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Thread: DEA came to house today!

  1. #1
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    DEA came to house today!

    Hi need some advice, the DEA came to house today!

    I was not there, they spoke with my wife. They said I ordered ephedrine over the internet (true). But after they looked around and saw we have a "normal" middle class house, they left and said we did not seem like meth makers.

    Should I be worried? I had gear there, too.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoopcat528 View Post
    Hi need some advice, the DEA came to house today!

    I was not there, they spoke with my wife. They said I ordered ephedrine over the internet (true). But after they looked around and saw we have a "normal" middle class house, they left and said we did not seem like meth makers.

    Should I be worried? I had gear there, too.
    Did they have a warrant? Advise your wife that in future situations she doesn't have to talk to anyone that doesn't have a warrant.

    How much ephedrine did you order?

    My parents are both retired Federal Agents, neither of them ever visited anyones house just to ask about some stuff they ordered over the internet, and I've never heard of that happening.

    If they attempt to contact you again, you need to get a lawyer, don't say anything to anyone, don't answer any questions, tell your wife to do the same.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Back from Afghanistan
    sounds very strange! they came in. you didn't say they had warrants. why would federal agents go through all the work of research and not have warrants?

    at a minimum, can you keep your gear at a buddies house for awhile?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    sounds very strange! they came in. you didn't say they had warrants. why would federal agents go through all the work of research and not have warrants?

    at a minimum, can you keep your gear at a buddies house for awhile?
    You know what...thinking back...most of the cases my parents got were because of snitches. They catch someone doing something, and that guy says "well..I know a guy..."

    It's entirely possible someone got in trouble for something, and they snitched you out to save themselves...and the agents went over there to "probe" you.

    I've got more than a few Federal Agents in my family, and I've never heard of any of them just showing up at someones house because of what they ordered in the mail. Even if that were the case, it wouldn't be DEA showing up at your house about something you ordered in the mail.

    Something doesn't sound right here.

  5. #5
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    getting the gear out of the house sounds like a good idea.

    My wife let them in innocently, they showed badges but did not show a warrant. She figured we had nothing to hide.

    They told her I ordered ephedrine over the internet and that they were following up as "routine", checking if we were possibly cooking meth.

    After they looked around, they left and on the way out, even said "sorry we bothered you, you don't seem like people who'd be making meth, but we have to follow up".

    They did not leave a business card, and they were supposed to call me on my cell phone but have not done so yet. This visit happened at 8:00 AM (and it is now 3:00).

    Any more thoughts?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by hoopcat528 View Post
    getting the gear out of the house sounds like a good idea.

    My wife let them in innocently, they showed badges but did not show a warrant. She figured we had nothing to hide.

    They told her I ordered ephedrine over the internet and that they were following up as "routine", checking if we were possibly cooking meth.

    After they looked around, they left and on the way out, even said "sorry we bothered you, you don't seem like people who'd be making meth, but we have to follow up".

    They did not leave a business card, and they were supposed to call me on my cell phone but have not done so yet. This visit happened at 8:00 AM (and it is now 3:00).

    Any more thoughts?
    That's very strange and scary....

    I would store the gear somewhere else for awhile, and just wait it out.

    DEA for ephedrine over the internet?? sounds like a waste of time for the DEA....

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    You know what...thinking back...most of the cases my parents got were because of snitches. They catch someone doing something, and that guy says "well..I know a guy..."

    It's entirely possible someone got in trouble for something, and they snitched you out to save themselves...and the agents went over there to "probe" you.

    I've got more than a few Federal Agents in my family, and I've never heard of any of them just showing up at someones house because of what they ordered in the mail. Even if that were the case, it wouldn't be DEA showing up at your house about something you ordered in the mail.

    Something doesn't sound right here.
    thanks for the input, a couple things I left out:

    1. I ordered the ephedrine around 8 months ago.

    2.Then about 4 months later, I bought more ephedrine at a chain drug store and in Calif, you have to give your drivers license and the pharmacist tells you the information gets turned in.

    3. 2 weeks ago I did the same thing, bought more ephedrine at a chain drug store and in Calif.

