Have only read till your post so far. But I want to say re: sleep problems - I'm not running T4 w/HGH, just HGH. EVERY time I've run it before bed (usually inside 45 minutes of trying to sleep) I can't sleep. Toss n turn all night. I tried every other night to double check and each night I used... terrible sleep. WHY?
The difference was I got to eat prior to sleep on nights I didn't pin... protein shake, chicken/beef etc. I've always eaten at night. I've since given up on night pinning and pin at 5am (about 1 hour before I actually get up). Someone have an idea as to why this happens?
If you refer to the fact that we both cannot sleep on T4, I believe it has something to do with ourselves only. I mean some respond in one way some in another. The deal is to figure out what works for you.
In any case, I solved my problem taking T4 between breakfst and luch, of course on an empty stomach.
Testing of the Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Chromatography type may be done for $195. Will know Monday. There was an additional method posted (can't find it right this second) that was sent to them as well,(the literature from a link posted by someone on here). They agreed that they would be able to include that if ordered as well. The relationship is being forged by a person who works for a distributor of many HGH products. His intentions are to "open the door" for others wanting their vials contents identified, including but not limited to "potency levels" as well. There was language involved on Friday that indicated they may be able to come in lower than $195 for the MS and LC tests too.
Would love to see you guys confirm your gear as there's no doubt you've worked your arses off and spent hard earned money.
Last edited by Fantomg; 07-11-2010 at 10:23 AM.
Yeah - When I DID pin on the sleepless nights, I actually dosed off slightly quite a few times but it was like I was still awake with the craziest vivid dreams. Ones that I actually could control (as I believe I was still awake somewhat).
Ya know - This is actually nice in the fact that it makes me believe I've got real stuff. Funny how I will welcome and like in some sort of sick way painful knuckes and arms falling asleep all the time. If I had these things when I wasn't taking anything I'd be calling the doc scared that I was dying from some heart disease etc. LOL.
Lucky you BJJ - You're getting good sleep with just the HGH before sleep? Everyone IS different to some extent.
Were you a good "sleeper" prior to HGH? (I was not at all)
I am a trader so from 1995 till the end of 2007 I slept very good lol *except the year 2000 and the 9/11 period.
So, to answer your question, I was a good sleeper but since 2.5 years I am not anymore unfortunately.
HGH is helping me for sure but I do not want to screw up my hypophysis so I will stop soon injecting before bed.
Can we agree that Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Chromatography results will provide the CONCLUSIVE answer to what we have (everything in our vial(s) and how much "potency")? There's another method I've posted below from Mr. Rose too. I KNOW we will find a lab here that's affordable - There's a good chance that this may happen TOMORROW at a cost of $195 or less. But please help decide which analytical test on the vial(s) is the one to run. Some of the labs I've called don't help too much in the way of explaining which is the most definitive test. I want, for lack of a better term, "the biggest bang for my buck".
Please read this amazing article, it explains a patent, specifically formulated to test the purity and biological activity of rhGH.
"Additionally, the wrong choice of manufacturing conditions or formulation may lead to improperly folded polypeptide chains which are biologically inactive. Hence, further methodologies capable of analysis of the protein conformation are needed."
^^ This would be our greatest fear as we know the conditions of some labs in china are not legislated and inspected like those are in other countries with stricter laws. So basicly the company could be making REAL hGH, but due to poor conditions it is biologically inactive.
"currently, the analysis of biopharmaceuticals relies heavily on the use of sophisticated methods for the demonstration of the structural identity, homogeneity and purity of the products. These methods include amino acid and carbohydrate analysis, N- and C-terminal sequence analysis, spectroscopic (UV, CD, ORD) analysis, peptide mapping, electrophoresis, chromatographic purity profile methods, potency/activity assays, etc. It must be emphasized that no one method is considered to be sufficient in itself, and that multiple methods are necessary to completely characterize and/or control such products."
^^ Those above are the current methods to test purity of protein-based recombinant technology creations.
Last edited by Fantomg; 07-11-2010 at 10:58 AM.
BJJ - your looking awesome man! keep up the great work and the great reporting for us!
My fathers blood work came back..... His IGF-1 levels were on the very high end of normal. Now..... He didn't inject 2 days prior to getting blood work..... so i'm hoping this is a good sign considering his IGF-1 levels were in the dirt before he started hgh. He's only using 3iu's.....
Oh btw XLG..... I sent that website an email about pricing to test HGH..... they got back to me and said they can test it for sure but he wouldn't discuss it over email and wanted me to call him...... which I didn't.....
XL I just did a shot of 4 iu and got soon after, about 5', a little headache.
Never happened before, so as per your request, I thought about reporting it.
Going to back to the subject of sleep whilst using hGH. All I have to report is that I have never slept as well in all my life, I can sleep all night and twice during the day without fail.
Anyone else feel the same?
jing jai
Ive started week three, weeks 1/2 were 2ius 5on 2 off. Today and on wards will be 4ius..
Ive noticed my sleeping on injection days is very good and i felt slight numbness in the tips of my fingers.. Ive also noticed my weight is going up daily and presume this is now bloat even at such a low dose, i also feel alittle bloated..
Ive decided to run the 4ius 7 days a week now for at least two months.. Im using Glotropin...
By the way, this morning I sent my wife to get her blood work prior commencing the HGH cycle.
Tonight around 23:30 I will "hit her" for the first time with 1iu along with 50 mg of T4.
Are those proper dosages?
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