inside your gh vial people need to get it lab analysed, then you will know if its fake,under dosed,anti-diuretic,AI's,igf or even HGH. Personally id feel better if its done this way but the blood test's would give a great indication on how our levels, which should be through the roof!!
    I am growing more and more convinced that blood tests are just that - an indication and its possible that we MAY have jumped the gun a little here - I will pay to get a vial of riptropin properly analysed and then we will know for sure.

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    So what about that method will make the IGF-1 stable for longer?
    give me a min im at work ill look it up

  30. #150
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    ok my lab requires a critical frozen serum .05ml from an SST tube.... hope that
    that will keep it stable for 24 hours.... now im no chemist so i have no idea how the spot samples are run but you can email the company for that..

  31. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by OH REALLY View Post
    ok my lab requires a critical frozen serum .05ml from an SST tube.... hope that
    that will keep it stable for 24 hours.... now im no chemist so i have no idea how the spot samples are run but you can email the company for that..
    See what I mean? - What kinda crappy lab do you work in if you need a frozen serum sample when these guys can do a test just from a spot of blood? lol

  32. #152
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    Its all mind blowing, i think the testing of your vial is best NS...
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  33. #153
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    A spot sample is multiple blood droplets from your finger placed onto a cardboard-like sheet with a bunch of circles on it. You then mail that sheet back to the lab for analysis. This is how IGF-1 blood spot tests work.

    If IGF-1 instantly degrades, then this type of test would be completely invalid. I'm not a scientist, but I have to presume that the IGF-1 degredation that is discussed refers to degredation with the active blood stream but that an IGF-1 test can still capture those levels so long as the blood is taken within X amount of time.

    So the first question is what exactly is meant by IGF-1 degredation (in the blood vs degredation of the actual sample)?

    The second question is what is the exact time window we have to capture accurate IGF-1 levels?

  34. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Its all mind blowing, i think the testing of your vial is best NS...
    It's the only thing thats 100% certain to my mind

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    I am growing more and more convinced that blood tests are just that - an indication and its possible that we MAY have jumped the gun a little here - I will pay to get a vial of riptropin properly analysed and then we will know for sure.

    He just posted recently on this very subject. I'm still looking for it. It might be in my thread about Chinese HGH and Blood Work.

    He (rcmacgurn) has stated that he will most likely post some lab names that DO such testing as Mass Spectometry etc letting you know what subtances are in your bottle/sample. He has a medical background and his field of work includes this type of process. He has stated to me that it is VERY difficult to determine your HGH levels from IGF-1 or other HGH tests. He suggests you test inside 5 minutes of dosing if you are going to test. But to add to the repetative answer: Testing your product WILL be conclusive and this guy is about to possibly post where to get it done. Hang tight.

    My gut feeling regarding my gear is that I have the real deal, since )aside from the sides, I've dumped over 25lbs and feel amazing with my quads veining out and lower abs as well after the 2 1/2 month mark but I may have something additional in there with the actual volume of the substance being LARGER than Saizen. My yellow tops are 10iu each and Saizen is 24iu but smaller in volume. Also the sides I get are fairly extreme compared to some of the American pharm gear.

    We are nearly there - Come Monday, we may have the lab to do the test. I will lay my wallet out instantly even if it costs more than $400 as I've spent 20 times that inside a year on hgh. Sorry that it may not be an "ALL CONCLUSIVE" since it will be the Yellow Tops from China I am testing, but I WILL scan the test and attach it as soon as I receive it under a new thread titled something like: ACTUAL LAB TEST RESULTS OF CHINESE HGH BOTTLE

    I will have rmacgurn to thank for this as will many others if it's able to be done.
    Last edited by Fantomg; 07-09-2010 at 01:34 PM.

  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fantomg View Post

    He just posted recently on this very subject. I'm still looking for it. It might be in my thread about Chinese HGH and Blood Work.

    He (rcmacgurn) has stated that he will most likely post some lab names that DO such testing as Mass Spectometry etc letting you know what subtances are in your bottle/sample. He has a medical background and his field of work includes this type of process. He has stated to me that it is VERY difficult to determine your HGH levels from IGF-1 or other HGH tests. He suggests you test inside 5 minutes of dosing if you are going to test. But to add to the repetative answer: Testing your product WILL be conclusive and this guy is about to possibly post where to get it done. Hang tight.

    My gut feeling regarding my gear is that I have the real deal, since )aside from the sides, I've dumped over 25lbs and feel amazing with my quads veining out and lower abs as well after the 2 1/2 month mark but I may have something additional in there with the actual volume of the substance being LARGER than Saizen. My yellow tops are 10iu each and Saizen is 24iu but smaller in volume. Also the sides I get are fairly extreme compared to some of the American pharm gear.