    So a total of around 90 pills in about 8 months. Could this be why the DEA thinks we might be cooking meth?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoopcat528 View Post
    thanks for the input, a couple things I left out:

    1. I ordered the ephedrine around 8 months ago.

    2.Then about 4 months later, I bought more ephedrine at a chain drug store and in Calif, you have to give your drivers license and the pharmacist tells you the information gets turned in.

    3. 2 weeks ago I did the same thing, bought more ephedrine at a chain drug store and in Calif.

    So a total of around 90 pills in about 8 months. Could this be why the DEA thinks we might be cooking meth?
    for 90 pills?
    let me tell you... 90 pills don't cook shit. it aint that.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by hoopcat528 View Post
    Hi need some advice, the DEA came to house today!

    I was not there, they spoke with my wife. They said I ordered ephedrine over the internet (true). But after they looked around and saw we have a "normal" middle class house, they left and said we did not seem like meth makers.

    Should I be worried? I had gear there, too.
    I would 'clean up' just in case they come back but in all reality if the DEA wanted something they would have searched your home whether your there or not.

  10. #10
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    I think the DEA is cracking down on the meth epidemic lately. However, only purchasing such a small amount over such a long period of time makes me suspicious. Plus, I dont think the DEA would "probe" you for such a small ammount. Like everyone else said... get everything out of your house for a long time. If it took them 8 months to check you out, who knows how long till the next VISIT... And I am also suspicious that they appologised and said "you dont look like ppl who would cook meth". Cops use the reverse psychology all the time. They are taught to do that. The whole situation would scare the crap out of me!

  11. #11
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    losing the plot,remember?
    get your gear out and check with a laywer ASAP. you need to be prepared for the 2nd come that will most likely come. DEA don't just look at your bedroom and know you ain't cooking, you can make it in your basement or garage. laywer asap.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    for 90 pills?
    let me tell you... 90 pills don't cook shit. it aint that.
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ what he said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  13. #13
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    I think the ephedrine law allows up to 12g/month without violating the statue(I think). I buy a 60 count box of bronkaid at CVS every month without issue. I would prepare for another visit.

    Another thought, they might not have been who they said they were. Thats even more scary since your wife let them in.

  14. #14
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    You got problems bro. Clean up everyting ASAP.

  15. #15
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    How did they know that you ordered ephedrine?

  16. #16
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    All of the comments in this thread assume that you aren't cooking meth. However, if you are cooking meth you obviously need to cut that shit out and clean house. Oh, and the latter piece of advice goes for any steroids as well.

  17. #17
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    They might think that since you bought ephedrine from two sources( that they know of) maybe you also have other sources they do not know of .

    They may have just ran a random check of ephedrine buys and spotted your purchase, also if you have bought steroids through the mail, they may have spotted your purchase, done a back ground check on you, and decided to use the ephedrine story to get a peak at your house( I dont think so)

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt77 View Post
    I think the ephedrine law allows up to 12g/month without violating the statue(I think). I buy a 60 count box of bronkaid at CVS every month without issue. I would prepare for another visit.

    Another thought, they might not have been who they said they were. Thats even more scary since your wife let them in.
    this guy could be right. and if my tax dollars are being wasted on sh-- like this they need to start cutting back on DEA jobs. (sounds like they don't have a damn thing to do)

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaGenetics View Post
    You got problems bro. Clean up everyting ASAP.

    Although it is, in my opinion, pointless of the DEA, despite being a waste of tax dollars, (assuming you aren't cooking meth ) you need to relocate your AAS to be safe. I find it very hard to believe that the DEA would just 'leave' and 'apologize' for that matter. Nevertheless bro, good luck and just relocate your gear and keep a lawyer on call. Also, keep us posted if they do return.

  20. #20
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    ^^^Thats what I'm saying. I've known people that do this work my entire life, and they don't just show up at your house because you bought 90 pills of ephedrine at a store 8 months ago. Someone said something to them, or they saw you at a place they were watching, or some other reason.

    You need to be extremely careful from here on out.

