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This is an interesting case.....
Not as rare as you might think, afterall gyno is essentially the result of how well the body deals with disruption of the delicate Test:Estro ratio, and just like the drastic changes undergone during cycle initiation and endo/puititary shut down, pct presents a similar gross change (extinction of aas/commencement of test production).
Theres a couple things to consider. Nolva is better at restoring HPTA than clomid but it also CAN reduce or get rid of gyno. Nolva by itself has worked wonders for me in regards to reducing gyno.
I would probably keep the nolva in there and run a dosage of about 40mg's/day and see how that does. You could also run Adex with it.....
I'm not sure i'd run straight into the letro reversal. While I think it can be successful - I think nolva works better for getting rid of gyno. Most of my results durring my "Letro reversal" came when I started the nolva after LOL