    We are nearly there - Come Monday, we may have the lab to do the test. I will lay my wallet out instantly even if it costs more than $400 as I've spent 20 times that inside a year on hgh. Sorry that it may not be an "ALL CONCLUSIVE" since it will be the Yellow Tops from China I am testing, but I WILL scan the test and attach it as soon as I receive it under a new thread titled something like: ACTUAL LAB TEST RESULTS OF CHINESE HGH BOTTLE
    At least you will know what your injecting if you get it tested, do you hold alot of water with your gh?

  37. #157
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    At least you will know what your injecting if you get it tested, do you hold alot of water with your gh? (posted by Marcus300)

    No - I had about a 6-7lb gain of water/bloating in the beginning which completely subsided after appx 30 days. I'd definitely drop the GH about 2-3 weeks out from a show if I were doing one, but otherwise I'm pretty dry and vascular. Really pronounced BF drop after 2 1/2 months till now at appx 5 1/2 months. It's leveled off now (weight drop) but I feel better every day and this is the first time in years that I've been sleeping through the night. I used to wake at least 7-8 times/night, especially with tren hex when I'd labor breath and wake up soaked.

    Is the sudden bloat, then disappearance of the bloat after 30 days condusive to HGH for you?

  38. #158
    Quote Originally Posted by Fantomg View Post
    At least you will know what your injecting if you get it tested, do you hold alot of water with your gh? (posted by Marcus300)

    No - I had about a 6-7lb gain of water/bloating in the beginning which completely subsided after appx 30 days. I'd definitely drop the GH about 2-3 weeks out from a show if I were doing one, but otherwise I'm pretty dry and vascular. Really pronounced BF drop after 2 1/2 months till now at appx 5 1/2 months. It's leveled off now (weight drop) but I feel better every day and this is the first time in years that I've been sleeping through the night. I used to wake at least 7-8 times/night, especially with tren hex when I'd labor breath and wake up soaked.

    Is the sudden bloat, then disappearance of the bloat after 30 days condusive to HGH for you?
    It sounds like you have good gh. Holding water for a little while then that subsides followed by a drop in BF, better sleep etc. I reckon youre good to go.

    jing jai

  39. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fantomg View Post

    He just posted recently on this very subject. I'm still looking for it. It might be in my thread about Chinese HGH and Blood Work.

    He (rcmacgurn) has stated that he will most likely post some lab names that DO such testing as Mass Spectometry etc letting you know what subtances are in your bottle/sample. He has a medical background and his field of work includes this type of process. He has stated to me that it is VERY difficult to determine your HGH levels from IGF-1 or other HGH tests. He suggests you test inside 5 minutes of dosing if you are going to test. But to add to the repetative answer: Testing your product WILL be conclusive and this guy is about to possibly post where to get it done. Hang tight.

    My gut feeling regarding my gear is that I have the real deal, since )aside from the sides, I've dumped over 25lbs and feel amazing with my quads veining out and lower abs as well after the 2 1/2 month mark but I may have something additional in there with the actual volume of the substance being LARGER than Saizen. My yellow tops are 10iu each and Saizen is 24iu but smaller in volume. Also the sides I get are fairly extreme compared to some of the American pharm gear.

    We are nearly there - Come Monday, we may have the lab to do the test. I will lay my wallet out instantly even if it costs more than $400 as I've spent 20 times that inside a year on hgh. Sorry that it may not be an "ALL CONCLUSIVE" since it will be the Yellow Tops from China I am testing, but I WILL scan the test and attach it as soon as I receive it under a new thread titled something like: ACTUAL LAB TEST RESULTS OF CHINESE HGH BOTTLE

    I will have rmacgurn to thank for this as will many others if it's able to be done.
    Thanks bud but I've already located a forensic lab over here that will test a vial for me, it's gonna cost me £472 which is a chunk of cash but like you say - nothing compared to what I'm spending on (what I hope is) GH.

  40. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    Thanks bud but I've already located a forensic lab over here that will test a vial for me, it's gonna cost me £472 which is a chunk of cash but like you say - nothing compared to what I'm spending on (what I hope is) GH.
    Care to share that lab name? At the very least, let us know what it comes back as. This could be the start of some amazing factual evidence. These posts certainly raise the hairs on those out there knowingly selling counterfeits. It is possible we may have trouble locating one here in the U.S. that will cooperate due to the fact that it is a controlled substance in spite of all efforts. My stuff shipped from China. Not a big deal to ship to U.K. for testing. However, that comes to $715 USD right now. Ouch. Have family in Manchester, Birmingham suburbs, and London. Could order directly to my cousin from China and have him walk it in depending how many kilometers I'd be asking him to drive. He enjoys yellow tops as well and might be coerced if I bought him a kit.
    Last edited by Fantomg; 07-09-2010 at 05:15 PM.

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