  21. #21
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    I agree with the fact that this all sound weird, but if it is as you say it is.... get the gear out of the house and if they come back just be honest with them.... lawyering up is the worst thing you can do. Only way you lawyer up is if they arrest you. If they come to your house just talk to them and be honest. If you lawyer up when they just want to talk they will toss your whole life and if they find anything they will make the next couple years hell for you..... and forget about ever having gear around you at that point.

    Some one who has soooo many fed agents in his family should no better than to tell you to lawyer up over such a minor thing. That was just terrible advice.

  22. #22
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    Its was actually Bert that showed up... he is acting as DEA to confiscate as much gear as he can for future cycles....

    but seriously, dont keep anything around the house for a long while and get things shipped to a PO box.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    I agree with the fact that this all sound weird, but if it is as you say it is.... get the gear out of the house and if they come back just be honest with them.... lawyering up is the worst thing you can do. Only way you lawyer up is if they arrest you. If they come to your house just talk to them and be honest. If you lawyer up when they just want to talk they will toss your whole life and if they find anything they will make the next couple years hell for you..... and forget about ever having gear around you at that point.

    Some one who has soooo many fed agents in his family should no better than to tell you to lawyer up over such a minor thing. That was just terrible advice.
    Disagree !

    dude I get my lawyer when I get a speeding ticket. And nobody said if the DEA agents do come around to introduce your lawyer to them. its a good thing to speak to one to get an idea of what the hell is going on.
    Last edited by CMB; 07-16-2010 at 10:46 AM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    I agree with the fact that this all sound weird, but if it is as you say it is.... get the gear out of the house and if they come back just be honest with them.... lawyering up is the worst thing you can do. Only way you lawyer up is if they arrest you. If they come to your house just talk to them and be honest. If you lawyer up when they just want to talk they will toss your whole life and if they find anything they will make the next couple years hell for you..... and forget about ever having gear around you at that point.

    Some one who has soooo many fed agents in his family should no better than to tell you to lawyer up over such a minor thing. That was just terrible advice.
    You don't just admit to felonies, dude. You think they are gonna say "Oh ok, it's cool, don't worry about it!"????

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMB View Post
    Disagree !

    dude I get a lawyer when I get a speeding ticket. And nobody said "talk to my lawyer here" but its a good thing to speak to one to get an idea of what the hell is going on.
    Well.... your lawyer loves you. Lawyers always love guys that pay them money for stupid little things.... you must be rich to always be running to your lawyer.... I envy you

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    You don't just admit to felonies, dude. You think they are gonna say "Oh ok, it's cool, don't worry about it!"????
    Ok... I gave my opinion now I am out of this thread... Too many real life lawyers and ex cons in here with too much experience with the law. I am clearly out of my league.

    Good luck to all

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Ok... I gave my opinion now I am out of this thread... Too many real life lawyers and ex cons in here with too much experience with the law. I am clearly out of my league.

    Good luck to all
    I'm actually not an ex-con...because I kept my mouth shut, on the advice of my father. Had I just "told the truth", as you recommended, I would have spent many years in prison, and would indeed be an ex-con at this point.

    You never tell any law enforcement agents anything. They are asking questions because they don't know, and are looking for you to give them actionable evidence.

    Telling the truth is the last thing you do when in trouble with the police. You don't lie, you just don't say anything. You are under no obligation to do so. It is their job to gather the evidence and present it to be used in your prosecution. Why make it easier for them?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    I'm actually not an ex-con...because I kept my mouth shut, on the advice of my father. Had I just "told the truth", as you recommended, I would have spent many years in prison, and would indeed be an ex-con at this point.

    You never tell any law enforcement agents anything. They are asking questions because they don't know, and are looking for you to give them actionable evidence.

    Telling the truth is the last thing you do when in trouble with the police. You don't lie, you just don't say anything. You are under no obligation to do so. It is their job to gather the evidence and present it to be used in your prosecution. Why make it easier for them?
    Ok.... I couldn't resist, I had to come back to acknowledge this purely awesome display of legal know-it-all.

    When I say tell the truth... I mean be open with him not tell him your life story and everything you've done illegal in your life.


    Like I stated originally if you are placed under arrest, that is when you lawyer up and don't talk to the cops. If they just want to check something out and talk..... give them what they want and they won't arrest you..... sit there quiet and act guilty.... you get hauled in and your life gets all ****ed up.

    Go to Blockbuster and rent some more movies and pawn off the knowledge you gain from fiction as real life advice. You've stated your references as family being fed agents.

    I don't need to state my references.... I am what I am and I know what I know and you sir are 100% wrong.

    Good day.

  29. #29
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    This is basic street smarts.

  30. #30
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    Don't lawyer up, like Bertuzzi stated, if you do so the police will automatically assume that you have something to hide that is bad enough to get a lawyer and they will dig and dig and make your life hell. Of course never tell them you did anything illegal but as stated you are allowed a certain amount of ephedrine under the statue, so tell them you ordered it legally for legal use. Take your gear to a friends and if they show up and ask to search, check their badge, for an agent it is usually 2 cards stack on top of eachother in a flip open case, I know because my mother is a Deputy U.S Marshall. If you have nothing in the house let them check but follow them around to make sure they aren't taking shit. If you have nothing to worry about in the house don't be like "you got a warrant?" then shut the door because that will make them think your hiding something and they will get that warrant I guarantee it and it takes only an hour or less to get one if the judge isn't busy. Be polite and cooperative, they are only checking because meth is an epidemic and kids are dying in the streets off that garbage, people can say whatever they want about police but imagine what could happen to your family without them. There is reasons why cops are hard on people, because it saves innocent peoples lives. If they find something illegal and arrest you, then lawyer up.

  31. #31
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    give them what they want and they won't arrest you.
    I don't think they went to his house because they wanted get some frappucinos. Give them what they want and they won't arrest you? What is it that you think they are interested in? A good time?

    If they came to his house, asking him and what he's been doing, they are obviously interested in HIM and want HIM. They aren't morality police, they don't go around spreading cheers and good will. They have jobs to do and will do them.

    I speak on the base of experience from both sides, as I was in quite a bit trouble about 10 years ago, and faced a long time in prison. You don't just get all buddy buddy with your arresting officers and start chatting it up.

    They didn't go to his house because everything is fine...if everything was fine they wouldn't have been there in the first place.

    You can discount me all you want, but ask anyone who has ever been in trouble. Chatting up the police with anything other than bullshit small talk is a BAD idea.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lift-Eat-Repeat View Post
    Don't lawyer up, like Bertuzzi stated, if you do so the police will automatically assume that you have something to hide that is bad enough to get a lawyer and they will dig and dig and make your life hell. Of course never tell them you did anything illegal but as stated you are allowed a certain amount of ephedrine under the statue, so tell them you ordered it legally for legal use. Take your gear to a friends and if they show up and ask to search, check their badge, for an agent it is usually 2 cards stack on top of eachother in a flip open case, I know because my mother is a Deputy U.S Marshall. If you have nothing in the house let them check but follow them around to make sure they aren't taking shit. If you have nothing to worry about in the house don't be like "you got a warrant?" then shut the door because that will make them think your hiding something and they will get that warrant I guarantee it and it takes only an hour or less to get one if the judge isn't busy. Be polite and cooperative, they are only checking because meth is an epidemic and kids are dying in the streets off that garbage, people can say whatever they want about police but imagine what could happen to your family without them. There is reasons why cops are hard on people, because it saves innocent peoples lives. If they find something illegal and arrest you, then lawyer up.

    Thank you.... Word for word, I could not have said it better myself.

  33. #33
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    I need to figure out where this dude lives, get a fake DEA badge, find out when his wife will be home and him out, and go in there and convince her to give me all his gear and all will be cool....

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Thank you.... Word for word, I could not have said it better myself.
    Np bro, I knew exactly what you were trying to tell him but people either misunderstand or accuse you of not knowing anything because they don't actually think about what your saying.

  35. #35
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    I have some experience with the FBI.

    I'll tell you what happened.

    I was involved in a case where I was being charged with 5 felonies because I opened my mouth one evening.

    11pm Wednesday night, knock knock knock! Two Feds wanted to come inside, I tell them it's best if we chat on the porch.

    They pull out their laptop and start playing recordings of my phone conversations.

    I started answering questions, telling them things I shouldn't have about myself because I was scared shitless.

    Turns out, I should have said, I apologize for not being able to comply with you at this point in time, I'd like to call my lawyer before I answer any of your questions.

    Would have saved me 5 years.

    Don't listen to any these douches who are telling you to ignore your rights. Be polite and honest, to an extent. If they ask if you've been cooking meth then obviously say no, and then don't be afraid to throw some questions back their way!

    If they do come back... good luck and keep us posted.

    Oh, and GET A DAMN LAWYER! At least hire a public defender. You won't regret it. Oh, and make sure it's a federal one.

  36. #36
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    This ain't the regular POPO. These are DEA agents, yeah I'd get a lawyer regardless if he was being accused of stepping on some ants!

    Tell your wife not to say a damn word.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    I have some experience with the FBI.

    I'll tell you what happened.

    I was involved in a case where I was being charged with 5 felonies because I opened my mouth one evening.

    11pm Wednesday night, knock knock knock! Two Feds wanted to come inside, I tell them it's best if we chat on the porch.

    They pull out their laptop and start playing recordings of my phone conversations.

    I started answering questions, telling them things I shouldn't have about myself because I was scared shitless.

    Turns out, I should have said, I apologize for not being able to comply with you at this point in time, I'd like to call my lawyer before I answer any of your questions.

    Would have saved me 5 years.

    Don't listen to any these douches who are telling you to ignore your rights. Be polite and honest, to an extent. If they ask if you've been cooking meth then obviously say no, and then don't be afraid to throw some questions back their way!

    If they do come back... good luck and keep us posted.

    Oh, and GET A DAMN LAWYER! At least hire a public defender. You won't regret it. Oh, and make sure it's a federal one.
    Nice story.....

    If this really happened then yes.... you are an idiot for talking to the police if they have recorded phone conversation of you.... obviously they are investigating you quite extensively. You are comparing apples to oranges here.... I might as well tell a story about how some guy Shot 13 people in broad day light and the cops came with a video tapew with him doing it and he starting flapping his gums..... wow....

    How do you even see any sort of connection between these 2 situations....

    Go to bed

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    Nice story.....

    If this really happened then yes.... you are an idiot for talking to the police if they have recorded phone conversation of you.... obviously they are investigating you quite extensively. You are comparing apples to oranges here.... I might as well tell a story about how some guy Shot 13 people in broad day light and the cops came with a video tapew with him doing it and he starting flapping his gums..... wow....

    How do you even see any sort of connection between these 2 situations....

    Go to bed
    Point is clear. Don't talk to the police regardless of the circumstance. I've done my time for my mistakes, I don't want to see anyone make the same ones I did.

    Obviously they have some records on this guy if he's being investigated, so don't spill anything, on accident or otherwise.

    Bert you're point is good about not acting "suspicious" but it's totally this guys right to lawyer up if he feels. I wish I had at first.

  39. #39
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    Wow, Bert is on fire!!!

    OP - i'm sorry you have to go through this. I'm taking the middle ground on this one. Getting the gear out of the house is a no brainer. I wouldn't talk to a lawyer at this point, and hope this just blows over. However, chances are that won't be the case. If you get another visit, be polite, make small talk - and if you're getting pressed for info that you KNOW you shouldn't be answering, that's when you politely tell them you'll need to speak with your lawyer to take this any further.

    At the end of the day, what do you really have to hide? Get the gear out and there's nothing to worry about, right? But, I understand not wanting to live with that constant paranoia... good luck bro and keep us posted!

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    Wow, Bert is on fire!!!

    OP - i'm sorry you have to go through this. I'm taking the middle ground on this one. Getting the gear out of the house is a no brainer. I wouldn't talk to a lawyer at this point, and hope this just blows over. However, chances are that won't be the case. If you get another visit, be polite, make small talk - and if you're getting pressed for info that you KNOW you shouldn't be answering, that's when you politely tell them you'll need to speak with your lawyer to take this any further.

    At the end of the day, what do you really have to hide? Get the gear out and there's nothing to worry about, right? But, I understand not wanting to live with that constant paranoia... good luck bro and keep us posted!

    You have no idea the fire I am on <---- yes that males sense

    I can tell you read between the lines as to what I was saying.... Thank you

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